I will re-state. I said I don't trust "politicians" , that includes both parties.
That being said, the single most hurtful thing done to our livlihoods at American Airlines was done by Obama and his enviornmentalist Wacko energy policy of not drilling anything offshore, not drilling in Alaska, not building the pipeline.
Every time he gets on the stump espousing how we are drilling more now than we ever have, he always leaves out the part how all of that drilling is being done on private lands and not on governemnt certificates or if they are government certificates, they were issued during the Bush administration.
Drilling on government land is at a 10 year low, because of Obama's policy.
Hello $100 per barrell oil, hello bankruptcy.
If Obama would have said from day one we will drill everything we can, we will build the pipeline, all the while we are also exploring alternative energies, the price of oil would be nowhere near $100 per barrell.
The real kicker for me is, the TWU is all in for Obama again and not a single word about how his energy policy is putting thousands of their members out of a job.
Now I'm done with my political rant.