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Alpa Mec Code-a-phone Update

PineyBob said:
Going before a judge or arbtrator is at best risky. Look at the apperent "Open & Shut" IAM case. The alledged "Slam Dunk" for the IAM. No ruling yet one way or another.

It's time RC 4 to Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way.

Hello Piney. The PIT and PHL reps, despite pressure now from two members of the US Senate (I am joking) are not acting alone. Contrary to reports here, they are acting in the INTEREST of all U pilots. U Management has acted in bad faith in both the recent negociations and in the following of current contracts. If the pilots of U flew their planes that way........ Contracts mean something. Good faith means something. Management tried a land grab INSTEAD of acting in the best interests of the company, and are now crying because the MEC Chair was not able to hand them their wishes on a platter. This whole "RC4" thing is taking on it's own life, everyone loves the idea that 4 guys have "stolen" ALPA and are acting on their own. Not the case. They are, indeed, LEADING. Best. Greeter.
If the company doesn't get what they think they need to survive, its CH 7 time. What part of that don't you understand?

Does the RC4 and your precieved majority of pilots honestly think the company will come out of Ch11 with the contracts unchanged?
It is my understanding S.1113(e) is coming in the not-so-distant future. Each union has been told when -- time is short.


USA320 doesn't get it and apparently never will. What the Senators think means nothing. Savy
To 700uw

Actually the company took a shot at all union contracts when they decided
against depositing scheduled 401k monies ahead of the bankruptcy. An
additional shot was fired when the company refused to acknowledge their
obligation to the dbc plans.
If you have read the dockets there is legal precedent on their side otherwise
you would not have seen some hurry up actions started in the congress.

If you want a real corker read the 9/13 filing docket 52 pg 16.

The only analogy I can think of is the charge of the light brigade......
into the valley of death rode the 600

"The company valued and proposal at about $270 million, $25 million short of the $295 million target that is now apparently being demanded by the ATSB."

Not that I know much, but I find it hard to believe the ATSB is demanding anything. What U do is up to you, the ATSB is merely an "innocent" bystander. I find it hard to believe, that in any shape, form or matter, that the ATSB is involved in what goes on at U between management and labor.

If they are, we have a serious conflict on interest.
PineyBob said:
...4 people ...

1. One that is made to bear the blame of others.
2. Bible. A live goat over whose head Aaron confessed all the sins of the children of Israel on the Day of Atonement. The goat, symbolically bearing their sins, was then sent into the wilderness to die.

whipping boy
1. A scapegoat.
2. A boy formerly raised with a prince or other young nobleman and whipped for the latter's misdeeds.
Oh No, the sky is falling again.

Let the judge decide. He will eventually impose what he thinks is needed by this incompetent and inept management. Let's see if I get this right:

tic toc tic toc tic toc and now: here comes da judge. It's the pilots fault. The evil 4 (1852). Man, it gets old.

Here's the scoop. The pilots are not going to vote on a piece of crap. Had Lincoln held a vote of the general population on slavery we would still have slavery. No vote until the company stops asking for what they want as opposed to what they need.

Let the judge decide. There will be no liquidation. He will impose a fair contract in his eyes and then we all will decide if we want to work here. Let's get on with it. The sooner the better. I'm anxious to see three stripes on the coward before I devote full time to my other businesses.
