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Just Facts


Jan 21, 2004
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Just to make certain some of the people on this board get the facts and not rumors or conjecture.

Fellow Council 94 pilots:

Today, Sunday, Aug. 22, talks between the Company and ALPA to reach accord on a Transformation agreement broke down. The Company’s position, unsurprisingly, is that the NC’s final proposal was nowhere close to the stated amount that the company would need to become competitive (read as we got them to bend over, but we couldn’t get their knickers off). Again, no surprise, the NC stated that the reason is because the company was negotiating in "bad faithâ€. As I see it, two questions beg to be answered; for the answers might lead us to a potential resolution:

Wherein lies the truth? Said another way … is someone lying? Sometimes what we’re told differs from the truth!

Where do we go from here?

The consequence, if a deal is not consummated soon, has the potential to be very unpleasant, indeed.


The facts … just the facts

On Saturday August 21, the NC proffered a counterproposal, which, among other things, offered a 16.25% wage reduction, coupled with a 10% reduction to your DC contribution. The NC stated that this was a final offer. We hold the opinion that certain, very important items must be satisfied by the Company prior to proposing any settlement offer. Nevertheless, briefly, ALPA’s proposal contained:

Wage reductions of 16.25% Contract Amendable date 12/31/08 DC Plan contributions reduced by 10% Vacation reduced by 10%

Sick accrual reduced to 5:00 Paycap 95:00 VM 6:00 Lineholder guarantee 81:00 Reserve guarantee 82/86 Reserve days off immovable Junior assignment pay 25%

On Sunday, August 22, the Company countered with the following proposal, which, among other things, included the following:

Wage reductions of 16.5% Contract Amendable date 12/31/11 DC Plan contribution lowered to 7% to 10% Vacation 15+ years - 21 days

Sick use allowance 60 hrs annually Paycap 95:00 NO VM Lineholder guarantee 71:00 Reserve guarantee 72/76 Report to Operations 2 hrs from call-out

The Company’s negotiating stratagem was not unlike previous sessions, in that this proposal was similar, if not worse than the previous one. Instead of moving closer to an agreement, this opened a major schism in discussions. ALPA’s total capitulation is the coveted prize.

From the BOS CO Rep:
I find no solace in reporting that our NC and all our advisors agree with the fact that the company has NOT NEGOTIATED IN GOOD FAITH. We heard from our NC chairman that that is the unanimous conclusion by all experts present and involved in these negotiations … Even after our CEO plainly told the MEC last week that the company's approach to cram down the Jet Blue contract was a mis-step on their part, we see the exact same response to our concessionary offers. It's their way or the highway. This is not about lowering our costs to be competitive, this is about destroying 50 years of labor agreements. This has been an anti-union movement from day one.

From the PHL Reps:
MEC Chairman Bill Pollock, the Negotiating Committee, and all our advisors have agreed that the ability to reach a consensual agreement with Management for transforming US Airways into a viable competitor is not present. MEC Chairman Pollock and the Negotiating Committee Chairman Doug Mowery both have stated that the Company is not bargaining in good faith. The Company’s stance had made the Negotiating Committee superfluous at this time, despite all attempts to partner with Management to make US Airways a competitive carrier.

The Company has rebuffed all attempts to make a deal. They asked for America West pay, we offered America West pay. They asked for productivity, we offered productivity better than Southwest and America West, approaching that of JetBlue. Yet, still, they will not acknowledge the value of these offers and continue to dig deeper into the contract that we have worked over 50 years to achieve.

From the PIT Reps:
If you have been following the NC reports that have been posted on the AAA website, you are likely aware of the Company’s disingenuous bargaining position, manifested in the absurd proposals passed across the table. Incredibly, the picture being painted is rather typical of normal negotiations, with no apparent sense of urgency.

It is no secret at this point, that the Company’s latest proposal is, as were the previous proffers, a “no surprise†draconian, 40 page “land grabâ€. This particular proposal, however, was purposefully crafted to convince the pilot group that the DC plan must be placed on the table. I can only view this Company “proposal†(attempting to maintain my gentility) as nothing less than a final attempt to extort as much as possible from this pilot group.

Phil Comstock, of Wilson Polling fame, stated in his synopsis of recent polling data, that when companies emerge from bankruptcy, the operative strategy often becomes one of “union-bustingâ€. Could that prophetic statement be more clearly spelled out than with the events, which are occurring on this property?

