A word about this thread and message to the Scope Clause bashers:
We voted not once but twice and were told to be by God thankful we even had the privilege to vote a second time to save ourselves. Vote to accept and keep you scope language we were told, do otherwise and surely the courts will strip you of the scope clause and you will lose your jobs. So it passed the second time because employees believed our new leader, gave him the benefit of the doubt, had faith in him. Now here we are today. Across the board the new contracts are being picked apart with make believe language to benefit the company and effectively taking additional concessions out of employees pockets with this make-believe language, concessions we obviously did not agree to. I could list them here, but as written elsewhere this is fact. Then we have words mentioned about outsourcing our work and reducing the fleet. So some of us stand up here and point out what is happening, which is: all we want is to have the contract we signed honored, honored like it was promised it would be. We are simply asking that promises and the contract signed be worth something, that all parties be held accountable. Also stated was if they are not then it is not only appropriate but necessary for every union member on the property to make a united stand against a leadership that has no honor, is not trustworthy and uses its employees trust and faith to turn around and exploit those virtues against them. This is what this thread was started for. It was not started for self ordained experts to explain to us all why a scope clause does not work in today’s world; this was not the intended purpose of this thread. It’s simply to hold U’s leadership accountable, which shouldn’t take an act of God or the anger of betrayed employees.