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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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What do I have 2 more holidays? Double time? When was the last time you worked a 7th day? I've aready accepted the fact of having your medical and an increase scope. I think you might be listening to too much breakroom bullchit. Here at LGA LAA and LUS are pretty close in size LUS does have a few more flights and AA flights are in general heavier. LAA has like 40 more people so if you want what I have be ready to give uop sme bodies. Can Bob move into the apartment above your garage? Because he will probably be downgraded

Al our Medical is only going to cost you a lousy $40.00 more per month. Hell that won't even dip in to half of your monthly pay if we get another buck an hour.

You don't give an RA about the Medical. All you care about is keeping that rotation vote off your back as long as possible.

And remember before we got the money you were driving me nuts on here with the rush rush rush the Union sux routine. (What changed for you Al? Did you have a sudden epiphany?)
You do know they can read my posts and see your portrayal is inaccurate. Right? They can plainly see the bias on the conversations is based on your personal feelings towards me. On the other hand, my contributions are more directed at the substance of the topic, not other people.

Everyone can read. You realize that? Right?

Aside from you trying to make anything posted a negative, I don't believe most people can tell whether I'm pro-TWU, anti-TWU, pro-IAM or anti-IAM. That means I'm doing a terrible job at whatever you want to make accusations about.

It is easy for everyone to see that you just want to take the opposite opinion of whatever position I take and you're not really fooling anyone as to your agenda.

I prefer to bring you into the light and out of the shadows where you like to skulk. So sue me if you want then.

That says a bunch.

If it was then maybe we should get rid of veyors all together? We can pass the bags up to a guy. Maybe get rid of tractors too? 3 or 4 guys can push a cart out to the gate one at a time?

I guess as a Union guy you have no care or concern about our old bodies becoming weak and breaking down as we get older?

But again easy for a guy like you to talk when you probably haven't seen the inside of a belly in 15 years? Not everyone is cut out or wants to be a CC you know.
Al our Medical is only going to cost you a lousy $40.00 more per month. Hell that won't even dip in to half of your monthly pay if we get another buck an hour.

You don't give an RA about the Medical. All you care about is keeping that rotation vote off your back as long as possible.

And remember before we got the money you were driving me nuts on here with the rush rush rush the Union sux routine. (What changed for you Al? Did you have a sudden epiphany?)
No you just said it, we got the money . Giving us the money probably goes against everything in "negotations 101". We got the money now we can stand pat with everythin else. Weez I am number 5 on the seniority list among combined clerks and probably the only one who works nights I think I could get one of those steady shifts.
Weez you just ruined your political career with that post. Worse than grabbing a womans .......

Never been into those BS slogans anyway. And the last time the Union officials tried to come around and tell people not to use 2 Powerstows it was not pretty at all.

They were run off like a pack of Wildebeests at a watering hole when the Crocodile tried to grab a leg.

A smart Union guy knows the fights to take on and the ones to steer clear of.
No you just said it, we got the money . Giving us the money probably goes against everything in "negotations 101". We got the money now we can stand pat with everythin else. Weez I am number 5 on the seniority list among combined clerks and probably the only one who works nights I think I could get one of those steady shifts.

I KNOW for a fact you can buddy. And I'm also quite good with the cash too. But don't know how many times I have to tell you that it's about more than that for me.
Well I wouldn't be to enthused if I were promised a job and didn't get it. Would you?

No but that's how chit works out in life. He was a loyal Soldier and gave them anything of value he might have once owned. He gave away his values and integrity and sold his soul to get that promised fat paycheck.

Once he gave all those things away he can never hope to gain any of it back ever again. So now all he does is throw rocks from behind trees at a group of people he has zero hope of ever hitting.

The funny thing is that I think he really believes they don't know pretty much everything he's done and keeps trying to do. There are people that are consistently ratting him out that I believe he thinks he can trust.

It's pretty pathetic actually. Cest La Vie though.
They could have just conceded to anything the company asked for every single time and this would have been over quite awhile back?

