This negotiations has been like any other with regards to the need to fight for every little thing. I can only speak for Fleet, but we are generally all on the same page. I don't hear anything different on the MX side. I watched the ORD town hall and have to call BS on Isom. Do we have a long wish list, yes!! Are any of us acting foolish and hindering the process or dragging our feet, NO!! We are doing what we put out to do, bring an industry leading contract to the membership. Go find any town hall in the past many months and tell me one time Parker, Isom, etc. have said industry leading contract. They haven't, what they've said is industry leading pay. That is all anyone needs to hear to understand what is going on in our negotiations. They want to give the highest wage, until someone leap frog's us, and maybe average everything else. They want to talk a good game in town halls but they fall short in the negotiating room. Does that mean we can't get where we need to be, NO. But it isn't going to be easy, never has under Parker. My two cents.
P. Rez