MEC Chairman, Bill Pollock, has called a special MEC meeting for Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 2:30 p.m., Eastern. The meeting shall adjourn on Friday, August 27, 2004 at 5:00 p.m., or at the completion of business. The Special MEC Meeting will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott, 1401 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22209, phone: 703-524-6400, fax: 703-524-8964. The agenda for the meeting will be an update from the Negotiating Committee and Advisors regarding the status of negotiations and a determination of MEC action, if any.

We will keep you apprised of any developments

Note: The following link is the latest Council 94 Letter, published August 21, 2004.

Thanks for posting this accurate information. I'm on the outside looking in, but I have been following closely the developments at USAirways, particularly as they pertain to the pilots.

I still look on in utter disbelief at your fellow pilot (you-know-who) and his constant twisting of the truth and pushing of his own personal agenda to the exclusion of all else. As a pilot myself I am ashamed of him.

The attack on our profession, and now our retirement is criminal. What ever the outcome in the coming weeks, I wish you all the best of luck.

Very respectfully,
UseYour Head asked me what I would do if I were King for a day. I mentioned NEGOTIATING in GOOD FAITH. See what I mean! Savy
767jetz said:
The attack on our profession, and now our retirement is criminal. What ever the outcome in the coming weeks, I wish you all the best of luck.

Very respectfully,

I have to disagree here. The attack on all the professions in the airline industry is sad but it is far from criminal. There are no laws on any books anywhere that states that a company cannot try to get the best deal it sees fit just as there is no law that says union members can't try to get all they can from that same company. The company is negotiating from a position of strength from their view and the unions are trying to hold onto as much of their won contract items as they can. No one can blame either side. It's just part of the momentum in negotiations. For years it was the unions that held the upper hand. Now those fortunes have shifted and they no longer hold that position. The momentum will shift again but it's going to take many years and lots of hard work by the union leadership just to get back to where they started.
It's unfortunate when this occurs but one doesn't realize just how bad it is when it's happening to other unions. As soon as it happens to those in your workgroup it becomes criminal because it's happening to you when in actuality it's been going on for a number of years. I wish you all the best and hopefully the momentum shift will begin sooner rather than later.

Best of luck.
767jetz said:

I still look on in utter disbelief at your fellow pilot (you-know-who) and his constant twisting of the truth and pushing of his own personal agenda to the exclusion of all else. As a pilot myself I am ashamed of him.

Imagine how we feel being affiliated with this character....even remotely (Barf)

It's simply sadening to watch a person sell himself out...but the fact that the person is so eager to sell out everyone else whom he works with...and eventually the entire industry is anger raising.

I think the free French had it right in WWII.....after the liberation , the colaboraters had their heads shaved...and were publically shuned. I think this certain pilot is well on his way to being treated in an alike manner.
MrAeroMan said: I have to disagree here. The attack on all the professions in the airline industry is sad but it is far from criminal.

DCAflyer replies... Aero, I don't think he meant literally criminal... I think he meant it figuratively. Just like if I said the captain in question sucks. I don't mean that literally. Maybe he does, I don't know. But the English language is subject to slang.
MrAeroMan said:
I have to disagree here. The attack on all the professions in the airline industry is sad but it is far from criminal. There are no laws on any books anywhere that states that a company cannot try to get the best deal it sees fit just as there is no law that says union members can't try to get all they can from that same company. The company is negotiating from a position of strength from their view and the unions are trying to hold onto as much of their won contract items as they can. No one can blame either side. It's just part of the momentum in negotiations. For years it was the unions that held the upper hand. Now those fortunes have shifted and they no longer hold that position. The momentum will shift again but it's going to take many years and lots of hard work by the union leadership just to get back to where they started.
It's unfortunate when this occurs but one doesn't realize just how bad it is when it's happening to other unions. As soon as it happens to those in your workgroup it becomes criminal because it's happening to you when in actuality it's been going on for a number of years. I wish you all the best and hopefully the momentum shift will begin sooner rather than later.

Best of luck.

It's not criminal. But to make money labor and management must be partners. When Lakefield stated he wanted a partnership and ALPA stepped up to the plate he eventually threw the old beanball at our collective heads. Great partnership eh? Imagine Herb Kelleher or Lee Iacocca doing what just happened here.