Or do you think it's a walk in the park that the Company is just going to concede to what we want? Or what YOU want?
It's not about conceding, it's about the process and it's obvious the 2 unions didn't iron out much of anything before they agreed to this Association. The different parts of the 2 contracts were obvious and they just said screw it we'll work it out. Bad business. It even sounds like the company, despite saving some money on it possibly is getting tired of it.
It's not about conceding, it's about the process and it's obvious the 2 unions didn't iron out much of anything before they agreed to this Association. The different parts of the 2 contracts were obvious and they just said screw it we'll work it out. Bad business. It even sounds like the company, despite saving some money on it possibly is getting tired of it.

No they didn't iron out much of anything before they went into the talks. But what exactly are you supposed to iron out before you go and sit down with the Company?

They gave the Company their wish list on day one. Was anyone really stupid enough to believe the Company was just gonna say "Sure, sounds great to us"

So this getting together to hammer out whatever and whoever is all a big load of crap. It's a talking point that people like my boy NYer want to sell to you to get you even more frustrated and point the finger at the TWU. Yes the TWU because he'll absolutely blame them for not joining talks with the IAM while we waited for the NMB to certify the Association.

They could have talked, ate, drank, partied and played Monopoly together for that entire 9 months and we would still be right where we are right now today. Nothing any different, nothing done any sooner.

Don't forget Talos you're dealing with Politics, Personalities, Ego's, Agendas and Ideas when you put 12 people from all over the place in a room together. (Then of course throw the Company into that mix)
Again, while there is blame on the shoulders of the company, I agree with you, Talos, I think that AA is both surprised and frustrated with the lack of preparedness the Association has shown to date. While you, I and everyone else would like restore and more or the best of both contracts, I think it has become pretty obvious neither one of those were/are going to happen. Now we sit, no plan B from the Association. It's back to two separate unions looking out for their members and zero progress. Now you have your answer to the pathetic updates. A referee scorecard from the negotiations room between the IAM and TWU would probably be more informative. Isom was asked why they couldn't meet lock the door and not come out until something was reached, his comment was "it takes two to tango". When is a member or two or three of the Association going to attend these town halls and refute what the company is saying? When??
No but that's how chit works out in life. He was a loyal Soldier and gave them anything of value he might have once owned. He gave away his values and integrity and sold his soul to get that promised fat paycheck.

Once he gave all those things away he can never hope to gain any of it back ever again. So now all he does is throw rocks from behind trees at a group of people he has zero hope of ever hitting.

The funny thing is that I think he really believes they don't know pretty much everything he's done and keeps trying to do. There are people that are consistently ratting him out that I believe he thinks he can trust.

It's pretty pathetic actually. Cest La Vie though.
Weez why did he do so good in the election?
If, and that's a huge if, I believe if we LUS folks are lumped into the LAA health plan then I would say that could be seen as a give up if you will But in return for that how about keeping scope at 1 flight a day 7 a week grand fathering in the current cities add more to the IAMPF and or get a 401K for the LUS folks and a combined with a match for all the folks I'm sure bob will come here and say we are giving up scope but in all reality that's the one thing we need to have enhanced Sure its easy for company to hand out cash and say we want all these cities Now with the other unions unhappy with their contracts I think with ours it can be better with the way the company is taking their sweet grand time in responding to the union's proposals I would like to think that we will eventually get a better deal than what the other groups have Ive heard from some of my fellow coworkers who do like the idea of having the option to trade holidays for extra vacation similar to the CWA contract
Again, while there is blame on the shoulders of the company, I agree with you, Talos, I think that AA is both surprised and frustrated with the lack of preparedness the Association has shown to date. While you, I and everyone else would like restore and more or the best of both contracts, I think it has become pretty obvious neither one of those were/are going to happen. Now we sit, no plan B from the Association. It's back to two separate unions looking out for their members and zero progress. Now you have your answer to the pathetic updates. A referee scorecard from the negotiations room between the IAM and TWU would probably be more informative. Isom was asked why they couldn't meet lock the door and not come out until something was reached, his comment was "it takes two to tango". When is a member or two or three of the Association going to attend these town halls and refute what the company is saying? When??
I don't know what it is I don't think anyone from US would scream bloody murder if scope went up to 8 or even ten as long as some cities were grandfathered. Some one told me the company is fighting double time not sure that is true before bankruptcy we had it for years. I think most have accepted the AA medical. Not sure the hold up
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