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Kiosk Ckin

Without any agent intervention...the Kiosks have about a 90% failure rate...

You ought to see US1's use them..They get so angry.......

It ain't happening....Oh well RJ's will save us ...right David.....
OldGuyinPA said:
Without any agent intervention...the Kiosks have about a 90% failure rate...

You ought to see US1's use them..They get so angry.......

It ain't happening....Oh well RJ's will save us ...right David.....
90% failure rate?
Use them all the time with no problems, and judging from the lfolks in line with me, they seem to have no problems either

I now use the newer features like upgrades and changing flights.

I use them for all the airlines, I prefer them to a human to be honest.

Seems as though Delta's are the best though.

Only thing better is the web check-in, which is great also.
OldGuyinPA said:
Without any agent intervention...the Kiosks have about a 90% failure rate...

You ought to see US1's use them..They get so angry.......
Oh c'mon, 90 percent failure rate?! You've got to be kidding me. I'm a US1 and haven't had any problems whatsoever for over a year. In fact, even when I got rerouted 90 mins before departure last week, the kiosk still worked. I have yet to see a US1 get angry. In fact, a few months ago when I used the kiosk at DCA, the agent said "Could you go down to the first class line and tell your fellow US1s that the kiosks *do* work?!" ... and she wasn't a supervisor and she wasn't kidding!

Agents are needed. Just for common everday check-ins and for people who have an inkling of how to use technology, there's really no need. Let the agents work on international check-ins, interline baggage checks and other unique situations!
They do have a high failure rate, but not 90%. I know a JR, SR, etc on the credit card or sometimes a middle initial will kick it out. Also (and I havent worked the counter in a while) the Bank of America Visa cards, all of them that say BOA, were a problem and didnt work. I don't know if they've come up with a better way to use the kiosk when the card doesnt work. We've given them several suggestions that would be customer specific (phone number or address) that are in most records, but last I knew hadn't been implemented. There is nothing more frustrating that finally getting someone to come out of the check in line to use the kiosk and then have it NOT work! Ugh. 🙁
taylor01 said:
plus I have vowed if a grocery store "MADE" me use
self check out with my grocery cart full of things, and then made
me bag them, I'd never shop there again.
but if it was my choice that would be different...
Back in August, our kiosk figures were waaaaaaayyyyyyyy dwn and our CSM was told
by his regional that if these figures did not improve, she was going to pay us a visit.
Should I be scared or what??

What me run airline?
My question is this -- why are there kiosks at dinky little places like AVL and CAK?

If you calculate that with kiosks, you need 0.5 agents to process complicated check-ins, you can't actually do that. You need one whole agent.

Is US expecting future increase in business at dinky little places like AVL and CAK to pay for the cost of purchasing, installling and servicing kiosks there?

What's worse (although this is just a coincidence), at AVL I couldn't use the kiosk because a downline flight was delayed, so the agent re-routed me (thank goodness the kiosk looked out for that). Then, on one of the CAK trips, I had to use an agent because I had five segments, and apparently the kiosk can only do four.
I think they're in the small cities just for convenience and trying to get people to use them there so they are familiar with them in the big cities where they "have to" use them to move thru the line at times. It is also an advantage to have them systemwide so people can get their bonus miles (brand loyalty) and IF they would work properly you would not need to staff that many more agents in a small city to handle the work of tagging bags. Someone can use the machine and have the tags printing out where all the agent has to do between calling next is tag and check id.
Just to provide my 2 cents worth....the kiosk is fine if it is used as an alternate to agent check-in. However, my station manager has been threaten to get our station off the worst ten list for kiosk usage or else. We now direct all passengers to the kiosks first and deal with the rejects by agent. What is really frustrating is having to force people to use a machine they don't want to use and then having to lead them through each step, all the while knowing that they will not use it next time they fly unless they are forced too again. It is also a major misuse of staff. One agent can process about 3-4 passengers in the time it takes to lead 1 passenger through the kiosk usage.

Oh well....to our corporate folks it appears the business of business is much more important than the business.
Ever notice that (a real Customer Service oriented organization) Wal-Mart doesn't have self service checkouts? Now, Southwest does offer kiosk usage to psgrs but they also properly staff their ticket counters and DO NOT push the customer toward
the kiosks.

What me run airline?
Hello Newman said:
Ever notice that (a real Customer Service oriented organization) Wal-Mart doesn't have self service checkouts?
Actually, they do. The new SuperWalmart that opened near me last week has at least 4 self checkout lines. Also the Home Depot I shop at has 4 self checkout lines. There is no one forcing you to use them, but they are there if you want to. That, I think is the difference. Make an announcement (when there is a line) that we have no waiting at the self service kiosks, but dont force people to use them if they dont want to. Some people just dont like dealing with machines.
Hello Newman said:
Ever notice that (a real Customer Service oriented organization) Wal-Mart doesn't have self service checkouts?
Ya, WalMart is a real CS oriented org. Their workers are just cheaper than a kiosk!
I don't know about Wal-Mart, but the self-checkout cash registers at Bi-Lo (a grocery store) have one employee overseeing the four self-checkout machines.

You need someone there so that people won't scan just half their stuff, as well as verifing ID for alcohol, help people with problems using it, etc.

If the shoplifting problem weren't there, I wouldn't doubt that Wal-Mart would have most of their cash register supply in the form of self-checkout. Wal-Mart likes to boast about their customer service, but their incredible cheapness (much worse than US) will win out every time.
At work today there were managers from 2 other stations at TPA to "SHOW" us how to get customers to use the kiosks. They want 80% usage. I was told the managers at the other stations had accomplished this and were in town to show us how it can be done. Its coming I'm sure. 1 agent in the "regular" line, everyone else use the kiosks or else take a number....
OldGuyinPA said:
Without any agent intervention...the Kiosks have about a 90% failure rate...

You ought to see US1's use them..They get so angry.......

It ain't happening....Oh well RJ's will save us ...right David.....
dog***. I use them all the time for Shuttle. Never had a problem.
Nice response ITRADE.

The machines simply don't work for the masses. Almost everyone needs assistance. They certainly don't work as well as the company thinks. You ought to see how angry the customers get when there are 3 agents out on the front ticket counter, 1 for coach, 2 for first class, and none for the 6 kiosk machines. The love it when the machine doesnt comply, there's noone to help them and they have to wait for someone to check their luggage.

Who cares anyway...their just passengers.

Oh Well, David seems to have this all figured out. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!! :rant:

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