Larry Pike of 567 FIRED ?

Easy Don,
I'm sure we will get more of the facts from first hand witnesses, and why would Larry want to munipulate his membership, last time I checked AFW is closing? Most of his board members, except Matt Lorenzi, organized the demonstration. At break of course
Hey oldie, what happened? AFW finnaly find it's balls? -------- I guess late is better than never!!!
As soon as overspeed said ask Matt lorenzi he lost any respect for inside knowledge he may have dreamed he had. I have been in f terminal for the last year and a half and I can't think of one kool aid drinking fool he could be! Matt lorenzi could be the biggest self serving fool in the afw bubba club. It should be fun when he hits the floor in taesl when the baker letter for a away. No more local secretaries for mattty boy....
As soon as overspeed said ask Matt lorenzi he lost any respect for inside knowledge he may have dreamed he had. I have been in f terminal for the last year and a half and I can't think of one kool aid drinking fool he could be! Matt lorenzi could be the biggest self serving fool in the afw bubba club. It should be fun when he hits the floor in taesl when the baker letter for a away. No more local secretaries for mattty boy....
Does Al Madar work at AFW? No so that is most likely why Kevin Lyons was there in addition to the fact that an employee of his, Pike, stated in the news information about unsafe aircraft. AA has to follow up. No spin.

Am I not allowed to call, visit, or talk to people outside my station? Was there not a few hundred people whipped up in to a frenzy over Pike's claim of martyrdom? Again, no spin. The large crowd I am sure did not scare Lyons. I spoke to him several times when he was over in DFW and he does not seem like the type that would be intimidated. I am sure he let others know what was going on instead of reading it from

The company never asked him to bring counsel. Ask Lorenzi.

Yes I heard Lee said that, second hand however. So I guess in lawyer speak that is hearsay and inadmissible.

The JR mechanic and Apprentice Program have been around for decades. Calm down and breathe. Read the SWA agreement, there have been Apprentice Mechanics at SWA for years. CO, UA, DL, and AS all have utility mechanics, mechanic helpers, or technician helpers. TWU create a C scale, uh no, The other airlines have had it as well for a very, very long time. No spin.

And what about the D scale? That's in the scope clauses of the IBT, IAM, and AMFA agreements. The created it when they allowed tens of thousands of jobs to be outsourced to places that are part time, unlicensed, or places like China, Korea, Mexico, and El Salvador. But hey, at least you can say that AMFA never agreed to more in house jobs at a lower scale, but you don't tell the whole story do you. AMFA, IBT, and the IAM all gave that work away to non-union chop shops. Sweet!

Welcome to the no spin zone.
Just to be clear,
Here at SWA, our apprentices become full mechanics after 24 months.
How long do your apprentices or Jr mechanics stay in those positions before getting on your "A". Scale.

AMFA did not give up any of our work. All work that we allowed to go to EL Salavador was work that was already outsourced.
We have not lost any jobs due to outsourcing.
No jobs lost period.

We only get raises here.
Just to be clear,
Here at SWA, our apprentices become full mechanics after 24 months.
How long do your apprentices or Jr mechanics stay in those positions before getting on your "A". Scale.

AMFA did not give up any of our work. All work that we allowed to go to EL Salavador was work that was already outsourced.
We have not lost any jobs due to outsourcing.
No jobs lost period.

We only get raises here.
We don't have a junior mechanic program anymore. Was gone in 2001 agreement.

Jobs you don't bring in as your airline grows is giving up jobs. SWA used to have 4 AMTs per aircraft and now is down to 2.9. If you had at least maintained your HC per aircraft you would be at 2,500 AMTs. Instead the airline grew and your work force grew at a slower pace. So where did that work get done? Not by your in house work force because through slow employee growth you gave up jobs in exchange for your pay raises.
Tell the truth Bob, the only way you can get the Southwest and AS pay rates is to compare the whole contract if it were in place at AA. If that were the case there would be no engine shop (bye bye Pike), much fewer line stations (bye bye JR, Rojas, and Peterson), and only four docks of C Check overhaul (bye bye Dave Stewart).
To be clear again,
Here at SWA, we do have c check lines in HOU, PHX, DAL and with Airtran in Atlanta and MCO.
But we do have a mod line and three full structure overhaul lines in Dallas.
We also have an engine shop here.
Overspeed, again it seems you don't like the discussion about international reps and legal counsel to take place. Are you sure you don't have an affiliation that causes concern for you? And btw, the context of legal counsel here is in negotiations, not getting jobs back as a result of wrongful termination. Seems you are again trying to distract people from their real issues and concerns about the TWU.

Negative. My main concern is that many good AMTs would be used as gambling chips in order for a few to get a pay raise to $42. How many jobs is that worth to you? 2K, 4K, 6K jobs?

