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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Worldport said:
The less I know about you and your pillows the better. I day of overtime a week gets you into the 80s
I'm thinking one day off a month and maybe one 4 hour holdover a pay period if possible and available?

Especially when the winter comes. The weather is perfect here.
Kev3188 said:
Love all 3, though I liked AXA because it was so quiet...
I wouldnt go back to gcm. It caters to famiilies as opposed to the all inclusive couples. I stayed at the westin smb hotel as i really went there just for the beach. St martin was a surprise as it has a great culinary stock and party places. I stayed at the sonesta ocean point. I stay on the west side beaches which have almost no seeweed or jellyfish probs. My fav was anquilla though. Not much to do other than enjoying the beach at shoal bay which was absolutely phenomenal and the best ive ever been on. The water was pleasantly cool, white sand beach, no waves. All 3 places take the us dollar.
Tim Nelson said:
I wouldnt go back to gcm. It caters to famiilies as opposed to the all inclusive couples. I stayed at the westin smb hotel as i really went there just for the beach. St martin was a surprise as it has a great culinary stock and party places. I stayed at the sonesta ocean point. I stay on the west side beaches which have almost no seeweed or jellyfish probs. My fav was anquilla though. Not much to do other than enjoying the beach at shoal bay which was absolutely phenomenal and the best ive ever been on. The water was pleasantly cool, white sand beach, no waves. All 3 places take the us dollar.
How much for a uh um  "in-call"?
WeAAsles said:
So if that window is closed then why am I feeling such a wonderful breeze coming through my condo?
What a wonderful, marvelous breeze. Hoo Rah.
Enjoy it brother. The negotiation window is closed. The company, imo only, prolly did the math and realize that our 6 negotiators arent going to sign a cost negative contract that coughs up health care and scope. And it got the twu synergies thru cross utilization and by extending the twu pay scale.
Nothing is getting signed soon, bro. The twu got punked and the company can now proceed in "rope a dope" mode by continuing bankrupt benefits for 70% of its ground employees as the company, imo, picked its lesser poison by once again leaning the iam way.
Not saying the twu is stupid. They understand and were actually more receptive to this in early week than the iam, but they will get alot more dues now and the dollar signs count for the twu.
Tim Nelson said:
Enjoy it brother. The negotiation window is closed. The company, imo only, prolly did the math and realize that our 6 negotiators arent going to sign a cost negative contract that coughs up health care and scope. And it got the twu synergies thru cross utilization and by extending the twu pay scale.
Nothing is getting signed soon, bro. The twu got punked and the company can now proceed in "rope a dope" mode by continuing bankrupt benefits for 70% of its ground employees as the company, imo, picked its lesser poison by once again leaning the iam way.
Not saying the twu is stupid. They understand and were actually more receptive to this in early week than the iam, but they will get alot more dues now and the dollar signs count for the twu.
So when we get a JCBA before the end of the year what are you going to say then?

WeAAsles said:
So when we get a JCBA before the end of the year what are you going to say then? http://youtu.be/2TnkJ8_BmSI
Im gonna say i was wrong. What i wont say is what you like saying, "Never gonna happen". It would actually be respected if you could ever admit to being wrong. I love being wrong....its great learning! And in this case it would have to mean that the company tossed lus members even more!!!
Our 6 negotiators will not be signing any concessionary deal coughing up our health care unless they dont plan on being agcs afterward. Lus has leading industry, try finding 2 lus guys who want 56 extra paid hours a year but pay for it with health care and scope.
Sorry weasel but me dont think management wants to toss more money as the window has closeed. To be sure, i hope im wrong and parker keeps alll lus benefits, hands them to laa and also stuffs more things in our pockets! I want it all and so should all of us! Give us more!
Tim Nelson said:
Im gonna say i was wrong. What i wont say is what you like saying, "Never gonna happen". It would actually be respected if you could ever admit to being wrong. I love being wrong....its great learning! And in this case it would have to mean that the company tossed lus members even more!!!
Our 6 negotiators will not be signing any concessionary deal coughing up our health care unless they dont plan on being agcs afterward. Lus has leading industry, try finding 2 lus guys who want 56 extra paid hours a year but pay for it with health care and scope.
Sorry weasel but me dont think management wants to toss more money as the window has closeed. To be sure, i hope im wrong and parker keeps alll lus benefits, hands them to laa and also stuffs more things in our pockets! I want it all and so should all of us! Give us more!
As always you have been wrong, continue to be wrong and will be wrong in the future. If it makes you happy I thought we would have a TA by May so I was wrong on that one.

