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Kiosk Ckin


Your fooling yourself......I stand behind my remarks, because unfortunately, I see people fumble with them about 8-12 hours a day.

Don't assume old is old and old is dumb. This is the internet.....Where we can be whatever we want to be.....Right Dave...I mean Portion deleted by moderator....

Teamwork at Crystal City..Destined for Failure.
taylor01 said:
Agents told make passenagers use
Kiosks machines to ckin or be fired!!!
..... and I read that Airbus has designed an aircraft available next year in which the passengers slip a quarter into a slot and fly the thing all by themselves. Siegel is so excited he can hardly contain himself!
The Kiosks are here to stay.Unfortunately the holds higher regard for these ATMs on steroids.In my city we have 4 kiosks. If they were there to use for people who knew how to use them. That would be fine.It is totally stupid to have an agent walk the passenger through the process.Why doesnt the company spend some money on a decent software that will talk the person through the process. I know one exists PNC Bank uses it. Since these things will finally replace us they should be more like us. I dont mind the kiosks (im the computer geek of my station). I just dont like the way passengers are corralled to use them. I can still checkin for passengers with 6 bags assigning and changing seats in less time then the kiosks.DAVE..........Your workers are what brings back the loyal passengers we have. We have nothing anymore that distingushes us from the other airlines. 😀 :lol: 🙄 🙂 OUR PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE
taylor01 said:
Agents told make passenagers use
Kiosks machines to ckin or be fired!!!
While working my ticket counter shift this morning, I must've steered at least
10 psgrs away from the kiosks. I come to work to keep busy, not just stand there!

What me run airline?
The one thing that I dispise about the kiosks is that they take away the human factor, and people would rather talk to an agent, rather than face a cold, inanimate object. Also the agents act as a first line of defense in the war againt OVERSIZE and OVERWEIGHT bags. The kiosks,(at least in our station) aren't tied into a scale
to make sure the bags aren't overweight. I have seen way to many bags come into our bagroom with previously traveled flight and the bagtags aren't removed.
:angry: 🙁 And lets face it folks, the bags are getting bigger and heavier all the time... They aint packing the kitchen sink in them, now its the whole d**m kitchen.. :shock: The pax overstuffs the bag, and wonders why it gets damaged..DUH Just my .02 cents worth
PineyBob said:
This is where common sense has to prevail!
Unfortunately this isnt happening right now in a push to get the numbers up. The manager of another station was again in TPA today and steering EVERYONE to the kiosk. It didnt matter that we had 42 international customers who couldn't use it, they came anyway (before the queue agent came to the rescue). They also thought it would be a great idea to move the FC line to the end of kiosk. Now the agents are supposed to be helping the masses at the kiosk AND deal with the FC customers. The agent I worked with tonight worked the counter this morning and said it wasnt a pretty sight. One FC customer said he was going to be booking UA from now on and one international FC customer said he wouldnt fly us again since we had no one to service the FC line (agents were assisting kiosk customers). Great thinking guys. Get the kiosk numbers up but chase all the $ guys away that we keep hearing BBB cry about not flying us. Of course not, we're kiosking them to UA and other carriers. :down:

Not only that but management was in violation of the CWA contract again today by continuing to tag bags at the kiosk. This is in direct violation of the contract and is another slap in the face to agents as far as I'm concerned.
Flew DL a couple weeks ago and they were doing the same thing. They had an agent standing out front who tried to steer every customer he could to the Kiosks. At the AA counter its a little more subtle. They let everyone line up as usual and then invite domestic E-ticket holders to use the Kisok. The customers seem to like it because it gets them out of the line. And yes there is an agent there to help and make sure they arn't checking in a two ton steemer trunk!
All I can say is WELCOME TO 2003 !!! Everything is Computerized and if I had a choice I would Prefer to use the Kiosk rather than having to wait in the always LONG line in PHL. As A furloughed F/A without ID I always have to wait in the stupid line. I have started going to the F Terminal just so I won't have to wait in line!!! 😉
Non-revs can use the kiosk when the gate agent has done a computer entry that enables it. The computer entry is done when the flights are open. Many times the gate agents or whoever forgets to do it. If it is done, and the nonrev is listed there should be no problems.
I've been told repeatedly by agents that if you do not have a company ID (furloughees), you cant use the kiosks. Most of them are nice and check me in real quick anyway (takes 2 seconds to issue a gate pass). The ironic thing is that spouses and domestic partners get travel cards but furloughed employees dont.
Lightyears... I do believe this issue was Posted on here a couple of Months ago... But, It sure would be nice to have a Travel Card. There have been a couple of occasions where the Agent asked why I didn't use the Kiosk and I tell them that I don't have an ID Anymore. Then they are more than happy to help me. I never have a problem with an Agent...They are always great ...IT's that Damned Line that I hate.
As a policy, I only use the kiosks when absolutely necessary--either a long line or no other choice. I prefer a smile and personal contact. When asked by gate agents why I don't use kiosks, I simply say I am trying to help them keep their job.

I prefer to have a brief chat with a smiling agent, and as a customer I reserve the right to choose how I check in--to be forced one way or the other is not right.

Right on Art!!!!

plz tell that to Dave
so he can tell the regional's,
then they'll get off the manager's backs
and then the supervisors will get off ours!!!!
How's about that sh** flowing down hill...........
Thank you Art. We appreciate customers and friends like you.

Unfortunately David is to thick to know...

It's the fares ...That brings in more moolah.

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