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JetBlue,TV & AA

On 12/31/2002 12:18:42 PM Speedbird wrote:

Here's some cheap advise,

Cheap advice from and even cheaper pilot....
On 12/31/2002 12:18:42 PM Speedbird wrote:

"Hey folks forget the TV, internet, or any other cute technology gadget. This airline doesn't have the money for it, nor will it for some time to come. You have much bigger financial and capital concerns to deal with for the time being."

Actually the cost isn't that significant whne you consider the cost of a jet. If it's what pax want, and they are willing to pay a premium for it, then you do it.

"Here's some cheap advise, why don't you stop obessing over jetBlue and instead concentrate on the root causes for your inability to make money. You'd be far better off studying the problems at UAL (which BTW appears to be well on its way to extinction) to figure out how to negotiate the financial minefield you're presently in."

You don't wait for a tumor to get the size of a Basketball before you get treated for cancer. Cancers MUST be killed while they are small. Unfortunately for you guys, I think AMR, DAL and U are waking up to that fact. I can tell you from past experience that YOU are the one that should be worrying.
On 12/31/2002 2:35:09 PM Busdrvr wrote:

On 12/31/2002 12:18:42 PM Speedbird wrote:

Here's some cheap advise,

Cheap advice from and even cheaper pilot....


Should UAL go belly up, and seeing that Busdriver is rated in the A320....I wonder what airlines that are flying the 320 will be in the hiring mood. Should that happen, do you like your crow medium or well done???
This thread poses a legitimate question. Never mind that there is nothing on TV, etc. My initial post was that most JetBlue billboards advertise the TV as their major selling point. Rarely do they mention low fares and customer service. And of the people that I know that have flown JetBlue HAVE almost all the time had postive comments on the TV.
On 12/31/2002 3:07:59 PM KCFlyer wrote:

Should UAL go belly up, and seeing that Busdriver is rated in the A320....I wonder what airlines that are flying the 320 will be in the hiring mood. Should that happen, do you like your crow medium or well done???

Nope, wouldn't even apply. Some folks actually have a minimum amount they believe their services are worth. I'll merely go on to another (better paying than Jblu) career, and the unsuspecting public will get exactly what they paid for. If the state of Kansas decided that web surfing Beaurocrats should only make 1/2 of what you make (plus no benefits) would you continue, or do you have enough self respect and self worth to find another career? BTW, I'm "Rated" in a heck of a lot more jets than just the A320
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/1/2003 8:26:57 AM Busdrvr wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]I'll merely go on to another (better paying than Jblu) career, and the unsuspecting public will get exactly what they paid for
[P]Oh busd...I hope for your sake that it's not a ground bound career. Because as bad as pay cuts and/or low pay might be, pilots do get to spend a little time looking at the world from 30,000 feet. As your new high paying career takes you to your office, and as you walk from the parking lot to your plushly carpeted office on an overcast day, and when you hear a jet engine in the clouds, you'll gaze up and long to be up above the gray and able to see the sunshine. Or maybe you'll spot a contrail high in the sky on a crisp winter's day and wonder where he's going....and in some way, wishing that you could be there. Then you'll turn your attention to that incoming call and wonder if maybe it wasn't all about the money....[/P]
On 1/1/2003 10:43:36 AM KCFlyer wrote:

"Oh busd...I hope for your sake that it's not a ground bound career. Because as bad as pay cuts and/or low pay might be, pilots do get to spend a little time looking at the world from 30,000 feet."

trust me there are plenty of ops to fly as much as you'd like without it being your primary source of income, and quite frankly, dodging T-storms at 37,000 ft doesn't hold the same level of enjoyment as flying upside down at 700kts or 450 knots at 500ft in the mountains, especially after the full cavity search to get past the new hire GS-3 at security.

On 1/1/2003 1:18:11 PM ac500 wrote:

I think bdriver will miss the cavity search more than anything else.

<PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR> At least we know that you and your attitude are employed by the (former) almighty United. No offense to the people at United (among which BUSDRVR is not). I can see why your mechanics hate your bloody guts.[BR][BR]One thousand pardons to everyone else.
More insights from Busdrvr:

"Nope, wouldn't even apply. Some folks actually have a minimum amount they believe their services are worth. I'll merely go on to another (better paying than Jblu) career, and the unsuspecting public will get exactly what they paid for."

I suppose this is another jealosy-induced smear (AKA, personal attack of the good people at jetBlue) by busdrvr. I'd respond with my own immature comment to keep it on the same level playing field as he likes to operate on, instead I'll ask busdrvr these questions:

Are you implying that jetBlue's passengers are being taken advantage of in some way? Or are you implying that lower paid pilots at jetBlue somehow make flying on this airline more risky from a safety standpoint? Also, what does your post have to do with the thread topic?

C'mon Busdrvr please expand on your point. So we can better appreciate the insight from a principled individual and true professional, such as youself.
On 1/1/2003 2:39:51 PM Speedbird wrote:

Are you implying that jetBlue's passengers are being taken advantage of in some way? Or are you implying that lower paid pilots at jetBlue somehow make flying on this airline more risky from a safety standpoint? Also, what does your post have to do with the thread topic?

C'mon Busdrvr please expand on your point. So we can better appreciate the insight from a principled individual and true professional, such as youself.

Yes I am "speedbird" Of course you are the one commenting on the size of my genitalia in PM's, get a life. I'll stand behind MY background, will you stand behind YOUR's? Who did you apply with? who turned you down? Who gave you absolutely no response? I guess SWA, NWA, AMR, DAL, U, UAL and every other outfit that pay's significantly more than your ponzi scheme had it wrong huh? Only "new jet" later to become "jetblue" started by a man who's proven he can't stay in one job over 5 years, could see that a bottom of the UPT class AF reject was truely a "diamond in the rough" (not you of course as this is not a personal attack, I've just heard you have a large share of bottom of the class individuals). Knowing up front that you'd gladly roll over to take lower pay, you'd think they'd been in line wanting you. Of course the cost benefit analysis of the extra training prob made you (i'm using the term "you" as a generalization, I'm sure, unlike the reportedly average Jetblue pilot who has a higher failure rate in Capt upgrade than all the majors, you probably smoked the program) a bad bet. Of course it wasn't a factor at newjet since AB is footing the bill for training huh? I guess the cost benefit analysis (ala Ford's "Pinto" equation) suggest that the fugitive from american Justice and primary Newjet financier George Soros will recoup any investment (as will your perinial short timer
president) long before they fish the bodies out of the water off the coast of JFK. again "Speedbird" this is not a personal attack, lest you whine to mommy, I'm merely pointing out that most Jetblu pilots of your seniority were likely passed over by ALL the majors. Why? Prove me wrong, tell us about all the jobs you turned down to take a position at newjet. Maybe you were differant. we need to be enlightened about the quality of you "product".
Bill, seems to me that Bus' endless insults at the professionalism of OAL employees are the root cause of much of the unwarranted infantilism on these boards.

The solution is very simple.

It appears that you are one very insecure person. Do you feel better now that you got that off your chest? So you think that your last post was not a personal attack?

Well you're not the one to make that determination.

I do think its time for you to take a little vacation from these boards and cool off. If Mr. Lumbergh doesn't do it, why don't you make it a self-imposed one. You've obviously lost your focus and can't keep your emotions and strong personal prejudices from poisoning your opinions.

To answer your post, let me just say it is obvious you don't know one iota about me, jetBlue Airways, or what makes this airline successful.

I will give you a hint, it isn't the bloody TVs, or the cute commercials. Rather, its the people. This is the secret formula for jetBlue's success. Both management and employees who go to work everyday to provide exceptional service to their customers.

This doesn't happen by accident, but by a great management team that selects the right people (read: great attitudes WITH sound technical abilites), who see a great opportunity to start on the ground floor of an exceptional company.

Its too bad you haven't had the chance to experience it for yourself. If so, then perhaps you'd understand why I threw my hat into their ring. It was a risk I could have avoided (if you get my drift), but one I've never regretted taking...even if it all came crashing down tomorrow.

We might share the same profession, but we're obviously different people.

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