But you man. You wanted to rush this and I kept telling you to take a chill pill that the wait would benefit us MUCH more in the long run. I was RIGHT, you were WRONG. Unless you would have preferd locking in at $26,54, 7 months ago? ($30,17 now Timmy) Be a man, own up. You were wrrroooonnnnggggg.

The window is absolutely not closed either Tim. The company has a lot from us right now but not everything it wants or needs. And the Station Protection while the talks continue was pure brilliance on our guys part. That's where AA capitulated to good faith to continue talks to get this done. Not to mention Parker is still under compensated by at least 20% himself until ALL labor agreements are in place.

Put it to you this way Timmy. We gave them something they wanted and we got something we wanted in return. (Think)
As always you have been wrong, continue to be wrong and will be wrong in the future. If it makes you happy I thought we would have a TA by May so I was wrong on that one.

But you man. You wanted to rush this and I kept telling you to take a chill pill that the wait would benefit us MUCH more in the long run. I was RIGHT, you were WRONG. Unless you would have preferd locking in at $26,54, 7 months ago? ($30,17 now Timmy) Be a man, own up. You were wrrroooonnnnggggg.

The window is absolutely not closed either Tim. The company has a lot from us right now but not everything it wants or needs. And the Station Protection while the talks continue was pure brilliance on our guys part. That's where AA capitulated to good faith to continue talks to get this done. Not to mention Parker is still under compensated by at least 20% himself until ALL labor agreements are in place.

Put it to you this way Timmy. We gave them something they wanted and we got something we wanted in return. (Think)
I have no idea what you are talking about. But, in simplest terms, please chime in on why any of the 6 LUS negotiators would sign a new JCBA if it involves giving up our health care and scope??? What we don't have is shift differ [$400 a year FTE shift sensitive] , or about 8 more paid days off [$1,500 FTE a year for argument sake]; .50 cent more into retirement [$1,000 a year est], more favorable double time. So, let's say the avg LUS has up to $3,000 more to gain per year, but gives up an avg of $1,500 in health care; and scope. It could very well get into the minus column pretty quickly unless there is a big fat $10,000 signing bonus that is attached that can get peeps to bite, or additional solid wage rates in 2017. Why would any LUS person sign a JCBA at cost neutral? What compels them?

As far as the TWU, they left a lot on the table thus far and have a lot more to gain. By my calculations, they have about $15,000+ to gain. Not even considering scope. So, if I were a TWU member, I'd be hoping for a new JCBA soon. You have been consistently wrong by predicting a new JCBA in May, then June, then July, and then September, and now by the end of the year. Good Grief! Sorry weasel but you are wrong again. Say hello to the Easter Bunny for me.

BTW, the company hasn't had any problem with job protections provided that no new stations are covered. With the LUS agreement prohibiting new stations, regardless of flight activity, and the cross utilization being recognized by the TWU, stations like RSW, DTW, IAH, etc can continue to be vended stations. So, it prolly wasn't so much brilliance but rather fairness. But if you add it all up, all of us LUS members should support this contract 100%. I'm always a lean towards protecting the current members as opposed to the unborn.
Remember folks, No JCBA will get to the members without the consent from BOTH unions. What AGC would be willing to cough up political support by giving up health care and scope when solid pay and additional raises are already on the horizon? And health care will be a concession that the company will be asking for from LUS.

