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Judge Wedoff (UAL bankruptcy judge)


Feb 28, 2003
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Subject: Judge Wedoff (UAL bankruptcy judge)

Wedoff was the bankruptcy judge in the United case.

Judge Wedoff sued for Corruption and Bribery

Independent Federal Fund Oversight Committee Files a Federal Lawsuit In Kansas City, Kansas Against Three Federal Judges, Three IL Judges and Eight Law Firms Citing Evidence of Corruption and Bribery In Connection With McCook Metals Bankruptcy Case In C

Copyright 2006 Business Wire, Inc. Business Wire, June 6, 2006 Tuesday 9:51 PM GMT

Business Editors

Independent Federal Fund Oversight Committee Files a Federal Lawsuit In Kansas City, Kansas Against Three Federal Judges, Three IL Judges and Eight Law Firms Citing Evidence of Corruption and Bribery In Connection With McCook Metals Bankruptcy Case In Chicago

TOPEKA, Kan. June 6, 2006

David Martin Price, President of Independent Federal Fund Oversight Committee (IFFOC), today announced that he has filed suit in Topeka, Kansas against the Seventh Circuit Bankruptcy Court, U.S. Bankruptcy Chief Judge Eugene R. Wedoff, Federal Court Judges Mark R. Filip and James Zagel, State Court Judges Stuart Nudelman, Barb Disco, and Alexander P. White and law firms Seyfarth Shaw, Jenner & Block, Miller Shakman & Beem, Bryan Cave, Novak & Macey, Lord Bissel & Brook, Cummins & Cronin, and Jenkins & Gilchrist.

The above named defendants are accused of bribery, extortion, wire and mail fraud, racketeering, and conspiracy to commit crimes in connection with the McCook Metals bankruptcy case in Chicago. IFFOC has uncovered what it believed to be a $40 million bribery fund used by Seyfarth Shaw and General Electric Commercial Finance (GECC) to pay judges for favorable verdicts in the Seventh Circuit and Cook County courts.

Price and his IFFOC alleges the following was uncovered:

1) U.S. Chief Judge Eugene R. Wedoff is personally overseeing a $40 million "bribery fund" via the McCook Metals bankruptcy estate.

2) McCook Metals was never sold to French aluminum company Pechiney.

3) Judge Wedoff admitted he was still receiving residuals from his former employer, law firm Jenner & Block.

4) Jenner & Block represented Pechiney in its contested acquisition of McCook Metals - and currently represents General Electric Commercial Finance (GECC).

5) GECC was a lender to McCook Metals and United Airlines. Judge Wedoff was the bankruptcy judge in both matters.

6) Lynch issued subpoenas to U.S. Trustees Joseph Baldi and David Leibowitz for turnover of financial records and tax returns. Judge Wedoff blocked the Lynch acquisition of those documents.

7) Judge Wedoff refused to remove U.S. Trustee David Leibowitz due to conflicted representation. David Leibowitz's daughter, Debra Gordon, is a partner at Seyfarth Shaw.

8) Judge Wedoff refused to recuse himself despite being a defendant in a Federal Lawsuit (case number 06-C-2500) filed on May 18th, 2006 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.

9) Judge Wedoff refused to read an affidavit signed by a Federal Agent and submitted to the court on May 18th 2006 documenting the "Bribery Fund" and Judge Wedoff's active participation.

10) Judge Wedoff issued a "Denial of Motion" in his orders - with no written explanation as to why he did so.

11) All McCook Metals and Scottsboro Aluminum manufacturing equipment currently reside in Alcoa plants.

12) Judge Wedoff refused to allow Lynch to pursue his litigation claim against Alcoa and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Board (PBGC) for the unfunded pension obligations at McCook Metals. Alcoa, pursuant to its acquisition of Reynolds Metals, was responsible for those unfunded pension monies via successor liability provisions under ERISA laws. The same successor liability holds true for United Airlines.

13) Judge Wedoff, despite current ERISA and bankruptcy laws, allowed Alcoa and GECC to discharge their pension obligations to the PBGC - placing the responsibility for accruing these funds on taxpayers.