The context of legal counsel here is NOT negotiations. The thread is that Pike played the victim when there was no crime. Pike raised an allegation of knowledge of known safety violations, AA is compelled to investigate, Pike was told in advance what was happening, he spooled up the membership, brought in an attorney that was not needed, nothing happened, and then claimed a victory. There was no fight! He should be in the WWE as a wrestler.
To be clear again,
Here at SWA, we do have c check lines in HOU, PHX, DAL and with Airtran in Atlanta and MCO.
But we do have a mod line and three full structure overhaul lines in Dallas.
We also have an engine shop here.
And we have 25 plus docks in TUL and 4 in DWH, we overhaul and repair engines, and components for over 600 aircraft. Southwest overhauls how many engines? Are you suggesting that we give up on TUL and TAESL to be just like SWA? Is that AMFA's plan for top pay at AA? Rollover on TUL and TAESL by letting AA outsource all that work and the jobs with it? Sweet deal for those in TUL and TAESL.
We don't have a junior mechanic program anymore. Was gone in 2001 agreement.

Jobs you don't bring in as your airline grows is giving up jobs. SWA used to have 4 AMTs per aircraft and now is down to 2.9. If you had at least maintained your HC per aircraft you would be at 2,500 AMTs. Instead the airline grew and your work force grew at a slower pace. So where did that work get done? Not by your in house work force because through slow employee growth you gave up jobs in exchange for your pay raises.
Our compay Target had always been 2.75 mechanics pet aircraft. ALWAYS

During the time that we expanded our in house work and added a third heavy line in Dallas, we ballooned to almost 4 per aircraft but the target was the same.

As our fleet grew, the workforce stabilized and we are back to that ratio without layoffs and by still adding mechanics.

We have always run a tight ship from the very beginning and you try to twist our numbers to try to blame AMFA for the business model that SWA has always had.

We have never ever had a layoff and our paychecks always get fatter.

Can you say the same under your union?

And we have 25 plus docks in TUL and 4 in DWH, we overhaul and repair engines, and components for over 600 aircraft. Southwest overhauls how many engines? Are you suggesting that we give up on TUL and TAESL to be just like SWA? Is that AMFA's plan for top pay at AA? Rollover on TUL and TAESL by letting AA outsource all that work and the jobs with it? Sweet deal for those in TUL and TAESL.
I'm not suggesting you do anything.
Only correcting the mis-statements on here.

If you were AMFA, you could decide for yourselves what you will do.

Now you will just do what the TWU tells you will happen.

Not my problem.
Well if the "facts" come from a proven liar then they too are suspect. Most of what you have claimed to be facts have been proven to be anything but. Components of your statement may have some facts but when taken as a whole they are usually misleading.

Ok, so you say that you said you worked at D-terminal when you started posting, now what do you mean by that? When you started posting as overspeed in 2011? Or when you started posting perhaps back in 2001 under another alias?

Back to the real story? In other words "Dont pay any attention to that man behind the curtain, the mighty OS has spoken". Whenever you get caught to try and spin your way out, what next another rant about how "Owens and the vote NO coalition" are responsible or the terms you voted in place?

Any meeting with management can result in discipline. You are just so eager to support anything management says, yet you claim you are pro-union (business unionism that is), What in your opinion makes someone a "good Board member? Alligience to appointed officials who while they earn six figure salaries promote concessions?

Why would a board member from 567 share such details, if it actually happened, with some CC from DFW?

So you were there?

Hmm, didnt we give B-scale to AA and at the time claim that concession saved jobs while not cutting anyones pay? In fact wasnt the B-scale concession coupled with Station protection and the biggest wage increases they had ever seen up till that time? What makes B-scale worse than what we have now? I agree that Bscale was a bad idea but you seem to feel that it was only a bad idea for the pilots. I heard Koziatek bragg about B-scale as well, how it created jobs at AA and he said to me that if not for B-scale I probably would not have a job at AA. My response was perhaps he is right, I would have had a job at another carrier and we all would probably be making more if not for B-scale.
I love this theory that has been told time and again to us "B" scalers by the "A" scalers and international who threw us under the bus. The fact is that AA was loaded with WW2 vets and were faced with the coming retirement of these guys. They would have had to hire replacements but had an idea. Lets throw some money at the "A" scalers and offer them a lump sum retirement option and the pay back is we'll hire the guys we'll need anyway at half the pay. But this is how the TWU justified and still justifies this travesty. I was a student at Spartan School of Aeronautics in 81 and we had a tour of the Tulsa Maint. base. I can tell you we saw nobody that didn't have a head full of gray hair. The guy taking us around on the tour who had retired from there even commented that these guys were all going to be gone soon. So we still have revisionist history coming from our international. AA was the first to have B scale (and the TWU was PROUD of it) and they were the last to get rid of it. They have a proud history of throwing the membership under the bus. But what do you expect from a bus driver union?
Missed the point again Bob. Seham gets rich and doesn't help people. All the TWU attorneys have represented members many times and gotten their jobs back for far less money. Levine and Roth did a much better job than Seham, How did AMFA fair in BK? They lost all their jobs. Wow! Big win for the AMFA membership! Great advice. Did he waive his fee for that malpractice? $500K to take what? 12 cases a year forward? Wow! How much did he charge the Local to represent Pike? How much did Seham charge the two that got their jobs back?

