As usual you have your facts and even your carrier wrong. The decision by Judge Davis yesterday dealt with Mesaba, not Northwest. At NWA all of the Unions except the AFA have agreed to concessions and its right to strike is now being litigated. The concessions imposed on the NWA mechanics were not imposed by the Bankruptcy Judge. AMFA and NWA were released to engage in self help and the Company was freed to impose what now exists.
The AMFA represented NWA mechanics have no appeal to any Court on the Company imposed pay and working conditions.
At Mesaba, ALPA, AFA, and AMFA did not agree with the Company demands and all appealed the decision of the Bankruptcy Judge. Judge Davis (a Clinton appointee) ruled that the Company needed the concessions, but didn't bargain in good faith and, therefore, wouldn't allow the Company to impose them. By all accounts,
the primary spokespeople at the arguments were the ALPA and AFA lawyers and, hopefully, Davis' decision will withstand appeal and the Company won't liquidate.
As things now stand pay and benefits for Mesaba workers are near the bottom of the regional industry.