Leaders of UAL pilots' union call for strike vote

As you probably know, this is merely a step in the process designed as much for leverage as anything else at this point. No legal strike can occur until the NMB releases both sides and the 30 day cooling off clock runs out. Assuming a high percentage of pilots vote for a strike (90% or more) it sends a message to management and nothing else at this point.

If the NMB releases the parties and if the cooling off period expires, this allows the MEC to call a strike without having to have a vote. But that could be months, if not years, away from happening.

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As you probably know, this is merely a step in the process designed as much for leverage as anything else at this point. No legal strike can occur until the NMB releases both sides and the 30 day cooling off clock runs out. Assuming a high percentage of pilots vote for a strike (90% or more) it sends a message to management and nothing else at this point.

If the NMB releases the parties and if the cooling off period expires, this allows the MEC to call a strike without having to have a vote. But that could be months, if not years, away from happening.

Thanks Jim, I think I understand the process... :rolleyes:
Just wondering, do the UAL Pilots still carry a scab list or has that expired?
B) xUT
In theory, a scab list doesn't expire although time effectively removes people from it via retirement, death, health issues, whatever - their name is still there but it doesn't really matter. As for whether the UA pilots all carry one with them, I have no idea. To tell the truth I'm not sure that there's ever been an official scab list - just lists that got put together and claimed to be accurate. I understand that there are several floating around the internet.

Thanks Jim, I think I understand the process... :rolleyes:
Just wondering, do the UAL Pilots still carry a scab list or has that expired?
B) xUT
I still have the Eastern scab list, NWA scab list, and CAL scab list.

The NWA is the best because it has photos. The Texas sex offender registry has almost as much appeal as that one.
I still have the Eastern scab list, NWA scab list, and CAL scab list.

The NWA is the best because it has photos. The Texas sex offender registry has almost as much appeal as that one.

I would guess that your NWA scab list is the 2005 mechanics list..The NWA pilots when they struck in 1998 no aircraft flew therefore no scabs.
So what was the percentage of those that voted or was it just the MEC, LEC that voted?
94% participation. 99% voted yes.

Interesting observation: Someone else did the exact math, but basically there are those on certain leaves who can't vote even though they are eligible. So that accounts for part of the 6% who did not participate. But when you take 1% of the 6% the number came out around 110 or so. Some of those would obviously be management pilots. But considering the fact that there are far more than 100 scabs on the property, especially on the CAL side, that means that even a majority of the scabs voted to strike.

Like Art at ISP said, it leaves little room for interpretation.

Also, keep in mind that the pilots do not WANT a strike. We want a contract. If it takes a strike to get it, so be it. But that is up to management. We are in the end game. There are very few open items left to discuss. It's up to management to get the ball into the end zone from here.