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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Wow! I guess little ole me is starting to get under Tim's skin!

Here's something you can put in your pdf and do whatever it is that you do with the DOL: I am not, nor have I ever been a candidate for a leadership position for the IAM either GL or district 141. I am a member in good standing who is seeking to educate my brothers and sisters about the current campaign and also to hold those accountable and seek further information regarding the candidates, their positions, and qualifications for office.

What I will continue to do is seek the truth about you and your ticket of "challengers". Anyone who reads my posts will see that I am seeking to hold you accountable for your campaign that is thin on actual facts and heavy on unfounded accusations and fear mongering. In short, I believe that you are a fraud and you are running a fraudulent campaign. Out here only for your own self promotion and revenge against a union that you feel has done you wrong. I believe that you are out to destroy the IAM and are hoping to do so from the inside out.

You want to report me to the DOL? Go ahead, I welcome it. I am in no way against our membership. I support them everyday the best I can as is required of me in our constitution and by law. Just because I dont agree with you or buy your brand of crap does not mean I am against the membership, To say so is not only wrong, but offensive and unfounded. I speak for myself and myself alone. There isnt anyone that has encouraged me to do what I do with regard to this election. THis is just another one of your fear tactics to get those who see you for what you are to be silent so you can go on spewing your misinformation weak assumptions with no opposition or question. You preach democracy, but I dont think you really know what that word or the concept of democracy means. Silencing your opposition and sending the government after them just because they dont like you or because they see fault in your campaign is autocratic and dictatorial. And if you think we are stupid enough to buy into your brand of BS as democracy, then you have another think coming.

If you are elected I feel that you will be the greatest GL president management has ever had. Your anti-union and anti-IAM rants will fuel corporate attempts to block union votes in non union shops and you will kill this union and set the tone for other unions to die as well. If I were an employee seeking union representation, I would run as far and fast from someone like you as I possibly could.
No. Not a fear tactic. Im being straight with you. You are apparently very new to labor because you have no idea what you did to discredit your local...which you did. You discredited by your continued violation of the law. I told baskett...and he didnt listen due to his hate. Ditto for you. Save your bs about finding out the truth cuz you rejected it already. Sorry kiddo, the dol will be getting in touch with you because you most certainly violated their rules. Rules you shouldda read. I tried telling you but you dont listen. What is amazing is that i have never tolerated member rights being violated but you clowns act like im bullshiatting everytime i tell you nicely. You dont listen either. You will see. Just like baskett and gruber. You think i come to play? So sad.

Please Carry on!

This dude sounds like a certain setting president... he's even ending and punctuating his paragraphs with the word "sad".
What's next... late-night tweets and cheeseburgers?
I have a little math question for everyone here. What are the odds of someone that claims to not even work in the Airline Industry, posting over 6000 replies over a 8 year period? What are the odds that virtually 100% of the posting would be ant-IAM and anti CBU?

The exact odds, and this is accurate,

That's 3.329685352964389 x 10 to the negative -776 power

really small, that he doesn't post 8000 post for a 8 year period and none of them are are negative to the IAM.
The exact odds, and this is accurate,

That's 3.329685352964389 x 10 to the negative -776 power

really small, that he doesn't post 8000 post for a 8 year period and none of them are are negative to the IAM.
Good job! Now, what are the odds that this same dude may actually be' affiliated' and have a personal agenda?
No. Not a fear tactic. Im being straight with you. You are apparently very new to labor because you have no idea what you did to discredit your local...which you did. You discredited by your continued violation of the law. I told baskett...and he didnt listen due to his hate. Ditto for you. Save your bs about finding out the truth cuz you rejected it already. Sorry kiddo, the dol will be getting in touch with you because you most certainly violated their rules. Rules you shouldda read. I tried telling you but you dont listen. What is amazing is that i have never tolerated member rights being violated but you clowns act like im bullshiatting everytime i tell you nicely. You dont listen either. You will see. Just like baskett and gruber. You think i come to play? So sad.

