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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Ah now I understand and get it. Why you stated a few months ago that you wouldn't be retiring till you reached 70 years old. You've been saving all of your excess capital to build a monument to yourself.

Just don't forget to leave behind a cleaning fund to have the pigeon poop removed from time to time.

How your brain comes up with all this lunacy is a fascinating study.

I knew you would find that humorous.
I knew you would find that humorous.

Well I'm glad that at least to me you admitted that everything you write and do is just for your own personal chits and giggles and only schmucks take you seriously.

You are a spectacular liar I must admit.
Well I'm glad that at least to me you admitted that everything you write and do is just for your own personal chits and giggles and only schmucks take you seriously.

You are a spectacular liar I must admit.
Weez Tims rewriting the New Testament using his own blood as ink
Well I'm glad that at least to me you admitted that everything you write and do is just for your own personal chits and giggles and only schmucks take you seriously.

You are a spectacular liar I must admit.
I hate being right most of the time. Ive been very very good about biting my lip on another iam pension bombshell but ive decided there is some mutual interest for me to just stand down on a key item.
I hate being right most of the time. Ive been very very good about biting my lip on another iam pension bombshell but ive decided there is some mutual interest for me to just stand down on a key item.

You have lots of key items, key people and keys that don't open any doors. It's also why you walk a little lopsided I think?
You are one year from retirement and part of the IAMPF for that one year. The current benefit is $55(?) per month for that one year of service. $660 annual benefit for life. The question now becomes as to how much would the company need to contribute to your 401K for that one remaining year of employment to equal the monthly benefit of $55? (Notice I deliberately leave out your contribution share into the 401K as you are able to invest that equal amount into an IRA without the employer contribution, as well as you are not contributing to the pension as it is only done by the employer.)

General rule is 4% burn rate on the nest egg annually as not to outlive one's retirement. The inverse of 4% would be a 25x multiplier (1/.04) times $660 equal to $16,500. So the question becomes, could the Company contribution $16,500 to your 401K in one year? Even if the Company matched 8% to equal $16,500, your last year's income would need to be $206,250 ($206,250 X 8% = $16,500). We are talking captain money, and I don't see many of them in this thread.

My analysis should not be confused as an endorsement of the IAMPF, in particular, those with more than a decade to retirement. However, in the very short term, it would make sense, and frankly, the numbers are so favorable to the retiree, I would be surprised if the pension would give the option to make it a choice between the IAMPF and a 401K. It appears to be an obvious decision for those close to retirement would accept the pension and it would be a very expensive result against the IAMPF's long-term liabilities.

This is a good post and I agree with you, however, I wouldn't worry about too many LAA'ers jumping into the IAMPF for the short term. The fund has proven by any measure to be poorly run , and it can lower benefits anytime it chooses to "fix" the numbers. A close look at their current health makes another stiff cut in benefits very likely, and the foundation of the pension fund is non existent, which means continual cuts in the future unless the fund hits the lottery.
That and the lack of control , or I should say the strings attached to not get benefits cut further unless you "retire" the exact way the IAM wants you to.
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Brothers and Sisters,

I wanted to take a minute to address a few things in regards to the upcoming informational picket scheduled on Wednesday, July 26th, 2017.

The first thing I want everyone to understand, is that this picket isn't just being planned by Local 513. It's an equal and collaborative effort with all of the TWU Locals on the property here in DFW. Those Locals are 513, 567, and 591. Our Local, 513, has about 3900 members. Local 567 has over 500 mechanics here in DFW, with the bulk of them at the DWH hangar. Local 591 represents over 3800 line mechanics and Stores Clerks system-wide, and over 1100 of those are here in DFW.

The Presidents of these three Locals are all members of the Negotiating Committees for Fleet Service and Maintenance. The Negotiating Committee members have been sitting at the negotiating table for nearly two years, fighting to secure the very best contract they can for us. We've asked a lot of our negotiating team, and not once since they've sat down with the company have they asked us for anything. Now they've asked for the memberships' help, and what they're asking us to do doesn't require much effort on our part at all. They're simply asking us to show up on the picket line on July 26th as a show of solidarity. That's not much, considering all we've asked of them.

Further, we have contacted all the other Unions on the property, and received a swift response from the Pilots, Flight Attendants, and Passenger Service Agents that they will mobilize their memberships, and fully support us on the picket line.

We also have full support of all the Local Presidents around the system, as well as the support of ourInternational Leadership.

Finally, I understand everyone wants to know each and every detail in regards to the picket. Rest assured, you will be fully informed oneverything you need to know in advance. Every detail of this picket is strategically planned and well thought out, including when to release exact details.

Make no mistake, on July 26th a message will be sent. A large turnout shows that we're tired of workingunder a contract that was forced upon us in bankruptcy, and a small turnout shows that we're good with whatever we get, whenever we get it.

Once again, not one mention about our "Association" brothers and sisters. What a freaking farce. We were sold on "strength in numbers" with this scam, but in reality it does nothing more than allow the big boys of both unions to maintain their handsome salaries.
Checkmate, you win!
What are the IAM Locals in the DFW area? Specifically, the Local representing LUS members at DFW. Should be interesting to see their involvement and support with the cause.
Once again, not one mention about our "Association" brothers and sisters. What a freaking farce. We were sold on "strength in numbers" with this scam, but in reality it does nothing more than allow the big boys of both unions to maintain their handsome salaries.
Checkmate, you win!
What are the IAM Locals in the DFW area? Specifically, the Local representing LUS members at DFW. Should be interesting to see their involvement and support with the cause.[/QUOTE]
I believe the dfw local is in oklahoma city.
This is a good post and I agree with you, however, I wouldn't worry about too many LAA'ers jumping into the IAMPF for the short term. The fund has proven by any measure to be poorly run , and it can lower benefits anytime it chooses to "fix" the numbers. A close look at their current health makes another stiff cut in benefits on the horizon.
That and the lack of control , or I should say the strings attached to not get benefits cut further unless you "retire" the exact way the IAM wants you to.
You have lots of key items, key people and keys that don't open any doors. It's also why you walk a little lopsided I think?
You noticed that?
Well I'm glad that at least to me you admitted that everything you write and do is just for your own personal chits and giggles and only schmucks take you seriously.

You are a spectacular liar I must admit.
Wez just as the American Public is stuck with the master of deflection DT in ruining our Country . We are stuck with TN telling us some whoppers about his accomplishments concerning Unionism and CBA's. COVFEFE On !
You noticed that?
Tim, I have to ask. Are you guys getting any kind of sign of support in unity from the IAM? I see where other union groups on the property have and this is great, but I haven't read or seen anything from the IAM. I sure hope they are going help the TWU'ers and attend these info pickets with you guys, or better yet show some unity and do some in their own cities as well.
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