June - IAM Fleet Service Discussion

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Tim, I'm trying to figure out the degree to which Delany's policies are misguided and ruiness to FS. So I want to start by trying to understand how damaging his being neutral in regards to the possible merger is. But before I try to understand that I need to understand to what degree you think he is nuetral. And nuetral on what part of the merger? Are you nuetral on the merger? For or Against to what degree?

I may be beating to death a red herring but let me continue. Has Joe Tiberi made it known his disgust toward Delany's neutrality?

I don't know the details of Delany signing off on the above stations so I will assume that FS got nothing in return and that it was somehow negligent, expedient, or perhaps even nefarious.Nevertheless I'm a little unclear as to where the injustice is the me and my brothers and sisters are to feel in regards to DP's offer to AA FS. (actually I think there is none at all but let me continue... this red herring seems to have nine lives). Is it that in the event of a merger and DP honors his promise to AA then no US fs will be allowed to return to any of these stations? I guess that could happen.

Another question: Do you think Delany is neutral in regards to the possiblity of US FS becoming TWU?

And Yet another? At what point in time does it become politically correct to get chummy with the TWU? Here are several options for that:

1. Yesterday

2. Today

3. Sometime after the elections. (the most sensible)

Thanks BF
Delaney's neutralness was spoken as follows, "The IAM and District 141 continue to withhold support or opposition to the proposed merger until much more information is known about the effect the proposal will have on our membership."

Based on the information we already have, i.e., IND, MSY, SNA being contracted out, together with, management getting a tentative agreement with the TWU that guarantees the same stations for those employees, is fundamentally unfair. Do you agree?

I think all of us may see some interesting possibilities with a merger and working for the world's biggest airline, but I am opposed to any merger up and until our own people are taken care of first. Explicitly, a US AIRWAYS contract first. Thus, a US AIRWAYS contract FIRST is a must. We have to focus on the seniority issue bigtime. My position is a position that has been strongly supported and followed by many other unions in recent mergers, including Airtran/Southwest, and United/Continental, however, it is in sharp contrast to Delaney's which focuses on entering transition talks without first obtaining any considerations of wages/benefits for the members. I don't think it is fair to our members to ask them to wait around another 5 years for a pay raise.

And, I don't think our union should get sidetracked with doing a contract comparison sheet with the TWU like our union said. I myself have little interest in comparing your bankrupt contract with a new bankrupt contract at AMR. We should look straight ahead and focus on getting a leading industry contract. The best way to win any organizing drive is to attain strong contracts at UA and US first and use them against the TWU.

But Delaney's policies are also very very soft. Therefore, one must look at his record to see where he could possibly go in the future. At Hawaiian his policy was to support management and pay part timers half of full time and pay for parking. At United he loved the US AIRWAYS attendance policy so much that he signed on it without a vote at United. His policies led him to sign a no strike clause at airtran without the consent of the negotiations team. His policy was to enter transition talks at United without gaining any considerations like other unions. His policies are fatally flawed. At US AIRWAYS, if we simply look at his merger policies at UA/CO, he will negotiate the US AIRWAYS contract up to the merger but then throw things into transitions, which is absurd. While in transitions, he still has not been successful in gaining or protecting any work. In SAN, where you are I think, a vendor still works the CO flights. And they just closed 5 more cargo centers and just today lost some work in IAH that they historically performed. Alot of flawed events on his part as he simply has not delivered at all on what he said he was.

item 2: I don't know what Joe Tiberi and Delaney talk about but most of the rhetoric and tough talking is just that with this union as the representation that we have had, IMO, since 1999, has been less than adequate because of the 1940's structure of this union failing to adapt. The good news is that we can reform the representation just as the organizing was reformed with me and my team. Once the representation is reformed, then we have opportunity to save this craft. IMO, the TWU, IAM, and IBT all have let this craft down as there is no reason why we continue to lose ramp jobs when the airlines are making millions.

