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Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?

So what your saying is that the actions of a previous administration have an affect on current and future administrations. Guess that means you agree me on the point about the Bush administrations focus on Iraq and neglect of Afghanistan. Giving the Taliban the breathing room to reconstitute itself and therefore giving us the problems we have now ober there.

Bush and Obama are one and the same. Empire building interventionists. A "premptive strike" used to be known as aggression. They were the wars of Hitler and hs type, not that of a Liberty loving nation.Now they are our wars.

Supporters of all government edicts use humanitarian arguments to justify them.

Humanitarian arguments are always used to justify government mandates related to the economy, monetary policy, foreign policy, and personal liberty. This is on purpose to make it more difficult to challenge. But, initiating violence for humanitarian reasons is still violence. Good intentions are no excuse and are just as harmful as when people use force with bad intentions. The results are always negative.
The immoral use of force is the source of man’s political problems. Sadly, many religious groups, secular organizations, and psychopathic authoritarians endorse government initiated force to change the world. Even when the desired goals are well-intentioned—or especially when well-intentioned—the results are dismal. The good results sought never materialize. The new problems created require even more government force as a solution. The net result is institutionalizing government initiated violence and morally justifying it on humanitarian grounds.

This is the same fundamental reason our government uses force for invading other countries at will, central economic planning at home, and the regulation of personal liberty and habits of our citizens.
NO NO NO.... 777 you know better than that. The bad stuff is all Obamasa fault or Clintons fault. The good stuff is all due to the Republicans. Get with it man.
I bet Kelly Ayotte is kicking herself for making her first big public stand one with McCain and Graham on the Benghazi issue.

I bet Kelly Ayotte is kicking herself for making her first big public stand one with McCain and Graham on the Benghazi issue.


Double Oops..........

This has been Obama's hands on style of governance since the begining.
So it is all a big lie.

Panetta: Obama Absent Night of Benghazi

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testified this morning on Capitol Hill that President Barack Obama was absent the night four Americans were murdered in Benghazi on September 11, 2012:

Panetta said that, save their 5 o'clock prescheduled meeting with the president the day of September 11, Obama did not call or communicate in anyway with the defense secretary that day. There were no calls about what was going on in Benghazi. He never called to check-in.
So what your saying is that the actions of a previous administration have an affect on current and future administrations. Guess that means you agree me on the point about the Bush administrations focus on Iraq and neglect of Afghanistan. Giving the Taliban the breathing room to reconstitute itself and therefore giving us the problems we have now ober there.

That's not what I'm saying and no I don't agree.
We wouldn't be having these problems if Obama would pack it in....but tell me why has he decided (not Bush) to stay for the long haul? Hmm?
That's not what I'm saying and no I don't agree.
We wouldn't be having these problems if Obama would pack it in....but tell me why has he decided (not Bush) to stay for the long haul? Hmm?

So you live in some paralell universe where past events have no affect on what's happening today?
So you live in some paralell universe where past events have no affect on what's happening today?

Obama's choice to stay kind of takes the wind out of your blame Bush shoulda, coulda, woulda narrative don't you think?

Bush overlooked something our leader didn't miss?
So what your saying is that the actions of a previous administration have an affect on current and future administrations. Guess that means you agree me on the point about the Bush administrations focus on Iraq and neglect of Afghanistan. Giving the Taliban the breathing room to reconstitute itself and therefore giving us the problems we have now ober there.

Yes, and I pity the poor bastard who inherits the current mess, from the current administration!
Obama's choice to stay kind of takes the wind out of your blame Bush shoulda, coulda, woulda narrative don't you think?

Bush overlooked something our leader didn't miss?

So your saying Afghanistan was a mistake and Iraq a good one? Becasue that's what it sounds like to me.
So your saying Afghanistan was a mistake and Iraq a good one? Becasue that's what it sounds like to me.

Didn't say either.
No what I said was what is it that Obama wants to stay yet you fault Bush for lightening up In Afgi?
What is there worth losing more American lives?
I love how these narrow minded, short sighted pin heads think that pulling out of Afghanistan or Iraq would just make everything better. The US went in there and destabilized to countries. Contrary to what the right would like you to believe there are actually innocent civilians who live in these countries. Pulling out of Iraq or Afghanistan at this point is just lighting a fuse on a powder keg. I suspect the right knows this and would love for that to happen to Obama. Thankfully he is not that stupid.

The US and England went in and broke them (Iraq and Afghanistan) so now we have to stay and try to fix it (as unlikely as that is) because other wise even more civilian deaths will be on our hands. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Obama gets to enjoy all the blame because he was set up with a problem that has no solution.
Pulling out of Iraq or Afghanistan at this point is just lighting a fuse on a powder keg.

US pulled out of Iraq 18 December 2011.

So that makes Obama only half stupid.
Didn't say either.
No what I said was what is it that Obama wants to stay yet you fault Bush for lightening up In Afgi?
What is there worth losing more American lives?

Sounds like that is what you are saying. You've repeatedly dodged the issue of Iraq so that's the only conclusion I can come to.

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