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Whistle Blowing UAL Pilot


Feb 28, 2003
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Whistle blowing UAL Pilot

I got this yesterday ˆ thought it might be of interest! Forward this to anyone you think may be interested, including non-airline types. Dan Hanley, whom I don't know, has been through the ringer on this and has suffered terribly as a whistleblower. Now he's risking even more, maybe his life. His accusations, and those of the former officer of McCook Metals, have caused them to be threatened and harassed by members of the law enforcement community. The only protection for them is to let as many as possible people know about this. Judge Wedoff, who presided over the United Airlines Bankruptcy, has been investigated and, I believe, indicted. His connections go right to the White House and the President's Administration. Dangerous stuff if kept out of the public arena. 

As some of us know, United management is as corrupt as they come. They've lied under oath, both in arbitrations I've been involved with, and in court. They have been caught hiding evidence, again in a case I was involved in myself, and have been caught changing the composition of documents. I wouldn't put anything past them.

Was the United bankruptcy necessary? Was the ATSB loan guarantee turn-down by the shrub's henchmen warranted? Were the employee pension terminations necessary? If this gets to court, maybe there will be answers.

Note that Dan Hanley has copied the new UAL MEC officers, as well as the CEO and other senior managers of United Airlines. This is only an affidavit. I don't know if any lawsuit has been filed, or will be filed, or if Hanley is being represented by a lawyer. Maybe he just wanted a sworn affidavit publicly disseminated.  

Please pass this on. If it's not true, that will hopefully come out. If it is true, then heads should roll, and the UAL employee pensions should immediately be restored and the employees/retirees who were creamed by the loss of the ESOP stock should be properly compensated.

Captain Hanley,
This is kinda like crawling out on a tree limb, way high on the tree, while wearing no trousers and dragging an electric chain saw behind you.  It is also demonstrating the courage of your convictions and exhibiting your faith in the American legal system. I commend you for your efforts on the behalf of all United employees, past and present.

Thank you.

John Croft


I, Daniel W. Hanley, being first duly sworn, on oath, states as follows:
        1.      I am of legal age and competent.  This affidavit is made on my personal knowledge of all matters set forth and referenced herein.  If sworn and called as a witness in this case, I could, and I would, testify competently as to each fact set forth and incorporated herein by reference. 

The alleged facts supported with evidence are true and correct to the best of my personal knowledge of the facts, evidence, information and belief. 

I am of information and belief that Michael Lynch, former CEO and Chairman of McCook Metals, LLC, with the assistance of local and national organizations and individuals, has turned over to civil and criminal authorities and multiple media entities material evidence confirming the existence of an alleged organized, nation-wide criminal enterprise involving officers of state and federal courts who exploit litigants for their personal financial gain and who unlawfully manipulate and exploit the judicial system at the expense of state and federal taxpayers as well as for their personal financial gain in violation of state and federal tax laws. 

I am of information and belief that multiple judges and lawyers are aware of and/or involved in the alleged criminal acts by federal court agents.  That in alleged violation of Illinois Supreme Court Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 63(B)(3)(a) and/or Rules of Professional Conduct Rules 8.3 and 8.4, these members of the bench and bar have not reported these alleged illegal acts to the appropriate authorities, thereby conspiring with the same, and/or have directly committed these alleged acts. By law, all should have their law licenses permanently revoked and/or be removed from the bench instanter. 

I am of information and belief that American citizens have been retaliated against for attempting to obey their civil and moral duties as members of a free democracy to expose these unlawful acts by state and federal court agents including, but not limited to, retaliation by means of judicial kidnapping of children, false incarceration after being „framed ‰ by criminal elements in civil and criminal authorities, impoverishment, coercion under duress, and serious physical injury up to and including death. 

My involvement in these matters has created much disharmony within my loving family.  We are shouldering this cross with our faith and trust in God, our political leaders, justice system, law enforcement agencies, and our Constitutional rights of freedom of speech. 

I am of information and belief that the Operation Greylord investigation and convictions only touched a percentage of the total number of allegedly corrupt state and federal court agents in Chicago. 

I am of information and belief that Seventh Circuit federal bankruptcy Judge Eugene R. Wedoff, the presiding judge in the United bankruptcy, allegedly maintains a $40-million Œbribery fund‚. 

I have direct knowledge of, with supporting evidence such as digitally recorded phone conversations, stonewalled federal reports, correspondence, witnesses, and other materials in safekeeping via USB flash drive devices at numerous undisclosed locations to prove that I was illegally removed from employment as a United Airlines B-777 Captain in 2003 for attempting to whistleblow on federal issues involving safety, security, and possible RICO violations.  Subsequent attempts to bring these matters to the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, numerous politicians and law enforcement officials have been ignored. 

I am of information belief that senior-level United Airlines management may have redacted documents in the post-9/11 Airline Transportation Stabilization Board (ATSB) loan application process as well as deceiving the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) of the true financial health of the United Airline employee pension funds.

I am of information and belief that a major and direct conflict of interest existed with the appointment of Robert Gordon as one of four members of the PBGC Oversight Committee to represent employee pension interests just four days before Judge Wedoff ruled in favor of distress-termination of employee pensions.  Mr. Gordon had previously served under United CEO Glenn Tilton while at Texaco/Chevron and was also a close personal friend of the President. In a review of documents procured through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), there is no evidence that PBGC Director Bradley Belt ever conducted the ERISA-mandated in-depth analysis of United Airline pension funding before agreeing to said termination. 

I have direct knowledge of increasing evidence that suggests the Department of Justice is blocking attempts to provide witness protection/immunity from prosecution for criminal informants and others in these matters. 

Given the aforementioned, since only $1.5-billion of the $10-billion authorized in loan guarantees by the Airline Transportation Stabilization Act were let, and since evidence suggests that United Airlines management was less than truthful in their application process, the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing of United Airlines may not have been necessary.   

Further affiant sayeth naught. 
            &nb sp;                                                            DANIEL W. HANLEY