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If it wasn't for the free laptops, twu would have very little support on this board. Can't fight the AMFA without one. Just plug it in and go.....................
Out the Door in 04.....
Keep the Faith............VOTE AMFA!!!
I did not mean to come across as arrogant. The decision to buy laptops was made at E-board meetings. A motion to buy them was made by a member at a Union meeting . They were not all bought at once and not all members of the e-board have one. Each one was listed in the financial statements that the membership approves every union meeting.
No one is trying to pull a fast one...
That is a great idea.

Local 514 should buy every member a laptop computer before the TWU Int'l comes to get their $10 Mill in the bank.

After the election the Int'l will de-charter the local and take all the money.

At least this way the members would get something out their huge cash pile.
MCI-AFL-CIO, that is exactly why these things shouldn't be discussed on a public BB. Now everybody else is going to throw in their stupid comments.
Check Dave's posts...he can't help but reply with stupidity or rhetoric. It's the AMFA way!
mojo13 said:
MCI-AFL-CIO, that is exactly why these things shouldn't be discussed on a public BB. Now everybody else is going to throw in their stupid comments.
MCI-AFL-CIO, that is exactly why these things shouldn't be discussed on a public BB. Now everybody else is going to throw in their stupid comments

MOJO, I do agree, but it is freedom of speech and free to voice opinion, and if the membership cnat get answers internally, then the only alternative is to post negative remarks here, negative but sincere. You stated the Laptops were discussed at an E Board meeting, no members only the officers? ANd you said it was brought up at a monthly meeting to buy? I have been to all meetings and never heard that brought up, must have been at one of the other meetings?
The biggest complaint the membership had about the IAM committee, and Im sure will you be agree, the Committe was " A Good Ol Boy Network", if the present committee keeps going this way, you are sure to follow what memberhsip hated most about the IAM, I do not want that, I am not yours or the E Boards enemy, I only would like for fairness, and I dont see that happening here. I will admit my stomach got soured by what my local E Board did to Butch, and until I hear a ruling made 1 way or the other, i will keep pressing this issue, WHy is it that our local has failed to press the international for the answers to the appeal? Is this going to be swept under the rug? Not if I have a say and the membership did speak, but that petitionhas yet to be heard either.
I do not and will advocate AMFA , I will be loyal to my local, I do not have any thing against any of the members personally, other than the childish act condoned by those that took away what the membership voted
I have more "gripes" but I will not air them here, but I hope that our E Board will take a more positive interest in all members not just the "click"

The reason behind stating negative responses here, is to show, this could happen if we were AMFA, its not just happening because we are TWU
MCI-AFL-CIO, I would be happy to answer any of your questions through e-mail. I am not going to discuss internal e-board problems or policy on this forum. 😱
mojo13 said:
What do you think "approval" means? God help you guys!

Bob, I don't think you understand what I said. They could have set their salaries under the by-laws without the members approval. IF they changed from the set salaries, then they would have to take it before the members for approval.
So you are saying that your board has been working for no pay? Even so, if they were working for no pay then they decided to set a pay rate its still a change isnt it? Of course it is, its a change from zero to whatever they propose, therefore it still should go before the membership for a vote.
Hey Bob, thanks for your input and legal advice, but you really need to go get you some business, and leave our's alone.
Your_Ex-Wife said:
Hey Bob, thanks for your input and legal advice, but you really need to go get you some business, and leave our's alone.
If its your business then what is it doing here?

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