Item 3: Delaney neutral in regards to US becoming TWU? IMO, I think he is indifferent. He has nothing to lose, neither seniority or a US AIRWAYS job, and I suppose the possibility exist that he can more easily support a horse trade if it came down to it. Sorta how the TWU horse traded the America West ramp for the $525,000. Nonetheless, your opinion is as valid as mine on what he may or may not do.

Item 4: At what point get chummy with the TWU? Why would we have to get chummy at all if we can take their members off of them first? IMO, our focus regarding the TWU should be that we should strive for an election, i.e., get a card signup and force an election. I know many of the rank and filers in ORD and I think they may consider the IAM. And the best way to organize them is to first obtain a strong contract at UA and US. If we win an election then the MB act does not apply and we can enforce the IAM's internal policy of Date of hire. However, if there is no representational election and we can't obtain the necessary interest, then the MB act will apply and I think the right thing to do would be to engage the seniority integration process with the TWU only after obtaining a contract for US fleet first.

One of the big contentions I have with Delaney is that our members don't want to wait another 5 years to get a pay/benefit increase, yet, the path he chooses is one that is not supported by other unions and drags out transition talks for years. I'm uncomfortable with that. Again, the focus needs to be on the attainment of a US AIRWAYS fleet contract first and the merger models support that as a viable position.

Reading Proverbs 26 today, specifically 26:4, as sent by a brother, has given me a perspective that I seem to learn then forget then learn again.

At any rate, I have determined that I am not going to allow myself to be placed in the witness stand with foolishness. If I do, then more and more foolishness will be accused of me and I will become just as foolish as my opponents. Therefore, moving forward, I am going to focus on the finish line and stand on my accomplishments for our members.

Members will believe what their ears let them hear. I just ask that, when voting, that you consider the accomplishments of myself and my opponent and I'm fairly certain that the best candidate will win. Remember, don't allow me or anyone to get you to look to the talk on the field, make sure you look up at the scoreboard of who delivered for the membership, and who didn't.

I've got a job and I am very happy and love my life so it's going to be win win for me whatever the outcome. But my hope is in continual service to you. At the end of the day, we simply can't allow the unions to operate in a 1940 structure and must bring it into this century. Our craft is getting destroyed by corporate greed and outsourced and we can not allow the union to continue this mind boggling loss of our crafts. We must Occupy.

To my supporters, I ask that you support the entire Occupy team because I will need an eboard that supports the reform that will have to be done.

I have determined that I am not going to allow myself to be placed in the witness stand with foolishness. If I do, then more and more foolishness will be accused of me and I will become just as foolish as my opponents.


Is that the same as remaining silent and being thought a fool, or posting interminably and removing all doubt?

Carry on.

Huh? I won the nomination of the stations that know me best, i.e., CLT. And in doing so, the membership went completely against the establishment to nominate me by a comfortable margin. So, I'm not sure what you are talking about??? OTOH, all 3 US AIRWAYS hub members slammed the door shut on your candidates. How many times does CLT have to vote against MW for you to finally understand that they don't trust him and know his past performance? Cripes, your PHX candidate was on two tickets and couldn't come close. BTW, your PHX candidate doesn't even support you guys as he was dogging your ticket in PHX so don't use him as one of your own.

And you are wrong about the strategy of the occupy ticket. You better check your ticket and compare your ticket against the occupy ticket again. I'm from a non hub station so I'm sensitive to non hub stations. You have 3 non hub US AIRWAYS candidates. Occupy has more US AIRWAYS non hub candidates [4] than your slate so get your facts straight. And we do so without leaving PHL alone. It's time that US AIRWAYS has its fair share amount of representation on the eboard of this union also. Me and you will just have to disagree in your philosophy that you can represent your biggest station, PHL, from JAX.

And cargo, you have been a fine union man since I can remember so I'll give you credit where credit is due but you are stuck having to support a ticket that goes cheap on US AIRWAYS representation once again. Especially, going through a merger, US AIRWAYS members need to make sure that they have an equal amount of representation on the Union eboard where all of the decisions are made. The retro ticket that cargo supports has less US AIRWAYS potential board members than any other ticket and removes more representation from the union eboard than what is currently established.


