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Jetblue Employees & Whining In The Press

Well as a twenty year employee you were obviously not hob-nobbing with your junior counterparts before they were axed, or your equivalents at Express and MDA.

Starting pay for a F/A at JetBlue is:

* equal to what US hired at pre-9/11
* higher than five year pay for a PSA F/A
* significantly higher than what 5 year US F/As at MDA are making
* higher than what US's would be if they were to hire new hires under the current contract.

Again, when you talk about JetBlue employees, you are talking about five year employees at most. So compare the equivalent at US.

Call me back to US for JetBlue's contract. I and MANY others would be thrilled.

As usual, you managed to manipulate a post. My mistake, the NWA mechs do the same thing and yes, like us they are losing their shirt right now and can't do battle with the LCC's and win. Make an accurate comparrison between U and say JB/SWA/F9/Airtran and include work rules.

Whether you like it or not, everyone living outside your little world see's USAir as being inefficient and extremely high cost due to labor. Anyone can read the rates of pay and figure out that they aren't out of line with other carriers. So, due to the process of elimination, the money must go somewhere else.....

Flame away, that type of free thought lead us to where we are now.
You cant compare apples to oranges.

F9 two fleet types 737 and A320.

WN one fleet type.

AirTran two fleet types 717 and 737

JB three years old and one fleet type A320.

US flies, A320, 737, 757, 767 and A330, more training and maintenance costs to due to differant fleet types, last time I checked the rank and file employees don't choose what plane to fly and where to fly it.

US paid Mesa $232,000,000 last year to fly 50 Regional Jets, how much did WN, F9, B6 or Airtran pay to express carriers?

Let me answer that $0.00.

Johnnie O and Dave Siegel Buddies!

JB and AT have limited Carribean operations, none have widebodies or fly to Europe. JB, WN and no F/C.

Compare US to AA, DL, CO, NW and UA.

Money goes to paying former CEOs, CFOs and VPs.
700UW said:
US paid Mesa $232,000,000 last year to fly 50 Regional Jets, how much did WN, F9, B6 or Airtran pay to express carriers?

Let me answer that $0.00.


Try again on your facts. F9 does pay an Express carrier, Horizon to provide RJ feed as Frontier Jet Express. They replaced Mesa who then went on to move it's assets to the United Express Operation. Airtran paid AWAC to fly RJ aircraft until earlier this year as well.
SoldWholeSale said:
The inability of the company to crossutilize employee groups.... Duty/trip rigs for the pilots and f/a's. Thats where the real money is.

You evidently have no knowledge of the current flight crew contracts. Duty and trip rigs have been plundered already. Not much more savings to be had there.

Whether you like it or not, everyone living outside your little world see's USAir as being inefficient and extremely high cost due to labor

Your just pulling rhetoric out of your..... The labor used is used less efficiently due to the differences in operations. This has been well documented here. And then there is the non-labor costs the team at fort fumble scoffs at addressing now...that is not until after they can sandbag the employees again after shaking them down...again.

Anyone can read the rates of pay and figure out that they aren't out of line with other carriers. So, due to the process of elimination, the money must go somewhere else.....

Process of elimination huh. Eliminate things such as bad business deciscions, a flawed business model, and a fare structure that is either confiscatory to the point of diminishing returns... or countered by many more too low to cover costs. Yeah, that about narrows it right down for me.
SoldWholeSale said:
Duty/trip rigs for the pilots and f/a's. Thats where the real money is. The SWA/JB/F9/HP employee groups do a bit of everything and aren't really prevented (unless by certification) from doing any task to make sure the operation runs like a clock.

So brainiac, when's the last time you actually HAD a rig trip? They are few and far between, And, who do you think has to check behind every group to make sure the a/c has water, flushed toliets, supplies, food, ice, fanilies together, folded blankets, movies. Yes, know-it-all, the f/a's. Oh and let's not forget the 25 cities we are required to clean at.

Ever seen the f/a's at any of those airlines leave a messy airplane because it wasn't their job?

Who do you think usually has to go behind the cleaners after they leave because the plain is unkept? If some fight attendants have decided to NOT clean it up, it is because some snot nosed cleaner with an attitude has written us up and then gotten time and a half.

Thats why we at USAir are so $$$ and also why we will have to get paid less than the competition, because we aren't willing to just do what it takes....

We have made our bed, time to fluff the pillow and sleep in what we made.

And SoldWholeSale, ALL employees and nonrevs are expected to clean an aircraft after landing at Southwest. Are YOU willing to stay back and help clean up baby s**t or puck left in the seat pocket?

Alot of what you say is true, but hit the groups that are justifying your arguement.
Hey first,

I got a beef, snot nosed cleaner?

You dont know what that Utility person was doing or came from, and yes they don't serve drinks inflight, don't clean where it is not your job and when you don't like the job that was done, call the tower and the person will come back, but please tell me how one utility person can clean a plane in 8 minutes, yes 8 minutes is all they are alloted.

Lets see you clean a 757 from SJU in 8 minutes.
Hey, speaking of LCCs, did anyone else hear that Independence Air FAILED thier proving runs with the Airbus? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this is what I heard. I guess it will be another few months before THAT competitor goes to Florida and the West. They need a little more time to learn what they are doing, and safely fly, evacuate, and ground handle the planes. At least that's what the FAA thinks.

I actually can't think of any other airline failing a proving run, at least recently? I know the US/MDA crews got 100% on the E170.

But at least we don't hear those I-Air people whining. Oh wait, yes we do... thier F/As are upset with thier contract and are taking thier battle to the media. Just got it in the AFA news.
SoldWholeSale said:
The SWA/JB/F9/HP employee groups do a bit of everything and aren't really prevented (unless by certification) from doing any task to make sure the operation runs like a clock.

We have made our bed, time to fluff the pillow and sleep in what we made.
I understand HP employees are no longer cross utilized.
N628AU said:
Try again on your facts. F9 does pay an Express carrier, Horizon to provide RJ feed as Frontier Jet Express. They replaced Mesa who then went on to move it's assets to the United Express Operation. Airtran paid AWAC to fly RJ aircraft until earlier this year as well.

Exactly. Hate it when you provide actual information.

FL even wet-leased some aircraft/crews from RyanAir this year on their transcon flights.
737s, not an RJ, now Airtran has their own 737-700s.
ITRADE said:
Exactly. Hate it when you provide actual information.

We don't like facts on this board, just union rhetoric.

700UW, Airtran wet-leased A320s, not 737s. Also, Airtran DID have RJs in their affiliate fleet.

How many RJs does WN fly today?

How many RJs does Airtran fly today?

How many RJs does B6 fly today?

How many RJs does Spirit fly today?

Happy now?
700UW said:
Happy now?


How many RJs does HP fly? (And, incidentally, who is the only legacy hub and spoke carrier to near successfully transform into an LCC?)

How many RJs does Frontier fly?

How many RJs/turboprops does ATA fly?

How many RJs does jetBlue have on order?

How many RJs does IAIR fly?

Happy now?

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