I mean, at this point, Prez was correct, i.e., our contract is better than the CWA contract. See Weasel, what would compel anyone from LUS negotiations to sign a cost neutral or cost negative JCBA? If your new "Lock" prediction of attaining a new JCBA by the end of the year doesn't come true then don't blame the IAM, blame your own negotiators who lengthened the wage progression and gave up the cross utilization that was a big motivation for the company to negotiate. To be sure, I think the TWU did a fair thing and I support its decision to sign this new wage opener.
Tim Nelson said:
I wouldnt go back to gcm. It caters to famiilies as opposed to the all inclusive couples. I stayed at the westin smb hotel as i really went there just for the beach. St martin was a surprise as it has a great culinary stock and party places. I stayed at the sonesta ocean point. I stay on the west side beaches which have almost no seeweed or jellyfish probs. My fav was anquilla though. Not much to do other than enjoying the beach at shoal bay which was absolutely phenomenal and the best ive ever been on. The water was pleasantly cool, white sand beach, no waves. All 3 places take the us dollar.
Shoal Bay is one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen...
Tim Nelson said:
I have no idea what you are talking about. But, in simplest terms, please chime in on why any of the 6 LUS negotiators would sign a new JCBA if it involves giving up our health care and scope??? What we don't have is shift differ [$400 a year FTE shift sensitive] , or about 8 more paid days off [$1,500 FTE a year for argument sake]; .50 cent more into retirement [$1,000 a year est], more favorable double time. So, let's say the avg LUS has up to $3,000 more to gain per year, but gives up an avg of $1,500 in health care; and scope. It could very well get into the minus column pretty quickly unless there is a big fat $10,000 signing bonus that is attached that can get peeps to bite, or additional solid wage rates in 2017. Why would any LUS person sign a JCBA at cost neutral? What compels them?As far as the TWU, they left a lot on the table thus far and have a lot more to gain. By my calculations, they have about $15,000+ to gain. Not even considering scope. So, if I were a TWU member, I'd be hoping for a new JCBA soon. You have been consistently wrong by predicting a new JCBA in May, then June, then July, and then September, and now by the end of the year. Good Grief! Sorry weasel but you are wrong again. Say hello to the Easter Bunny for me.BTW, the company hasn't had any problem with job protections provided that no new stations are covered. With the LUS agreement prohibiting new stations, regardless of flight activity, and the cross utilization being recognized by the TWU, stations like RSW, DTW, IAH, etc can continue to be vended stations. So, it prolly wasn't so much brilliance but rather fairness. But if you add it all up, all of us LUS members should support this contract 100%. I'm always a lean towards protecting the current members as opposed to the unborn.
I only picked May for the football pool box Tim. You only get one choice and I lost my bet. Never picked any other dates after May.

The rest of your diatribe is a little too much to digest but you stick to your guns man. Some day you have to be right if you go by the law of averages.
Tim Nelson said:
Remember folks, No JCBA will get to the members without the consent from BOTH unions. What AGC would be willing to cough up political support by giving up health care and scope when solid pay and additional raises are already on the horizon? And health care will be a concession that the company will be asking for from LUS.I mean, at this point, Prez was correct, i.e., our contract is better than the CWA contract. See Weasel, what would compel anyone from LUS negotiations to sign a cost neutral or cost negative JCBA? If your new "Lock" prediction of attaining a new JCBA by the end of the year doesn't come true then don't blame the IAM, blame your own negotiators who lengthened the wage progression and gave up the cross utilization that was a big motivation for the company to negotiate. To be sure, I think the TWU did a fair thing and I support its decision to sign this new wage opener.
They won't sign cost neutral on the rest of the articles. But you keep selling it if it makes you feel good.

BTW I only said "Lock" on the rates. And on that you were SOOOO wrong weren't you.

I only picked May for the football pool box Tim. You only get one choice and I lost my bet. Never picked any other dates after May.

The rest of your diatribe is a little too much to digest but you stick to your guns man. Some day you have to be right if you go by the law of averages.
Well, let's just say you will be wrong again about having a JCBA prior to January, but I hope you are finally right, if it means management tossing even more very good things at us without giving up health care and scope. Many LUS members hope our negotiators take a very very long vacation unless we can sign a JCBA that keeps our scope, health care, and gives us more paid days off, etc. And I'm sure my postings will drop significantly. Not much for me to B aboutas the IAM did very well milking this association, incredibly as a minority.

And after further review, I'm very very glad that you are an IAM Pollyanna and I hope you stay that way through the enjoyable duration of the newest agreement.
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