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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Are they meeting this week, or are they playing with the Seniority situation again?
bob@las-AA said:
That's not bad, look at the whoopty weez runs around in.
I sent Worldie a picture. My baby is a hot looking 18 year old and her engine purrs very nicely, thank you very much.
Worldport said:
Because if he just gave us the money in exchange for integration you would still have the same articles you have now. They would be hashed out later.
No concession for money.thats not what i heard.
Huge announcements coming this morning regarding raises for Fleet and M&R...sit back and watch...all this without a joint CBA...
Kev3188 said:
Just came out. Fleet to go DL+3, and AMTs to go UA +1...Both effective in November.

Lump sum to bridge the gap, and retirement agreements as well.

Negotiations on balance of articles to continue...

Fleet is being compared to UAL, not Delta. The rate for Fleet will be $30.17

Maintenance is going Delta plus 3%
And I'm guessing you heard it on good authority!
Sorry Bob, I couldn't reveal who 'ned' was but I got the info less than an hour after it was signed.
$30.17 effective Monday.
IT is given 3 months to phase it in the computers, November. Until then, Parker wants everyone to have their money now so he will provide a lump sum check in a couple weeks that anticipates the amount any ramper will be left out until the IT is finished. But it will be predicted on your last 12 months and based on $30.17. I don't believe he is going to ask for any overages but they will issue an other check for any underages in a couple months. The pension and 401k get a boost, and cross utilization can now happen in all airports.

This is a very good gesture by Parker.
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