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Phantom Fixer said:For me...fighting to maintain a quality of life is a pure and simple matter of survival.
With energy costs on the ever increasing frontburner....it's not about a $4 Cup of wanna-be Yuppie Starbucks Coffee...or a $1 Plus Bottle of Dasani Water , its about keeping a mortgage paid , heat and lights glowing...and filiing the tank on my aging yet well maintaned 4Cylinder get to work car.
It's also about trying to save for the day I'm Ill..or ready to retire..and my pension is in the pocket of the current or next "Fly-By-Night CEO or Debtor in Posession Guy...assuming we even have a job after the first of the year?
Those that love to poke fun about having the extra's to boast about drinking Starbucks and drinking fancy bottled water are few....and somewhat sickening to me. These are the very ones that pay as much for 20 Oz's for Coffee or Water which are inert things..yet complain to beat the band about gas being over $2.00 a gallon.
Many in my opinion are purely foolish on how they elect to spend their earnings..yet it's not about that for the average U Employee...it never has been , it's about taking care of your family with just enough comfort level to squeeze by on.
U's Employee's are now at an average of making $47K a year and declining rapidly....and when you look at how many are making $400k Plus...and how many are making in excess of $120K..then divide that into roughly 27,000 people....you can see how many are at or below the state average income level of $35k in a state like North Carloina for example....I'm sure Pa's average income can't be much different.
Next time you post about some average working Joe/Jane that's trying to get by on $35 to $45K annually...with ever increasing contributions to health insurance , car insurance , taxes and energy costs...rememeber that those same people are supporting more than just themselves on those median incomes at present.
Without middle America...which is coming to a life near you...America is going to go the way of a thousand civilizations before us. This rich get all the tax breaks..and the middle is what makes all the tax contributions to keep the country solvent and moving.
I know I can't be thinking about Starbucks Coffee...I surely can't be thinking about buying a new car..regardless of 0% financing , no matter the length of the terms either. I will also not be playing Mr.Social-Climber by being on of the cool guys exchanging gifts with the crew either....I see a Pot-Luck Dinner where everyone pitches in....and that for us will be Christmas at U behind the scenes in many cases.
Let me know where you work..and what you make. I'll be more than happy to poke my nose into your affairs too....hell I may even go out of my way to boycot the services you provide too. Heck , wouldn't that level the field nicely for us all?
Well said Phantom. B)