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Jfk Job Action

C5 Driver

Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
I would just like to thank all of the JFK ground crewmembers that were responsible for making AA's SJO/JFK inaugural flight turn into a total disgrace. Your tremendous efforts in refusing to work the flight for over an hour after arrival made quite an impression. This type of stu**dity is what is going to bring our demise, just like it did at Braniff and Eastern. Those responsible should be fired, and for all of you that know what is going on and do nothing about it shame on you.
You have more details? FLIFO says the flight left the gate only 20 minutes late, and took off shortly thereafter.
C5 Driver said:
I would just like to thank all of the JFK ground crewmembers that were responsible for making AA's SJO/JFK inaugural flight turn into a total disgrace. Your tremendous efforts in refusing to work the flight for over an hour after arrival made quite an impression. This type of stu**dity is what is going to bring our demise, just like it did at Braniff and Eastern. Those responsible should be fired, and for all of you that know what is going on and do nothing about it shame on you.
I admit, I DO NOT know any of the "details".

I do know, that if the delay was due to something like SHORT OF HELP, WALKING OFF for lunch, or (and this one is the companys #1)(EVEN THOUGH THEY DON"T MEAN IT), "Working safely", then it would NOT be a FSC problem.

Kennedy is the ABSOLUTE LAST place that AA should engage in a game of "HARDBALL" !!!!!!!!!!!!!


"If I can make it there, I'll make it ANYWHERE, It's up to you NEW YORK-NEWW YOOORRRK" ----------------------- Francis Albert Sinatra
JFK crew members received an HI6 stating that bag belts between 8 and 9 went inoperative that evening, resulting in a delay in pretty much everything. I think the job action was a rumor out of control.

Now this evening in ORD it took the rampers over two hours to load our bins in the belly of the widebody, so perhaps something is going on there?
Although I sympathize with the passengers who have been affected by the situation at JFK over the past few days American has to bear most of the responsibility. Employees are demoralized. The holiday's are upon us and with the past snow storm, they had an opportunity to make extra money with overtime. Where they once would have worked around the clock deicing at double time, now it just doesn't seem that important to work all the OT. American went after our contracts and paychecks with a vengeance. They expect all of us to do more with less. Well guess what, with the paycuts, sick time loss, vacation loss, double time loss and holiday pay loss, etc,etc,etc, employees have learned to do more with less in their personal lives as well. To expect employees to come in and give 110% is beyond belief. Yea, yea, we all are aware that the passenger pays the bills, but the employee has bills to pay as well.
Bear in mind that we are in an industry where people want only to pay $99 to fly coast to coast on multimillion dollar aircraft. I wonder how many of these people would pay $99 dinner for two at an upscale restaurant once a month. Employees have been forced to work for less just so airlines can charge these ridiculous fares. Kinda like when US firms move all their manufacturing to third world nations where people earn pennies an hour. But you never see executive jobs being moved there.
And C5DRIVER is right when he states that this was the beginning of the end of Eastern and Braniff. But guess what? American's ranks are full of people who worked for Eastern, Braniff, PanAM and every other failed carrier who were force fed pay and benefit cuts and were expected to give it their all for the passengers and company survival! WHAT GOOD DID IT DO THEM?
If American wants to solve the morale issue, they know what they have to do!
People need their Pay and benefits restored! NOT JUST THEIR EXECUTIVES' COMPENSATION!

We've been told by upper management who were trained at the Wharton School of Business that money isn't a motivator. WHAT A CROCK!

It sure has motivated its executives who have left AA for higher compensation!
Hopeful, Again I like the way you put letters together to form words :up:
Yes this is Eastern all over again. Obviously management has not learned its lesson. You can not try to finance an airline's survival with labor concessions. The equation is pretty simple. The "lucky to have a job" line only goes so far. The more things stay the same while employees get less and less - the airline will fall apart - no matter how "lucky" the employees are to have a job. Mr. Arpey will need to come up with a better plan fast.

While I DO NOT think there is an organized GROUP slow down going on,
(Jesus, we'd need a REAL UNION for that),
I do think, as hopeful has correctly stated, that there is an INDIVIDUAL "slowing down", going on.

People are just plain FED UP.

SO, as it is plain to see, AA Management(and AA's union)(TWU), have failed miserably AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopeful said:
Although I sympathize with the passengers who have been affected by the situation at JFK over the past few days American has to bear most of the responsibility. Employees are demoralized. The holiday's are upon us and with the past snow storm, they had an opportunity to make extra money with overtime. Where they once would have worked around the clock deicing at double time, now it just doesn't seem that important to work all the OT. American went after our contracts and paychecks with a vengeance. They expect all of us to do more with less. Well guess what, with the paycuts, sick time loss, vacation loss, double time loss and holiday pay loss, etc,etc,etc, employees have learned to do more with less in their personal lives as well. To expect employees to come in and give 110% is beyond belief. Yea, yea, we all are aware that the passenger pays the bills, but the employee has bills to pay as well.
Bear in mind that we are in an industry where people want only to pay $99 to fly coast to coast on multimillion dollar aircraft. I wonder how many of these people would pay $99 dinner for two at an upscale restaurant once a month. Employees have been forced to work for less just so airlines can charge these ridiculous fares. Kinda like when US firms move all their manufacturing to third world nations where people earn pennies an hour. But you never see executive jobs being moved there.
And C5DRIVER is right when he states that this was the beginning of the end of Eastern and Braniff. But guess what? American's ranks are full of people who worked for Eastern, Braniff, PanAM and every other failed carrier who were force fed pay and benefit cuts and were expected to give it their all for the passengers and company survival! WHAT GOOD DID IT DO THEM?
If American wants to solve the morale issue, they know what they have to do!
People need their Pay and benefits restored! NOT JUST THEIR EXECUTIVES' COMPENSATION!

We've been told by upper management who were trained at the Wharton School of Business that money isn't a motivator. WHAT A CROCK!

It sure has motivated its executives who have left AA for higher compensation!
Hopeful, you dont see the "big picture", you have to think in the abstract, and if that doesnt work baffle 'em with bull$#!+.

Money is not a motivator.

Money is not a motivator.

Money is not a motivator.

Keep saying that till you believe it, then everything will be OK, in the abstract that is.
:unsure: Self I say! Self, haven't we been here before??? Some how this all seems familure!!! Where have I heard it??? "If the only way you can expect to survive is on the backs of your employees, your dead already"!!! Or, how about this one? " Don't worry! We can always shrink into profitablity!!!!" My, my, my! How little we do learn!!!!! Signed, Just another redheaded stepchild!
You're from DFW where everything is peaches and cream!