Not dressing anything up, it's called math. Don't get me wrong, cuts worry me but so does the market. Give me a crystal ball. As to increasing the 5.5%, not a given considering f/a's goes back to 5.5% in 18 and pax has 5.5%. It is on the list to enhance.
P. Rez
The same things worry me as well. But the management of the IAMNPF is awful. Martinez was busted for putting in his buddy and breaching his fiduciary responsibilities and had to settle with the Feds or get cuffed. Look at the plan, when the stock market went up 20% over the past 12 months, these screwballs invested only 12% in stocks with much buried in funds. Bad move. When the stock market was a disaster, the fund manager had 33% in stocks and we got slaughtered and lost half of our benefits.
Due to the blunders last year, the IAM Trustees now have a very hard decision to make. The question will be if they cut our benefits in half again or target retirees or who?? I don't have the answer but the answer is very bad. Something will have to give because the plan is based off of a assumed 7.5% interest. With interest rates so low, we are getting POUNDED. Thus, I couldn't in good conscience tell union members that the plan isn't going to get whacked soon. I can understand your math but we were told similar math before and then got half of our benefits whacked. And the guarantees are empty.
The PBGC restricts guarantees in multi employer plans, with funds even running completely out by 2021. So either the plan invest better, get a lot more members, and interest rates hit the sky, or we are doomed.
Crumbs for me! Obviously, our IP is an anti union scab, no union person would dip into pension funds or have to settle with a federal agency cuz of $250,000 parties in Martha's Vineyard, or $1,400 bottles of wine. So Sad, Pat and what's even sadder is that you can't stand up and admit that our IP was a thief or that another cut is immanent.
Go ahead and keep dressing up the IAMNP and I'll keep reminding you how you and other union bosses haven't stood up and called out those who robbed us or the future cut that is destined.