I went to school to be a mechanic as well and you are getting paid like one. You would have been one of the highest paid but remember you recommended a no vote. Of course be like Fox News, Karl Rove, and Hermann Cain and blame the people who didn't see it your way but in the final analysis, you made a very bad recommendation. The "fight to the last man" mentality served the NWA guys well and you wanted a similar outcome here. Fortunately your hoped for pyrrhic victory never came to fruition at AA.

The fact remains, Seham did not better at the APA than did the TWU without the high lawyer fees. AMFA does get higher pay for AMTs, but only the lucky few that stay. Tell the truth Bob, the only way you can get the Southwest and AS pay rates is to compare the whole contract if it were in place at AA. If that were the case there would be no engine shop (bye bye Pike), much fewer line stations (bye bye JR, Rojas, and Peterson), and only four docks of C Check overhaul (bye bye Dave Stewart).

The rants of a desperate man.
A raccoon trapped in a corner with rabies comes to mind.
The creditability of your posts are reaching a new low. Better start learning to speak Chinese because you are so low you will be breaking ground in China before you know it.
Madar wanted to talk with Pike because of the comments Pike made to and in the media. Madar, besides being a Captain. holds the position of Managing Director for Safety in the SSE department. I doubt there were any HR people there (they would give advice on discipline issues). Kevin Lyons would have been an "expert" advisor for Madar. Pike bringing a lawyer to a non event again was not worth the expense, but a publicity stunt to cast himself in the victim role, one that he plays quite well.

Publicity stunt? Must have worked because we are all talking about it.
Evidently Larry Pike of local 567 was supposed to be fired today for comments made several weeks ago to a local news agency about the Timco seat fiasco. At 9 am this morning the entire day shift at AFW gathered outside the TAESL building near the main entrance. Approximately 3 to 4 hundred mechanics and related were awaiting the arrival Larry and his legal representation to show support, and to walk with him the quarter mile to the HR department on the third floor of the hanger. I have to admit, I have never seen unity like this from all the M@E work groups at AFW since I came the the base in 97. I don’t know the outcome of the meeting or who was the attorney, but from what I was told the company withdrew their termination. If anyone else has more info on this please post.

Speaks volumes when a TWU local pres. hires an AMFA attorney to help save him. Again, why wasn't the TWU's attorney's used? There is one person out here claiming this was all a pony show or what ever. Let say he is partially correct, that it was blown up bigger than it really was, well, still, why did the TWU pres. hire outside of the regular TWU attorneys?? I think you all know the answer to this. This man knew he was against the company as well as his own union EVEN if he did use the union's attorneys. And for the international to say they knew nothing about the sitsuation prior to the day of the gathering is bull cocky, they knew about it, trust me, they knew... They were just dodging the fact that a union pres went to AMFA's attorney's to keep his job and was once again successfull. This is a huge mark again in making AMFA look alot better than the TWU. If this was all fake or whatever, I would highly doubt the company going along with something being staged to make the company union look bad. Just doesn't make sence. The man wouldn't have wasted his money and Seham's time if he was not needed, plain and simple...
Speaks volumes when a TWU local pres. hires an AMFA attorney to help save him. Again, why wasn't the TWU's attorney's used? There is one person out here claiming this was all a pony show or what ever. Let say he is partially correct, that it was blown up bigger than it really was, well, still, why did the TWU pres. hire outside of the regular TWU attorneys?? I think you all know the answer to this. This man knew he was against the company as well as his own union EVEN if he did use the union's attorneys. And for the international to say they knew nothing about the sitsuation prior to the day of the gathering is bull cocky, they knew about it, trust me, they knew... They were just dodging the fact that a union pres went to AMFA's attorney's to keep his job and was once again successfull. This is a huge mark again in making AMFA look alot better than the TWU. If this was all fake or whatever, I would highly doubt the company going along with something being staged to make the company union look bad. Just doesn't make sence. The man wouldn't have wasted his money and Seham's time if he was not needed, plain and simple...

The next step will be for the TWU to remove Pike from Office, because he used AMFA's attorney.