JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Absolutely not. And he's also one of those annoying close talkers. One time we were talking and he was so close I really got a little spooked.

But I actually did enjoy going up for coffee with him once in awhile. Off the Social Media pages where he plays King know it all, he actually is open to listening to other people a little more.

Guess he has that Private and Public persona thing going on like Hillary talked about.

Me what you see is what you get.
These elected union people don't work fleet service functions, just take care of union business?
You asked the man yourself didn't you. I remember seeingthe crew news you got more than one opinion

Actually it was what the man told me after the Town Hall was over that concerned me. Put it to you this way, he pretty much confirmed my suspicions and I didn't put it out publicly.

Didn't think it would be wise until we saw how it all played out. But now that Parker pretty much laid it out bare (Which the honesty is appreciated) all bets are off now in discussing it.

All I'm hoping for now is maybe a settlement to smooth over any lingering grudges on the issue?

No clue if that will happen or not but my glass always remains half full.
These elected union people don't work fleet service functions, just take care of union business?

That's NOT true of everyone Al. But unfortunately there are plenty of them out there. So you look for the genuine hearted. (Which is usually the ones the other guys are trying to scew) and you give that guy your shoulders and try to prop him up as high as you can.

Those guys are out there Al.
That's NOT true of everyone Al. But unfortunately there are plenty of them out there. So you look for the genuine hearted. (Which is usually the ones the other guys are trying to scew) and you give that guy your shoulders and try to prop him up as high as you can.

Those guys are out there Al.
Does NYer work the ramp or is he a union official
These elected union people don't work fleet service functions, just take care of union business?

If you meant actually doing the job Al yes some of them do work directly with us and for us.

The problem is the ones that don't work with us but instead seem to work against us.

Just like real Politics though I think everyone starts off with some good intentions but eventually a lot of corruption starts to get in their greedy little hearts.
Does NYer work the ramp or is he a union official

NYer never as far as I know officially divulged himself on the board so if I answered that question I could be in violation of the Forums TOS?

Many people who know his writing style in the TWU figured out who he was super quick though.
NYer never as far as I know never officially divulged himself on the board so if I answered that question I could be in violation of the Forums TOS?

Many people who know his writing style in the TWU figured out who he was super quick though.
Well I thought he ran against you. i remember him posting a picture of your team. I'm not interested in the man just curious about the position. How many AA employees at MIA work doing union business and not the job they were hired to? Weez it's 41 degrees up here with a real feel of 29 thats why I ask
Well I thought he ran against you. i remember him posting a picture of your team. I'm not interested in the man just curious about the position. How many AA employees at MIA work doing union business and not the job they were hired to? Weez it's 41 degrees up here with a real feel of 29 thats why I ask

Ok he did mention we were on opposing teams yes. He did win and he mentioned that as well. I'll have to leave it to you to guess what his position is and in the past was by the fact that he did negotiate for us in the past. All items he himself has said so you can look at TWU local 568 and figure it out for yourself. In the TWU who does the negotiating?

How many exactly I haven't paid attention to but in fairness he does have some people doing very good work and are very talented. Even he has some strong talents honestly. It's his ideology I have the biggest issues with.

It seems far too self serving for my tastes.
Ok he did mention we were on opposing teams yes. He did win and he mentioned that as well. I'll have to leave it to you to guess what his position is and in the past was by the fact that he did negotiate for us in the past. All items he himself has said so you can look at TWU local 568 and figure it out for yourself. In the TWU who does the negotiating?

How many exactly I haven't paid attention to but in fairness he does have some people doing very good work and are very talented. Even he has some strong talents honestly. It's his ideology I have the biggest issues with.

It seems far too self serving for my tastes.
You see here all our people president, vice president Knights Kings dictators all work the ramp and bid a shift. The TWU is different just curious how it works
You see here all our people president, vice president Knights Kings dictators all work the ramp and bid a shift. The TWU is different just curious how it works

Different in all different Locals. Depends on the size of the Station and the amount of members it has. But the only one who bids no shift is the Local President. Everyone else bids Locally.

Your AGC's don't bid a shift do they? And (some) of our Presidents are negotiating with your AGC's.
BTW NYer you REALLY got it wrong BIG TIME on that Prefunding match didn't you.

When you get it wrong WOW do you produce some doozies.

We explained it precisely how it was to work. As a matter of fact, even before the BK agreement, we went against Bob Owens premise of the payment of the Match in the event of the Trust being dissolved.

During the other debates, we always maintained the trigger for the payment wasn't met.

During the arbitration we said there wasn't a trigger and the arbitrator didn't have the authority to force a payment.

We maintained the same consistent message throughout.

The only wrench thrown into the gears was having Judge Lane rule against the Company's Summary Judgement.
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We explained it precisely how it was to work. As a matter of fact, even before the BK agreement, we went against Bob Owens premise of the payment of the Match in the event of the Trust being dissolved.

During the other debates, we always maintained the trigger for the payment wasn't met.

During the arbitration we said there wasn't a trigger and the arbitrator didn't have the authority to force a payment.

We maintained the same consistent message throughout.

The only wrench thrown into the gears was having Judge Lane rule against the Company's Summary Judgement.

Who's the "we" you keep trying to bring up. The only "one" out there engaging publicly maybe for the "we" was "you"

In fairness to the "others" they didn't make the comments on Social Media that "you" made.

Those being:

"They have to go through the 1114 process"


"No group has ever been successful in keeping retiree medical through the Bankruptcy process"

Our retirees seem to have just done so.

"They will be unsuccessful in the (Now) Adverserial proceeding"


Like I said before. When "you" get things wrong they're doozies. Why do you think 3 of the former Presidents came on that FB page in unison to try and get you to shut your mouth.

And stop trying to throw the others under the bus for the comments "you" made by using "we" Never saw any of them come out publicly with those comments.

You owe me $6500.00
Not sure if "wrench" would be the right word to describe the retirees being able to maintain their
benefits. Maybe surprise. The wrench is us losing (voting away) our future retiree benefits and losing
the match as well. I'm still confused on why ALL levels of the TWU ilk stated they cannot use a trust in my name to subsidize the other retirees. Yes, was told both in person and memo that it could not be done.
Then I get to watch Parker stand right up on stage and smile when he says that is what will happen.
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