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JOHN WARD....an American hero...

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On 11/2/2002 5:12:25 PM AC AA LA FA wrote:

The fact remains that due to the climate of the relationship of APFA and Ms. Cooper et al..a simple work change may have set us up to take a fall where none was deserved..APFA has been put in a corner, thanks to Ms. Cooper, and as much as everybody would like to have seen jobs saved, it just could not be done without damaging our integerity...you have one person to blame for that..you beloved Ms. C....AA has an operation to keep up and running and the number of leaves were allocated accross the system as needed....the bottom line is all AAers did their part, they were denied LOAs at their bases..the ONLY base with unfilled leaves was STL...it is as simple as that
Fact of the matter is , Ms. Sherry Cooper has more support than what you can even imagine.
[BR]A real American hero? We've got a whole series of [A href=http://www.geocities.com/reaal_american_hero/sound]songs[/A] on that topic here in STL!
On 11/2/2002 5:12:25 PM AC AA LA FA wrote:

....the bottom line is all AAers did their part, they were denied LOAs at their bases..the ONLY base with unfilled leaves was STL...it is as simple as that

Yes, but AAers' part was so much smaller than our part. We had an overage of 947 in a base with slightly over 3000 people. Do you think AAers could have done their part if the percentages were the same?

Once he resigns, he can have the top position at the TWU. They need someone with some balls.
On 11/2/2002 6:25:14 PM riptide44 wrote:

Fact of the matter is , Ms. Sherry Cooper has more support than what you can even imagine.

I believe mikey was referring to people support, and not a miracle bra, girdle, and miracle-butt underwear of Miss Cooper....
On 11/3/2002 2:58:01 PM coldplay wrote:

On 11/2/2002 6:25:14 PM riptide44 wrote:

Fact of the matter is , Ms. Sherry Cooper has more support than what you can even imagine.

I believe mikey was referring to people support, and not a miracle bra, girdle, and miracle-butt underwear of Miss Cooper....


On 11/3/2002 4:51:04 PM will fix for food wrote:

On 11/3/2002 2:58:01 PM coldplay wrote:

On 11/2/2002 6:25:14 PM riptide44 wrote:

Fact of the matter is , Ms. Sherry Cooper has more support than what you can even imagine.

I believe mikey was referring to people support, and not a miracle bra, girdle, and miracle-butt underwear of Miss Cooper....



NO, just plain silly and stupid post from coldplay . Merit of coldplay's post:Big zero....waste of space. He may get a good laugh on the boards, but not in the court room. inosrc='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/6.gif']
On 11/2/2002 6:25:14 PM riptide44 wrote:

Fact of the matter is , Ms. Sherry Cooper has more support than what you can even imagine.

Well I hope for ms. Cooper's sake she stays in STL/ISL because she has made enemies out of the 23000 original APFAer's. She won't find any support for her many lawsuits that are wasting our money on this side of the fence. Now that it is also YOUR money, it makes me wonder just how intelligent you all are over there? Has she really convinced you that APFA has control over what base flys what routes? Last I heard, this is American Airlines, which is run by American Airlines, not the Unions.
These are the same people that are convinced that TWA would still be around today. Without AA's help.
On 11/3/2002 5:14:01 PM riptide44 wrote:

On 11/3/2002 4:51:04 PM will fix for food wrote:

On 11/3/2002 2:58:01 PM coldplay wrote:

On 11/2/2002 6:25:14 PM riptide44 wrote:

Fact of the matter is , Ms. Sherry Cooper has more support than what you can even imagine.

I believe mikey was referring to people support, and not a miracle bra, girdle, and miracle-butt underwear of Miss Cooper....



NO, just plain silly and stupid post from "coldplay" . Merit of coldplay's post:Big zero....waste of space. He may get a good laugh on the boards, but not in the court room. inosrc='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/6.gif']

Oh so it's perfectly alright to bash John Ward but when someone posts some truth about Sherry Cooper and the support she needs, then it's a big zero and waste of space? The only wasted space here are the bitter bitties like you who can't accept what you have today, and can't tell the difference between Pure Greed and fair and Equitable...get off your high horse, if you want to post things in here and then can't take the criticism and the truth about your greed and Sherry's need of support, then quit posting.
On 11/2/2002 11:27:03 AM F/A TWAA wrote:

An admission of guilt.......well, sort of:... The statement regarding Ms. Cooper's
current IAM position was drawn directly from information contained
on the IAM web site at the time the article was submitted for
publication. APFA had no reason to doubt the accuracy of the IAM's
statement regarding the identity of its own officials. Ms. Cooper
reports that her IAM position terminated on July 31, 2002, prior to
the time she assumed her APFA position. Thus, the statement in
Skyword, and the IAM web site posting upon which the Skyword
statement was based, were in error. APFA had no reason to doubt the
accuracy of the IAM's publication of the identity of its own
officials and did not intentionally include any misinformation in
the article or seek to misrepresent Ms. Cooper's status.

Hmm are not the APFA board member's professional union folks? Are they not engaged in a heated dispute involving a lot of money and serious issues? Do you really think they didn't know exactly what the situation 's reality was when they posted this false information. I submit they knew that Sherry is no longer working for the IAM but would like it to be believed by their AA membership. If they did not take the time or trouble to be sure like a simple phone call or checking public records than they are either not very good or just not very smart.
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