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Let Me Get This Straight.

You guys crack me up,

Talk about Euphorians, some of you JB employees take the cake. I guess when I see all the John Kerry banners it becomes self explanatory. Just bury your head in the sand, and nothing bad will happen. Things will get more complicated for JB as time goes on, not less. As soon as the company needs to do a little belt tightening due to management miscalculations, and looks to the employees for bailout - it will be interesting to see the employees reactions.
I have several questions:

1)-Why do so many of you feel that you know what's better for JB's employees?
1a)Do you believe that they are not bright enough to figure out what is best for them?
2) Can someone explain to me how the unions at US and UA are helping out their members?
3) If your employer is screwing you, why do you spend soo much time criticizing JB employees for your employers' problems?

I am just a curious traveler, answers are eagerly awaited.
You probably LOVE WalMart, too. Anything to save a buck, no matter what it costs anyone else.

When a company bases its profit making ability on low labor costs (thus lowering the standard of living for everyone in the industy) it erodes the purchasing power of an entire segment of the population.

Eventually, the Waltons of the world get rich while their employees get shafted.

Don't believe it, ask that $75 an hour jetBlue EMB-scale Captain when you save a couple bucks and climb aboard his Jungle Jet.
Actually I rarely shop at Walmart and just for your own info I am gold status on both AA and DL. I have only flown JB twice and still a big fan of any company that can bring a freshness to an otherwise stale industry.

Why can't you answer any of my questions??
RDUSWF - Agreed!!! I think it is the people of Jet Blue that really make it what it is today. Lots of bitter people out there and I am sure that the Jet Blue screening process would weed them out well before any interviews took place. If people think their company is "screwing" them, then they should get out.

Jet Blue is a breath of fresh air. I am a Platinum - America West Airlines flyer and cannot wait until the Blue arrives in Phoenix next month.

And by the way - "Hope is NOT on the way". W stands for America!
Thanks AA191,
I too am hoping that JB comes to RDU sometime in '05. Since JI went to that great airline graveyard in the sky the service that is provided here (save Independence Air and to some degree AirTran) has been nothing more then ordinary (southwest included). I don't expect a whole lot from an airline except to be treated equally and with dignity.

I do not wish any airline employee ill will, I just wished that they would become more accountable. I cannot understand why so many people (from the legacy carriers) blame others (the LCCs) for their own situation. If more people looked in the mirror and demanded more (not money) from their employer's mgmt then we might not have as many problems in this industry as we have today.
And by the way - "Hope is NOT on the way". W stands for America!

Maybe for you, but my hope for this country vanished November 2, 2004
W stands for warmonging. 🙁
All this union talk is just that - talk.

IMO, unions are not the answer to the problems the airline employees face today. It is incompetent management that guarantees salaries, pensions, and golden parachutes for the higher ups and cuts the throats of the grunts (myself included) doing all the work and covering up the management screwups. If the unions were the answer, the airline business (as one of the most heavily unionized labor groups) wouldn't be in the shambles it is today.

If you want to fix this business, look to the government to stabilize fuel prices, truly deregulate the industry, and take over the cost of security for the nations airports.

The other big problem with the unions, especially ALPA, is that it isn't a union. It is a bunch of separate entities acting like a union by all acting in the best interests of their particular group and not the profession as a whole. In fact, the management ar ALPA is beginning to look more and more like airline management all the time.

At JetBlue, the hourly pay is only part of the equation. There are stock purchase plans, matching retirement plans, and profit sharing. Many JetBlue pilots make more than their "union" brothers at other carriers. It is also about being part of a team and working with each other to a common goal. That isn't the case at most other airlines.

My .02