14) Judge Wedoff refused to allow Lynch to investigate the wiretaps' that Seyfarth Shaw installed at his home, offices, and manufacturing plants.

15) Judge Wedoff protected General Electric from liability in the McCook Metals liquidation, despite overwhelming evidence that GECC conspired with Seyfarth Shaw to coerce McCook Metals into bankruptcy.

16) Judge Wedoff issued an August 2nd, 2005 Memorandum of Opinion stating that Seyfarth Shaw never represented Michael Lynch.

17) Judge Wedoff refused to report to the U.S. Attorney's office that GECC had installed a "mole" into the McCook Metals organization. The "mole", Robert Rulman, testified in Judge Wedoff's courtroom that he was placed into the McCook organization by GECC to provide information on Lynch's anti-trust activities against Alcoa.

IFFOC has filed a Federal Lawsuit - case number 06-C-2500 - which is now on appeal to an alternative Circuit Appellate Court due to the fact that the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals is a Defendant in the action filed by IFFOC, citing obstruction of justice in multiple Illinois courts including Cook County Court, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, and U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division.

IFFOC has discovered State and Federal District Courts allegedly attempting to sequester this information from public view by placing U.S. District Court case number 06-C-2500 under seal illegally. This information allegedly includes involuntary servitude, tax fraud, money laundering, four instances of breaking sealed documents, direct conflicts of interest pursuant to 28 USC section 455, illegal ex parte communications, and directions from the court to the opposing counsel on how to proceed with the case, as well as the court acting as the opposing counsel - arguing facts without objection, opposition, or omissions by the opposing party.

Frustrated by what he saw as obvious corruption in the American judicial system, David Martin Price founded the IFFOC in Topeka, Kansas in 1996 to investigate alleged governmental misappropriation of funds and manipulation of judicial processes. Mr. Price also serves on the board at St. Louis, Missouri's Foundation for Court Reform, and works in cooperation with Richard Farr of krightsradio.com in Denver, Colorado on a live broadcast on family rights. CONTACT: Independent Federal Fund Oversight Committee (IFFOC) David Martin Price, 847-691-3203 http://www.businesswire.com/

June 6, 2006

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if there's anyone out there whose in the least bit surprised by any of this, please raise your hand. :huh:
Corrupt CEOs, Lawyers, Corporate Directors...Now Judges...where does it end? Wait, that's right--they're the ones writing the laws--I'm sure there's an escape clause for him out there somewhere!
Corrupt CEOs, Lawyers, Corporate Directors...Now Judges...where does it end? Wait, that's right--they're the ones writing the laws--I'm sure there's an escape clause for him out there somewhere!
It ends when working people simply stop believing, obeying and cowering before these crooks.
That's why I vote for the Independent Candidate with the hand painted signs in the yards--He/She probably has a better grip on reality than someone who employs a staff does. Republicans and Democrats have lost touch with the voters--it's all about 'special interests' and propaganda. To be honest with you, I really don't care about same sex marriages or what 'this candidate' did wrong 30 years ago--even though those things are important, they distract voters from the fact that the Middle Class has fewer opportunities to make gains than ever before. That concerns me no end--as do the deals they make that are attached to bills being voted on. Some of the attachments have nothing to do with the popular bill at all--and we don't even vote on it! Our Lawmakers are out of control. Hand painted signs...no monetary influence there!
That's why I vote for the Independent Candidate with the hand painted signs in the yards--He/She probably has a better grip on reality than someone who employs a staff does. Republicans and Democrats have lost touch with the voters--it's all about 'special interests' and propaganda. To be honest with you, I really don't care about same sex marriages or what 'this candidate' did wrong 30 years ago--even though those things are important, they distract voters from the fact that the Middle Class has fewer opportunities to make gains than ever before. That concerns me no end--as do the deals they make that are attached to bills being voted on. Some of the attachments have nothing to do with the popular bill at all--and we don't even vote on it! Our Lawmakers are out of control. Hand painted signs...no monetary influence there!
I heard that Congress just passed a United States Citizen ID Card that Means every one of us will have to be photographed and fingerprinted by the year 2008. If you have children at the age of 18 get their Passports NOW before the Draft starts and the ID Badges begin. Can you say Canada My son and daughter will be living there before the cards are printed.. 1-A class 1969.......http://www.vvaw.org/ All Judges Are Corrupt.
It wouldn't be the first time I've drawn the ire from someone I didn't know :lol: I'm facinated how Lawmakers can tie Education dollar(s) issues together with Corporate tax breaks though! I guess in a twisted way they are interrelated...
Corrupt CEOs, Lawyers, Corporate Directors...Now Judges...where does it end? Wait, that's right--they're the ones writing the laws--I'm sure there's an escape clause for him out there somewhere!

