LCC Proposes $8B merger with Delta

I'm certain Mr. Micolau is completely familiar with current ALPA Merger Policy. You should review, for your own enlightment, Mr. Nicolau's decisions in FTL/FedEX, CO/Frontier, USAir/Trump Shuttle and see that no one gets what they want, sometimes not even close.

One merger at a time please. Let's get this one done and see where we go next.

How come you won't answer my question Aqua?
Check out the DL FA uniform.

Definitely not cacky.

STOP! I havent stop reeling from todays announcements and CANNOT even begin to think about another merger! I didnt see it coming and I dont think anyone at Delta is ready to believe this will happen. Doug would never have made it so public if he didnt think it was going to happen. Every major news channel has covered the basics and not only was it presented to employees and union leaders but was on the front page of the US website. Im still shellshocked. We are going to be called Delta, can you believe it? I will not even hazzard to guess what motivates Doug or anticipate his next move. As many problems as we have(and God knows we can all list them) you have to admire his audacity(cujones?) when dealing with Deltas management. I feel like we are watching a Dallas rerun. Bobby Ewing aka Doug Parker. Maybe its J.R. Ewing aka Doug Parker? Time will tell but we are going to be the "new" Delta. Anyone hear from Delta friends/employees? Not too much on their board. More US employees looking for info than Delta employees. Question, I havent seen asked how does this affect WN and their market share? Can US(I mean, the new Delta) put the screws to WN? I know theres alot to accomplish but I would like to see WN sweat a little. No offense to WN employees but it sure would be nice to be ble to underprice and undercut them for a change. This post has kinda been all over the place so forgive me but I just needed to put some thoughts down so I can gear up for the next 2 years or so. Mama
Delta Employees:

"It can't happen to us, we're Delta Airlines!"

I guess their business plan that was predicated on USAirways going CH7 is going to bite them right on their widgets now.
Not too much on their board. More US employees looking for info than Delta employees.

The Delta employees are still looking for their jaws that dropped to the floor some 12 hours ago! :lol: :lol:

Look whose stock benefited the most :rolleyes: .

Acquiring companies usually watch their stock tank. WALL STREET has seen the financial success of LCC and has given a vote of confidence to DP and his plan. ;)
Look whose stock benefited the most :rolleyes: .
Isn't it quite obvious that Douggie is only interested in inflating the stock price of U?

This is likely a move by DP to get the other carriers out of neutral and start the dominoes of consolidation. No one has been interested in buying U, so he's going to attempt to start the consolidation craze. Never mind that Delta is not interested. Never mind that United wants to go private. Never mind that no other carrier is just not interested in engaging in the game that DP has found himself in.

He never was interested in running an airline. One drive through PHL at rush hour would show anyone. The rampers (at least those that can move freely without their leg-irons) cannot do their jobs without properly working equipment. They still take the ignition wires off of tugs to keep them from being stolen.

And Douggie never has done a damn thing to address these and other big problems at PHL.

Why do you think he's not interested in negotiations with ALPA?

It's much easier to try to inflate the stock price and sell.

No matter how far you have to go to do it.

Playbook by Wolf.
no one gets what they want, sometimes not even close.

Agree completely. That's why having an all-or-nothing argument such as DOH is likely to fail. Something is going to have to give and I suspect it will be those unfortunate souls on furlough, long ago discarded by the East pilot group, who get thrown under the bus - again. And that's 40% of the list. Ouch. But the top part of the list will probably get DOH which means there will be at least a few pilots benefiting from the DOH argument.
Check out the DL FA uniform.

Definitely not cacky.

Hate to tell you, but those are the old uniforms which were phased out over 6 months ago. The best way to decribe the new ones are they are classy.


Even the senior mamas look good in them

I do believe that your photo may be of "queen of sky" who was fired for taking and publishing pictures in her uniform that were "suggestive" according to DL.

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