USA320Pilot said:
Southwest is going to kill the Philadelphia revenue environment. Kelleher does want your job at Southest for entry level part-time pay and benefits.
By the way, does anybody believe that Kelleher personally or Southwest in particular, wants US Airways employees to suffer? I don't believe this at all. I think Seigel is doing two things.
1. He is creating a common enemy in order to do something to "rally the troops." (Which is actually a hint of leadership, although too little too late)
2. He is creating a scapegoat for the event that Fragmentation or Liquidation occurs. He is diverting attention from the fact that US Airways has been mis-managed by his predicessors and him, and placing the blame on Southwest.
The reality is that Southwest has once again identified a great market opportunity left wide-open by US Airways. Southwest recognized this in the past when US Airways mis-managed its PSA acquisition and its BWI hub. JetBlue has identified a great opportunity to take passengers from US Airways' LGA hub.
Southwest has a growth plan. They could have gone to RIC or COS or probably any number of places. However, they saw the most potential for a profitable new market at PHL. Who could blame them for going after the most profitable next opportunity?
Why is it that all of a sudden, Southwest is trying to kill US Airways now, years after Southwest entered BWI, PVD, MHT, BDL, ALB, BUF, CMH, CLE, RDU, MCO, TPA, FLL... All former US Airways strong holds. The reality is that Southwest beleives they can produce a superior short-haul flying product for less than US Airways can. Therefore, they can be profitable in markets where US Airways cannot. These are profitable opportunities for Southwest. This looks like a trend US Airways execs should have figured out years ago.