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Mar 7, 2003
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We will watch as things unfold at Mesaba Airlines.

Taken from 7/14 DEAR AFA:

Today, in a devastating testament to the enormous protection corporations receive under the bankruptcy code, Federal Bankruptcy Judge Gregory F. Kishel sided with Mesaba Airlines' management and granted the company's motion to abrogate the labor contract of the Flight Attendants. If Mesaba management acts on the courts order by imposing cuts that unilaterally alter the Flight Attendant contract, the Railway Labor Act affords the Flight Attendants the legal right to strike. According to Tim Evenson, Mesaba's Master Executive Council President stated that "This decision could have a devastating effect on the airline industry for years to come. History has shown us that what one airline is allowed to get away with under the bankruptcy umbrella becomes the goal for all other airlines. Because of what this bankruptcy court did today, we will wage that fight here at Mesaba - for our members and for Flight Attendants across the industry."

As you may recall, the bankruptcy court denied Mesaba's first attempt to abrogate their labor groups' contracts and recommended that management return to the bargaining table. Since then, management only met with AFA-CWA for two bargaining sessions, and began the first meeting by renewing their threat to seek a court order to reject the contract. After AFA's counterproposal, the company refused to negotiate further. If the 19.4 percent cut is enacted, the annual income of some Mesaba Flight Attendants with a family of four will be reduced to under $10,000 after paying for insurance benefits.