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Job-Killing Trade Deals Pass Congress


Dec 28, 2009
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SanFranFreako, KommieFornia
Job-Killing Trade Deals Pass Congress

With 9 percent unemployment and Americans desperate for job creation, it is unconscionable that President Obama and House Republicans just shoved through a trio of NAFTA-style job-killing trade agreements that even the government's own studies show will increase the U.S. trade deficit.

This represents a complete flip-flop for President Obama, who won crucial swing states by pledging to overhaul our flawed trade policies. So, it is no surprise that a sizeable majority of Democrats in Congress voted against these agreements, against Obama and for American jobs.

As we predicted, the only way these deals passed was because congressional GOP were loyal to their corporate bosses and provided President Obama almost all of the votes. Only 21 GOP voted no on the Korea FTA and of those, only seven out of the 83 GOP freshmen did so.

Wow, I can just imagine how many jobs will be lost to Panama... Right now, Panama spends 20x more on goods from the US than the other way around.

We import more from both South Korea and Colombia, but on a dollar basis, the amount of imports for Colombia are almost identical to what we import from Israel (approx 15B). We trade more with South Korea than we do with the UK.
Wow, I can just imagine how many jobs will be lost to Panama... Right now, Panama spends 20x more on goods from the US than the other way around.

We import more from both South Korea and Colombia, but on a dollar basis, the amount of imports for Colombia are almost identical to what we import from Israel (approx 15B). We trade more with South Korea than we do with the UK.

Removal of trade restrictions is generally good for job growth.

What is not good is process that reconfigures the economic landscape.

Let's use Panama as an example. Suppose that a company there builds a steel plant and can spit out trash cans for about a third of the cost to do so in the US. Even with shipping included we are at a huge disadvantage. Free trade does several things.

Closes the steel plant here and cost jobs there
Raises the standard of living in Panama allowing them to buy more Dell Computers causing Dell to hire more workers
Creates more longshoremen jobs unloading the ships full of trash cans.
In the end there is usually a net jobs gain, but try telling that to the folk at the steel mill located in West BFE who've seen their life as they knew it and planned for it to go down the drain.

Obviously a simplistic example but an accurate one. We saw this happen with Manufacturing from the 80's on. What is never mentioned about all those jobs going overseas is that roughly half of the jobs were automated out of existence prior to ever leaving the US
Removal of trade restrictions is generally good for job growth.

What is not good is process that reconfigures the economic landscape.

Let's use Panama as an example. Suppose that a company there builds a steel plant and can spit out trash cans for about a third of the cost to do so in the US. Even with shipping included we are at a huge disadvantage. Free trade does several things.

Closes the steel plant here and cost jobs there
Raises the standard of living in Panama allowing them to buy more Dell Computers causing Dell to hire more workers
Creates more longshoremen jobs unloading the ships full of trash cans.
In the end there is usually a net jobs gain, but try telling that to the folk at the steel mill located in West BFE who've seen their life as they knew it and planned for it to go down the drain.

Obviously a simplistic example but an accurate one. We saw this happen with Manufacturing from the 80's on. What is never mentioned about all those jobs going overseas is that roughly half of the jobs were automated out of existence prior to ever leaving the US
It rearranges jobs in a mostly neutral way. That was a good simple explanation. There was a great explanation on NPR the other day on the phenomenon.
It rearranges jobs in a mostly neutral way. That was a good simple explanation. There was a great explanation on NPR the other day on the phenomenon.

So you subscribe to Obama Radio.......how's Juan Williams doing these days.

See you too latch on to the conspiracy theory De Jour..... :lol:
So you subscribe to Obama Radio.......how's Juan Williams doing these days.

See you too latch on to the conspiracy theory De Jour..... :lol:
You should really broaden your horizons.

Meredith Broadbent of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says a 21st-century economy must be flexible in order to grow. Jobs will inevitably move from one state, or one industry, to another, she says.

"I guess we can expect there'll be adjustments in certain areas, but it is more, I think, a function of a fast-moving economy with high productivity than a direct impact of any potential imports from Korea," she says.

You should really broaden your horizons.


LOL....isn't much Obama does anymore that appeases his supporters.

When Soros starts telling donors O isn't the best bet.....he's about through.

Dude you seem to subscribe to all the pravda approved outlets....you have to drink the koolaid, not I.
LOL....isn't much Obama does anymore that appeases his supporters.

When Soros starts telling donors O isn't the best bet.....he's about through.

Dude you seem to subscribe to all the pravda approved outlets....you have to drink the koolaid, not I.
I didn't know my Fox News Rss feed was commie approved???
So the CSIS is Pravda approved? Sam Nunn is the chair...


Aren't they the clowns who claimed Iran is still years away from producing a nuke?

And didn't they provide detailed congressional testimony on Iraq's WMD capabilities that most in both houses and heads of many countries bought off on that lead up to Bush going hot pickles?

Fox News??? Dude you outed yourself. 😛
Aren't they the clowns who claimed Iran is still years away from producing a nuke?

And didn't they provide detailed congressional testimony on Iraq's WMD capabilities that most in both houses and heads of many countries bought off on that lead up to Bush going hot pickles?

Source? Quotes?