What is the difference between agents in PHL being represented by an AGC from JAX and an AGC from PHL representing members in JAX? Surely you're not going to imply the members in PHL are more important. With that being said I believe you chose the candidates for your team strictly on the potential votes from the city they were in. Experience, history of involvement, qualifications of the candidate took a back seat. I can appreciate the campaign strategy but don't belive it is in the best interests of the membership in the end. The past four years in JAX we have been assigned 2 different AGCs. The current one from PHL. We have not seen, nor heard from either the past 4 years. I believe I, along with my team, could do a much better job. Additionally, with recent visits to PHL, I have heard the same complaint of absent AGCs. Even though the AGC is stationed in that city. It all comes down to dedication to the job and the members. The undeniable fact is these were the candidates you endorsed 4 years ago. Four years later, accountability is at hand, for everyone including yourself.
I have to say that having no agc in phx for the last 3 yrs and now getting one thats only an hour away
just isn't fair and we in phx expressed that the other day when he acted like he was doing us a
favor by just being an hour away. the membership in phx is like 800 and we feel we should
have an agc that is more accesible and would think phl would want there own agc as well
Is that the same as remaining silent and being thought a fool, or posting interminably and removing all doubt?

Carry on.

old chinse proverb

he who drink frm nelson koolaid cup
will follow nelsin 2 be politkly corrupt
occupy tiket will be slammed n stuft
buy a membrship thatz had enuff!
I have to say that having no agc in phx for the last 3 yrs and now getting one thats only an hour away
just isn't fair and we in phx expressed that the other day when he acted like he was doing us a
favor by just being an hour away. the membership in phx is like 800 and we feel we should
have an agc that is more accesible and would think phl would want there own agc as well

cactus hugger,

PHL has an AGC who is from PHL. Members in PHL can't remember the last time they saw him. This lack of accesibilty and representation has existed in PHL for the past four years. Thus, having an AGC from your city does not gaurantee accesibility or quality representation. The members in PHL were sold this idea 4 years ago. Now it is being pitched to the members in PHX. What it comes down to is will the candidate faithfully perform the duties of the office they are elected to. One of the fundamental duties is accesibilty and availability to the members you represent. PHX, like any other station, deserves an AGC who will do an effective job. One who will remain dedicated and devoted to the needs of the members they represent. Long after the election. Based strictly on AGC location this is what the members in PHL thought they would get 4 years ago? Please have the members in PHX consider the mistake made in PHL 4 years ago before they cast their vote for a candidate and team based soley on the location of an AGC. Just like 4 years ago...the candidate was placed on the team for a reason.


Please visit: http://lfp12.com
Did anyone else get the feeling that MM just cared about getting the job and not about us? That sure was how he came off to me. I think we all have seen his game before!

I have to ask you about Dave Lolly. Is it true that when he was LL prez he would go on lavish resort trips to play golf on the members dime? Is it true when he resigned as said LL prez, he trashed the union hall's office, took home the computer, and alot of documents, that ultimately hurt the members of that LL? Is it also true that it took 3 months or so to get said computer back from him, after he though he wiped the computer clean? Which I hear he did not.

who is MM? And what job did he get?


Is this the MM you are speaking of? CLICK HERE!

If it is... I think he will provide a great deal of knowledge and commitment to the 141 ticket!

For the whole line-up of 141/R candidates...

I've decided to vote a straight 141/R ticket... the timing for change is simply not right at this point. We will have many opportunities in the future to preen our leadership if needed... AFTER the merger issue and Section 6 talks!

To view the 141/R site in it's entirety CLICK HERE!
Now for a little recap on the Occupy Candidates...

To see the full run-down on the Occupy Ticket...

I encourage everyone to participate in this election process. Do your research, think about your choices.
Roabilly you are good campaign manager for 141Rising. PJ you surprise me talking #### and hearsay about DL. If you really wanted to you could call him in CLP anytime and ask him about the lies your spreading.
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