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JetBlue,TV & AA


Dec 21, 2002
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Most of the billboards throughout NYC that advertise JetBlue make reference to the TV on boards. Is this the single most important selling point to fly them? I understand the customer service is important, but is pointing out that each aircraft seat has TV the dealmaker? If this is that important to the flying public, then why doesn''t AMERICAN AIRLINES start putting in TV at each seat? (I know it costs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)I''m sure there are other companies that have the technology and resources to do it. AA has met the fares of JetBlue on competeing routes, (I convinced a relative to fly AMERICAN from LGB to JFK. He said the fares were the same and he appreciated the leg room, but flying with children, he missed the TV that he had when he flew JetBlue. So, maybe a good formula would be the legrrom, the larger aircraft, competitive fares and TV at each seat!
What's there on TV to watch anyway? It's nice just to get on an airplane and get away from the airport CNN. Of course, if you can't read, then Jerry Springer is always there for intellectual stimulation.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/30/2002 10:24:14 AM Winglet wrote:
[P]Of course, if you can't read, then Jerry Springer is always there for intellectual stimulation.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Most JetBlue passengers should be able to appreciate this.[BR][BR]</ducking>[/P]
On 12/30/2002 9:58:49 AM Hopeful wrote:

I agree. Whenever I have spoken to someone who has flown JetBlue, they remark that it was a nice flight, but they just about all the time give high praise for the TV on board

Odd... on the eopinions board, the single biggest complaint is about the TV's.
Yes, Yes, and they eventually will. Prior to 2001, UAL had plans to outfit the entire fleet with the technology. It's tough to poney up the cash to do 600 jets, but it's not that big of a deal to take delivery of new jets with the service. Kind of like the diff in ordering a new car with power windows or A/C vs having it installed later. Expect DAL to do something along the lines of TV on it's new LCC line.
I agree. Whenever I have spoken to someone who has flown JetBlue, they remark that it was a nice flight, but they just about all the time give high praise for the TV on board
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/30/2002 10:24:14 AM Winglet wrote:
[P]Of course, if you can't read, then Jerry Springer is always there for intellectual stimulation.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Most JetBlue passengers should be able to appreciate this.[BR][BR][/ducking][/P]
[blockquote]----------------On 12/30/2002 10:24:14 AM Winglet wrote: What's there on TV to watch anyway? It's nice just to get on an airplane and get away from the airport CNN. Of course, if you can't read, then Jerry Springer is always there for intellectual stimulation.----------------[/blockquote]

How does the audio work, thru headsets? How about the viewing angle on the screen, does the next seat over see a clear screen?
Wont happen at AA anytime soon..AA has opted for the removal of seatback TV on all 8 767-300 that are to be delevered in 03...They were originaly to have ent. on all seats...but due to costs ect..it was axed and the planes will come with overhead video only...........
Do not worry, ITRADE, we LCC airlines do not have problem providing quality air transportation to the people you deem "Intellectually inferior"!

Must be good living in your world, as much Foie gras as you can eat. Hope you do not choke!
It's not that big a deal. Most folks don't care if they watch Friends live or a taped version. What do you watch on the all night Trans cons?

More importantly are the high yeild pax going to pony up more money for TV, no. They will pay an additional premium for internet access. IMHO you will not see TV until internet access has been perfected. Then you will see Sat TV and most likly Sat radio too. At this point in time, it's just when you decide to jump into the tech game. JetBlue got in with TV. In 5 years that will be old news and something new will take it's place. Sooner or later AA will get involved but only when they see something that people will pay additional revenues for.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/31/2002 8:08:03 AM G4G5 wrote:
[P]It's not that big a deal. Most folks don't care if they watch Friends live or a taped version. What do you watch on the all night Trans cons?[BR][BR]----------------[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Nothing. I try to sleep.[BR][BR]To Diesel8.....foie gras is so passe. Too many gauche restaurants serving it these days. Plus you can't get real foie gras in the U.S. these days owing to USDA restrictions.[/P]
Has any outfit been able to come up with a reliable entertainment system for aircraft? Typically they are maintenance hogs, and require dedicated staff to keep up, otherwise it has less maintenance priority than airworthiness items, hence most airplanes carry entertainment system deferrals. Even the factory installed systems tend to eat you up over time.
This thread is laughable.

If this is typical of the conversations within AA's management suite, then its no wonder this airline is in so much trouble.

Hey folks forget the TV, internet, or any other cute technology gadget. This airline doesn't have the money for it, nor will it for some time to come. You have much bigger financial and capital concerns to deal with for the time being.

Here's some cheap advise, why don't you stop obessing over jetBlue and instead concentrate on the root causes for your inability to make money. You'd be far better off studying the problems at UAL (which BTW appears to be well on its way to extinction) to figure out how to negotiate the financial minefield you're presently in.