Please Carry on!
I will carry on. And by the way, should I expect a phone call or a letter? Let me know if you need my address. Id rather be a kiddo, as you call me, than a fraud.
I will carry on. And by the way, should I expect a phone call or a letter? Let me know if you need my address. Id rather be a kiddo, as you call me, than a fraud.
Oh I dunno Brother. You might wanna ask Mr Baskett. I haven't the slightest clue. I guess you must think I'm joking like Mr Baskett thought. A sad mistake indeed. This isn't personal, I just don't tolerate infractions regarding the LMRDA and rules of elections too well. What is interesting is that you are prolly listening to the same dopes Mr Baskett was, telling him that he is doing nothing wrong. And I guess no matter how many infractions that I litigate, that the federal government upholds for our members, you clowns still think I'm only BSing. Sad. I mean I would think that after winning case after case and infraction after infraction for member rights, that you guys would finally stop being stupid and learn from the errors of your way, but you don't. You clowns just raise your fist because of your egos and then along comes the federal government to bite you in the arse. So sad.
Oh I dunno Brother. You might wanna ask Mr Baskett. I haven't the slightest clue. I guess you must think I'm joking like Mr Baskett thought. A sad mistake indeed. This isn't personal, I just don't tolerate infractions regarding the LMRDA and rules of elections too well. What is interesting is that you are prolly listening to the same dopes Mr Baskett was, telling him that he is doing nothing wrong. And I guess no matter how many infractions that I litigate, that the federal government upholds for our members, you clowns still think I'm only BSing. Sad. I mean I would think that after winning case after case and infraction after infraction for member rights, that you guys would finally stop being stupid and learn from the errors of your way, but you don't. You clowns just raise your fist because of your egos and then along comes the federal government to bite you in the arse. So sad.

Would you care to divulge exactly what it was you went after Mr Baskett over and what remedy the DOL provided for you?

You do know that you may possibly now be the direct reason that we have not heard from him here on Forums recently for any personal update for the JCBA talks.

Your “personal” agenda just may have affected all of us. So sad.
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“Day Trader” if you catch this do you think maybe we can calm down now just a little bit?

0178247F-F939-4F45-B714-4BB8C40690D1.webp 500BAF1D-C2DF-497C-9C32-97C3471CBD72.webp
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Oh I dunno Brother. You might wanna ask Mr Baskett. I haven't the slightest clue. I guess you must think I'm joking like Mr Baskett thought. A sad mistake indeed. This isn't personal, I just don't tolerate infractions regarding the LMRDA and rules of elections too well. What is interesting is that you are prolly listening to the same dopes Mr Baskett was, telling him that he is doing nothing wrong. And I guess no matter how many infractions that I litigate, that the federal government upholds for our members, you clowns still think I'm only BSing. Sad. I mean I would think that after winning case after case and infraction after infraction for member rights, that you guys would finally stop being stupid and learn from the errors of your way, but you don't. You clowns just raise your fist because of your egos and then along comes the federal government to bite you in the arse. So sad.

Tim this one is LMFAO hilarious. You didn’t even know this guy was retired??????

It won’t be long before your latest smear job against the IAM wins you yet another electoral backhand you so richly deserve.

I look forward to celebrating the end of your offensive campaign alongside the thousands of hard-working members and representatives you repeatedly slandered with your reckless and ill-informed brand of self-promotion.

This union deserves better than you. For more than 129 years, the IAM has produced a legacy of leaders who rose from the ranks and stood shoulder to shoulder against enemies large and small. You sir, are among the latter.

And since you chose to name me personally in a recent video, I would like to call out the gross laziness and stupidity that is so typical of your rants. With zero knowledge of my pay, duties and responsibilities, you boast that if elected, you would order a large and immediate cut in my salary. I assume you mean for this to be retroactive, as I have been retired from the position for more than a year.

Tim, I am proud of my 40 years of service to the members of the IAM, and I look forward to voting against you and your slate of unknowns. Your personal attacks on myself and others serves as a poignant reminder of how you would conduct yourself if, God forbid, you were ever given real responsibilities.

Frank Larkin
Retired IAM Director of Communications

p.s., If you’re going to crib figures from a notorious anti-union website in the future, you may want to credit them as your source and inspiration. Or is that a debt to be repaid later?
Tim this one is LMFAO hilarious. You didn’t even know this guy was retired??????

It won’t be long before your latest smear job against the IAM wins you yet another electoral backhand you so richly deserve.

I look forward to celebrating the end of your offensive campaign alongside the thousands of hard-working members and representatives you repeatedly slandered with your reckless and ill-informed brand of self-promotion.

This union deserves better than you. For more than 129 years, the IAM has produced a legacy of leaders who rose from the ranks and stood shoulder to shoulder against enemies large and small. You sir, are among the latter.

And since you chose to name me personally in a recent video, I would like to call out the gross laziness and stupidity that is so typical of your rants. With zero knowledge of my pay, duties and responsibilities, you boast that if elected, you would order a large and immediate cut in my salary. I assume you mean for this to be retroactive, as I have been retired from the position for more than a year.

Tim, I am proud of my 40 years of service to the members of the IAM, and I look forward to voting against you and your slate of unknowns. Your personal attacks on myself and others serves as a poignant reminder of how you would conduct yourself if, God forbid, you were ever given real responsibilities.