CASUAL RAT... I suggest you take an introductory/survey course in Civics. The judiciary does not write laws; that is the job of the legislature.
Lily, I understand that in a perfect world, the Judicial Branch of Gov't objectively enforces the laws of the land. Unfortunately, in our corrupt society, the wealthy 'help' write the laws and interpret them, then sadly determine the people who will enforce them...the wealthy, they hire lobbyists to sway public opinion and 'spin' things to their way of thinkin'--it's a system that works well.
Lily, I understand that in a perfect world, the Judicial Branch of Gov't objectively enforces the laws of the land. Unfortunately, in our corrupt society, the wealthy 'help' write the laws and interpret them, then sadly determine the people who will enforce them...the wealthy, they hire lobbyists to sway public opinion and 'spin' things to their way of thinkin'--it's a system that works well.

Again, Casual Rat... I suggest you take another Civics Course, as you do not seem to understand the basics of our Government. In the United States (in the perfect world or not) the Judiciary cannot WRITE laws; nor can it ENFORCE laws. The Judiciary is simply responsible for INTERPRETING the law... the law that the Legislature wrote... and the laws that the Executive branch enforced.

I do, however, agree with you that the wealthy (and special interest groups) 'help' write the laws. It is obvious that the wealthy and special interest groups have 'their hands in the cookie jar.'

I disagree with you the federal judges are easily corrupted... or that corruption is routine. State Court Judges are ALWAYS in trouble for corruption; however, federal judges seem to sanctify themselves from the dirt and grime that attempt to "alter" the judge's decisions.

It is very difficult for a federal judge to allow these things to happen. Their financials are under close scrutiny and they are monitored by the FBI, ARDC, and a handful of other organizations. Politicians are easily able to engage in so-called 'investments' that turn out to be bribes etc... Judges, however, are not at liberty to do so as their actions are under much closer scrutiny.

There will always be "conspiracy nuts" that suggest federal judges are corrupt or engaging in unethical behavior... but like most of their counterparts, they will be written off as crazy.

Of course, this adds to the conspiracy because now those nuts will say that "the judges, together with the politicians, police, FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Hugo Chavez and North Korea all conspired to force McCook Metals and United into bankruptcy so the judge and his cronies can fill their pockets with money that was earmarked for employee's pensions. And like always, 99% of those employees were 95 year old grandmothers, who will now lose their home of 75 years... all because of the corruption of one judge.
Lily, Judges do not write laws, I get it--always have. Sorry that I made a statement of largesse when I included the Judiciary in my statement regarding the wealthy being in 'cahoots'. I disagree with your assertion that the Judiciary does not enforce laws. By interpreting the law, and creating precedence and subsequent consequence (determined by the Judiciary)for anti-social behavior, enforcement of the written law naturally follows. BTW as an example ONLY: there are public records of Judges who have been given predjudice (having their 'case' dismissed) after being found to be driving automobiles under the influence. A perfect example of basic corruption on the local level, wouldn't you say? I don't think that Judicial corruption is widespread. However; I do see corruption at United Airlines with more regularity than in the past. It starts at the local level and then it trickles up...I'm not a Judge, so I can't say if Judge Wedoff is corrupt or not. The scary thing is that it wouldn't surprise me if he was found to be.