Labor Unrest?

Well its the size of the ROI thats really matters isnt it? When airline workers in NY or CA cite the fact that comparable workers in other industries make far more than they do the bosses dont want to hear it. But then they will cite what other CEOs make in a vain attempt to justify their REDUCULOUS compensation, what hypocrites!

Deathbed-obviously they were faking.These economic miracles we see over and over again in this industry, where the industry is going out of business one year and flush with billions the next could only mean one thing, we have been had. Their miracles are about as valid as these miracles you see of TV where the guy with the mike smacks some wheelchair bound person on the head and all of a sudden the person can walk again.Thes people were stuck in a chair for years and all of a sudden they can jump up and dance across the stage, in the meantime you and I can hardly walk after a night of sleeping.

Where do you get this BS about runaway salaries? So if a salary stays flat in real terms you consider it runaway? The fact is that the so called gains made by airline workes in the early part of this decade at best restored wage levels to their historical buying power, executives (and sports stars and celebrities)on the other hand are the only people who have seen real "runaway salaries" in the last three decades. They cant produce a justifiable reason for that. To justify UAL execs runaway compensation packages because other industries may be doing the same thing does not justify the erosion of real wages paid to the folks who actually produce.The pilots would be completely justified in seeking full restoration, and shutting down UAL if they dont get it.

The sooner the pilots strike the better.The sooner we all shut this industry down for real the better.

Disruption to economic activity is the only means through which working people can gain back what was lost. Thats how we got it in the first place. Anyone who thinks that by rolling over to the company that they are acting in a partnership with these people are fools. Its like the victims of the holocaust cooperating with the Nazis.Our careers and standard of living are being destroyed, the executives have made it clear that they intend on making us poorer so they can become even richer, their actions prove that, despite the lies that come out of their mouths, if we dont fight back we will defineatly lose, if we fight back we might lose, but we also might win. Even if we lose we can take some satifaction in that they did not get their victory for free.

I agree with everything you said with the exception of:

The sooner the pilots strike the better.The sooner we all shut this industry down for real the better.

Using the familiar of ‘we’ and pilots in the same statement is a misnomer. There is no 'we' in pIlot.

Ohhhhhhhh how things have really come full circle for UA. It was only a little over six years ago that UA Senior Mgmt became so consumed with a merger that they took their eye off their priorities, with the end result being the Summer from Hell. Fast foward to now where you have the pilots beating their drums on starting talks on a new labor agreement with much-expected pay increases, while UA Mgmt appears to be in heated merger discussions with CO behind closed doors, while publicly pronouncing to anyone with ears their need to merge with SOMEONE.

Amazing. Let's hope they've learned the painful lessons of the past. I'm not holding my breath.
Lets hope this doesn't go through for the sake of the CO folks. Pay is fairly descent, moral is good, management knows how to treat the employees and they still have their pensions. The management at UA has suceeded in driving the moral right down the tubes. Good luck to both airlines.
Lets hope this doesn't go through for the sake of the CO folks. Pay is fairly descent, moral is good, management knows how to treat the employees and they still have their pensions. The management at UA has suceeded in driving the moral right down the tubes. Good luck to both airlines.

Lets hope it does go through for the sake of the UAL people.

UAL has all the parts, they just need a management team like CALs to bring it all together.