Frank Larkin
Retired IAM Director of Communications

p.s., If you’re going to crib figures from a notorious anti-union website in the future, you may want to credit them as your source and inspiration. Or is that a debt to be repaid later?
Hilarious! You 4 guys like talking to yourselves. Love it! Yea ole Frank must have retired. Thing is that we didn't even know he retired because he didn't do a thing anyways. Sorry, never missed him. I get my information from the dol.gov site and it really was a good thing he retired because he was seriously overpaid and racking in $270,000 a year. For what? Nothing. But yea, I am coming to sanitize those anti unionist who are just raising our dues and giving themselves raise after raise after raise. Not going to happen after I get in. Believe me! Good Riddance to Frank and any other anti union Corporate Greeder getting rich off of us doing NOTHING. It's going to be exciting to finally rid this union of such filth. Onward!
Hilarious! You 4 guys like talking to yourselves. Love it! Yea ole Frank must have retired. Thing is that we didn't even know he retired because he didn't do a thing anyways. Sorry, never missed him. I get my information from the dol.gov site and it really was a good thing he retired because he was seriously overpaid and racking in $270,000 a year. For what? Nothing. But yea, I am coming to sanitize those anti unionist who are just raising our dues and giving themselves raise after raise after raise. Not going to happen after I get in. Believe me! Good Riddance to Frank and any other anti union Corporate Greeder getting rich off of us doing NOTHING. It's going to be exciting to finally rid this union of such filth. Onward!


Wow Timmy I really think you’re losing it now big time. “Filth” is a new word for you. So sad.
15 years, and thousands of messages in this very forum intentionally baiting IAM (and now TWU) members and their respective leadership with mostly contrived and unfounded claims of corruption and incompetence--- 15 years of deceiving with pseudo online supporters--- 15 years of slandering everyone that disagrees, or dares to challenge these deceptive tactics--- 15 years of attempting to disrupt CBU leadership, and ultimately undermine elections and negotiations---

Now... using a US Government Agency to silence hard working officers that attempt to defend themselves and disambiguate from the carefully planed onslaught--- All just to further a personal agenda based on a decades old grudge... SAD!
15 years, and thousands of messages in this very forum intentionally baiting IAM (and now TWU) members and their respective leadership with mostly contrived and unfounded claims of corruption and incompetence--- 15 years of deceiving with pseudo online supporters--- 15 years of slandering everyone that disagrees, or dares to challenge these deceptive tactics--- 15 years of attempting to disrupt CBU leadership, and ultimately undermine elections and negotiations---

Now... using a US Government Agency to silence hard working officers that attempt to defend themselves and disambiguate from the carefully planed onslaught--- All just to further a personal agenda based on a decades old grudge... SAD!
Democracy isn't a grudge. I'm sorry that you don't like union elections but it's the very foundation of our constitution AND VOICE. If the Grand Lodge and DIstrict Lodge actually followed the constitution, there would be fair elections. The problem for them is that the outcomes would be different, so they violate the law. Sad.

These are simply exciting times to get the corporate greed out of the Grand Lodge. What grudge are you talking about that happened 15 years ago? This union leadership continues to violate democracy. My first case I won was in 2002 for elections. From 2002 through 2012 I never ran for anything other than Local elections. Won every time at the local level.

But almost always I'm not even a candidate on these ballots so not sure what you are talking about 'personal'. Did someone spill your cheerios bowl this morning?
Yes, giving one bum the boot, 8 more to go. You guys don't know because you don't listen. Sad. Besides Gruber had it coming since he signed that court order to pay the pension monies back. Good riddance! And you spurred our boy Jay on. He broke the election rules. I tried telling him but he didn't listen and you stoked his ego to continue the violations. Same thing I told Mr Baskett but he didn't listen and raised his fist on here. I was a nice fella but he just didn't listen. Sad actually. And you don't have any Local on the line but Jay has been compromising his Local's integrity. He knows better but just doesn't listen.

But you, I think the campaign is a bit more interesting with TWU members telling IAM members how to vote. I like you exactly what you are doing. Please do carry on! And I love Mr Beasely as well, Guide Dog Adam is stirring up Local 2003 and I think it is better for all since it brings more attention to this vote. So, both of you just carry on!

Well Tim you just got your response on the Gruber issue. Apparently you “may” not know what the hell you’re talking about?

Lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes huh Tim.

“JUST PLAIN WRONG: The opposition is resorting to spreading false rumors to disparage our union. They say a member of the IAM Leadership Team is ineligible to run for office. This claim is COMPLETELY FALSE.

Everyone on the IAM Leadership Team is eligible to serve our union. Both the IAM Constitution and DOL regulations rules make it crystal clear. From DOL regulations: "Nor may it establish a general compulsory retirement age or comparable age restriction on candidacy since this would be inconsistent with the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967." -- 29 C.F.R. Section 452.46

Don't fall for their lies--every vote for the IAM Leadership will count.”
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