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Jumpset Hospitality

Let's see. Someone got off the UAL "TITANIC" and got on board the JET BLUE "QUEEN MARY 2" and people are crying about it? Sounds like she pulled the ejection handle just in time to me. What a bunch of LOSERS crying because someone got the jump on them! Who is the dumbass here? The people who stayed on the TITANIC or the people who got on the QUEEN MARY 2?

Did you read her unabomber manifesto when she left? She posted a letter on the Boyles that ranted about her being bumped and her quality of life being changed and that she was going to have to fly the 777 and some other nonsense.

In the meantime UAL had given her tons of time off for the Olympics. Had supported her and accomodated her training for a sled ride and various other benes that I never saw anyone else get.

From a few friends at JBLU she has not made herself really welcome with the rest of the pilot group over there. A fellow commuter who is furloughed from UA and working for JBLU says her reputation is being formed by her personality.

By the way, didn't her sled team bail on her because of her attitude at the last Olympics and leave her without a ride?

She could have walked away from UA and I would not have problem with her. It is the way she left, ranting about her inconveniences that sounded like a spoiled child. We had over 2000 pilots get the axe and take 100% paycuts. Being bumped to the 777 to fly Int't out of SFO does not sound like a huge deal to me. Heck, we all have ridden the elevator down in relative seniority since 9/11 and the outcome of our future is anything but certain. I will make one promise, if I leave on my own terms I could only say good things about the flying I have done at UAL. In over 10 years I have seen the world and flown great equipment with some very nice people. This job or any airline job is what you make of it. In the sled drivers world she felt the bill from UAL was not paid when in fact she was in the black big time.
magsau said:
Did you read her unabomber manifesto when she left? She posted a letter on the Boyles that ranted about her being bumped and her quality of life being changed and that she was going to have to fly the 777 and some other nonsense.

Don't tell a certain U pilot that she quit because she was going to "have to" fly the 777! He'll have a stroke. The 777 = nirvana. :lol:
luvthe9 said:
Who do you think put you in Chap 11, Who's driving our salaries down, I to have a hard time giving a ride to SWA , Airtran and Jet blue, when they want you and me on the street.

Give me a break. The cost of oil is doing more to keep you
in Chapter 11 than what SWA is or isn't doing. Denying the
jumpseat is accomplishing what exactly?
Denying you the seat just serves someones personal vendetta.

Pilots - The engines stop whining when you turn them off but the pilots just keep going.
737nCH11 said:
This is truly pathetic. Do we have a list of the guys that are denying jumpseats?

You should make a list like the EAL scab list. :shock:
boeing787 said:
Jetblue sucks. Back in the days when real pilots were hired you guys had to go to the 2nd tier airlines. I don't want to hear one thing from you guys. No comebacks nothing got it...nothing. The legacies built the system today not your little puke airline with no frills. Start paying for your airbus' and we'll see who is in the hurt locker.

Ignorance will get you nowhere!
jB-Rocks said:
Ignorance will get you nowhere!

jB-Rocks, don't waste your time. boeing787 obviously has a one-way, non-refundable ticket to Retardville.
EyeInTheSky said:
jB-Rocks, don't waste your time. boeing787 obviously has a one-way, non-refundable ticket to Retardville.

Well that's because it's an 8 hour flight, and JB-rots thinks it's a single day roundtrip.... :down:
Busdrvr said:
Well that's because it's an 8 hour flight, and JB-rots thinks it's a single day roundtrip.... :down:

I knew United was the only airline that flew to Retardville! Congrats! You have a monopoly, which, I know you'll be able to keep all for yourselves. 😛
EyeInTheSky said:
I knew United was the only airline that flew to Retardville! Congrats! You have a monopoly, which, I know you'll be able to keep all for yourselves. 😛

Not true, lots of folks serve your hometown, it's just JB Rocks does it round trip in a 28 hour duty day
Busdrvr said:
Not true, lots of folks serve your hometown, it's just JB Rocks does it round trip in a 28 hour duty day

Maybe you can talk to JB Rocks about how his airline makes money and neither of the ones we work for don't. It's a simple matter of math: he with the most money gets to fly another day. Apparently your comrads in Retardville refuse to understand this little detail.
Boys Boys Boys, you have either forgotten history or are 2 junior to realize it.
You are denying the WRONG pilots. You should be going after the one true low fare airline and that is the one born on a cocktail napkin.
SOUTHWEST is the one that STARTED the eventual decline in your livelyhood.
So start there if ya have any nads.
back to my wild turkey!!!!!!!!!!