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Senate Committee Hearing On Wright Amendment 11/10!

Hey what else can you do in a bubble. Also, the answer is yer sir, I am King of the Court.

LOL. As far as the bubble, it seems like you do a lot in your bubble...boy. I've seen you do things in that bubble that I didn't think was humanly possible.
Dang Bubble boy, your handle should be, C&PBoy...(Cut and Paste). You are the master of your domain, no doubt. Perhaps you should be the communication coordinator for your local?

"Bubble Boy"... "master of your domain"... man that 4th season of Seinfeld kicked!!!

(and by the way, they're REAL and they're SPECTACULAR!!!!!) LOL
What is the threat of DFW losing it's international access by repealing the Wright Amendment? Unless AA wants to join the growing list of bankrupt carriers by running two hubs out of the same city, since, even if AA had every gate at DAL (including SWA's) it would only amount to a fraction of what they are running at DFW. I really don't understand how DAL being free of restrictions would have any more of a detrimental effect on international access to the Dallas area than Midway has on O'hare in Chicago, or Hobby has on IAH in Houston.

Sorry to break the train of yada yada yada, but wanted to respond 🙂

From what I understand, if Wright is repealed and AA shifts flights to Love, they probably won't be the only ones. I can't see Northwest, United, etc. just giving up their passengers that now want to fly long hauls out of Love....so then Love becomes a big regional airport, leaving DFW with mostly international flights. But then no one would be feeding DFW with regional passengers, making it much less attractive for international flights. Obviously, a lot of predicting is going into this, but I'm not sure it is worth the risk to see if this would play out in a post-Wright scenario...
[...] Obviously, a lot of predicting is going into this, but I'm not sure it is worth the risk to see if this would play out in a post-Wright scenario...

The flip side of the coin is to say it's a bigger risk to the growth of the North Texas region to simply leave the status quo. You're a "glass half empty" sorta person, I'm not.

I believe the tipping point will be the ability of Dallas to enforce its Airport Master Plan. With a limitation of 32 gates maximum (it could be altered down to 26 if Dallas' Mayor has her way) Love Field would effectively be shuttered at about 280 flts/day, only about 1/3 - 1/4 of DFW's current total. (Remember that over 1/2 of Love Field's traffic is general aviation!)

I'm going to forecast* a full repeal of the Wright Amendment accompanied by concurrent rules put in place by the FAA giving cities more authority to control the amount of traffic at their airports (with FAA approval, of course!) This legal authority, combined with the transparency of the current requirement to reveal their "Competition Plans", will avoid unfair favoritism practices and let airports serve their communities better.

*based on purely hypothetical thinking and the inhalation of fragrant aromatics.