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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Robbed when did BWI get a new AGC? The 141 website says Steve Miller now covers BWI in addition to Logan and BDL. I thought Frank O’Donnel was your AGC?

I think its been something like 2 or so years now My understanding is that Frank O Donnell was "pushed out to the west" and last time I heard he was trying to organize JB Steve Miller is a friend I have known since 99 and he fights for members He is also part of the nego committee as well
Yesterday was a wonderful day. A very wonderful one as approx 20 Locals nominated a challenger slate of candidates to help force a June election for District Lodge 141. The Federal government is supervising this election so there wasn't any ballot tossed out or ripped up yesterday by your faithless leaders.

Moving forward, this election should freeze any idea of a TA coming out prior to June and protect our beloved LUS health care. Without this election, Sito would have surely broug...ht out a TA that coughed up our health care. I mean he still can, but then the incumbents wouldn't get one vote.

The challengers had tremendous support from our brothers and sisters at United Airlines and I can assure you that IAH and ORD will have mega support. All of our issues are the same, our current leadership tosses grievances in the trash can, our shifts, bidding, and schedules are a complete disaster as management violates the contracts at will. Nobody arbitrates, and we are told that they don't want to upset management on the whole scheduling problems. Our AGC"s do NOTHING. Don't arbitrate, don't bother enforing anything in the contract. Sad.

As far as the Grand Lodge election, yesterday was wonderful. We focused on all of the large locals and the masses stepped up like we knew they were. Weesles lies proved true again but I guess nobody can stop him from saying only 7 Locals would show up. Sad. But very good day, and after April, we will toss Sixto out of negotiations and insert a LUS ramper, then we can be assured that we can keep our LUS health care going and going and going. No reason to concede anything when a company is making Billions. It's a contradiction. Not going to happen after April. Thanks to the masses who stepped up wonderfully.

Tim the IAM Truth Squad has been fired up and is out to get ya again. Look what they wrote about you and this Atkinson cat.

“””””“We Must Choose Wisely

It’s election time once again and perennial losers Tim Nelson and Dave Atkinson are back and pose a great risk to our union. While we believe that 95% of IAM locals didn’t even bother to nominate Nelson and his slate of inexperienced, incompetent and corrupt candidates there will likely be a few run-offs on Saturday, 2-10-18. We must beat Nelson, Atkinson and their hand-picked inexperienced and incompetent slates for IAM Executive Council and District Lodge 141 Executive Board.

If you had the chance to elect people to lead the company you work for, would you choose folks who were totally inexperienced, incompetent, who have worked diligently to undermine the success of your employer and who stole your company’s assets and were fired for doing so? Probably not.

So, why would we choose those kinds of people to lead the IAM, an organization that is equally important to us and our families? Through the IAM, we negotiate our terms of employment so that we fairly share in our companys’ success. Through the IAM, we have the right to call out management if they are being unfair. Through the IAM, we have the right to a fair appeal process if we are unjustly disciplined or terminated. Through the IAM, we have security, dignity and fairness. And, it’s really important who leads our union, so we can maintain that fairness, dignity, respect and security that our union offers us. If we choose the wrong people, it will fall apart.

Tim Nelson and Dave Atkinson and the people that they have chosen to run for IAM Executive Council and District 141 Executive Board positions, are either totally inexperienced, incompetent, have diligently worked to undermine our union or have lost their positions due to stealing our dues dollars. That’s the truth that they don’t want us to know.

We will offer biographies of Nelson, Atkinson and the rest of their hand-picked candidates, but here we will focus a bit on Nelson and Atkinson.

Tim Nelson, candidate for IAM International President, the person who leads an organization of more than 600,000 active and retired members—is the most inexperienced, corrupt and incompetent person to ever seek that critical office. Nelson was fired as an IAM District 141 staff member in 2011 due to his repeated violations of the IAM’s financial policies and advocating that workers under IAM contracts not pay dues. Nelson tried to decertify the IAM at US Airways (now American) with a union of his own creation, which he appointed himself president of, the Allied Ground Workers (AGW). Nelson has relentlessly interfered with IAM organizing drives, discouraging workers that seek to join the IAM from doing so. Nelson has never negotiated a contract; nor has he ever been part of a negotiating committee. But that hasn’t stopped him from continuously denigrating the work of IAM negotiating committees—who are IAM rank-n-file members—who continually produce solid agreements in good times and bad. Nelson has never represented any of his brothers and sisters in an arbitration case and has never saved a job. Nelson was removed as a local shop steward at US Airways in Chicago for incompetence, where he represented less than 50 workers. Nelson’s history of corruption, inexperience and sheer incompetence is a real danger to our union. His alliance with disgraced former IAM District 141 Secretary Treasurer, Dave Atkinson, is evidence of his poor judgement and of that danger.

Atkinson—who was Nelson’s first choice for IAM General Secretary Treasurer and running mate until he realized Atkinson was banned for life for being convicted of stealing IAM member’s dues money—is equally as dangerous to our union as Nelson. Atkinson is the perfect example of a corrupt union boss. He is running Nelson’s campaign, is the husband of Nelson’s second choice for running mate, Tracey Wagstaff, and will certainly have full access to our dues dollars in any Nelson administration. Atkinson is the type of corrupt union boss that union busters constantly point to to undermine the entire labor movement and place us all in a bad light. Nelson even brought Atkinson up on charges of incompetence and corruption and sought his removal from office.

Atkinson was found guilty of stealing over $13,000 of IAM members dues money. As IAM District 141 Secretary Treasurer, Atkinson lived in San Francisco. He was supposed to be domiciled in Chicago, IL. Atkinson, however, spent all his time in San Francisco, CA with his bride to be, Wagstaff. Atkinson lived at one of the most expensive hotels by San Francisco International Airport, the Hyatt (upwards of $300 a night). Atkinson, with Wagstaff right by his side, charged IAM members for his illegal Hyatt stays and charged IAM members per diem for multiple years. Both Atkinson and Wagstaff pulled down about $250,000 per year while employed by District 141, but were arrogant and deceitful enough to rip off IAM members further. No wonder IAM District 141 was almost bankrupt under Atkinson’s reign of corruption and incompetence. Wagstaff was right alongside him, living the highlife at the Hyatt, holding court at nightly wine and cheese parties.

We will post more information here regarding the Nelson-Atkinson slates and much documentation in the coming days. Please come back, share widely!

For those IAM locals that have endorsement votes, remember to Choose Wisely on February 10th by endorsing IP Martinez, GVP Pantoja and their IAM Executive Board colleagues and the entire District 141 Executive Board.””””””
Stock market rose over 30% in Obama's first year in office and 148% over his two terms. To put that in perspective the current market would need to reach 49,000 just to match.

We're currently in the second longest Bull market in history, which started in 2009. Hopefully, that streak isn't broken by the current Administration.

Okay Michelle, your husband still did a lousy job... his announced policies as Candidate Obama tanked the market (later the GOP Congress kept his policies in check), but you instead solely focus on his official first year in office and better yet, give him credit for the market recovery. The Fed drove down CD rates to 1/4% to prop-up BHO's failing economy leaving savers few options and you give him "credit" for a long bull market. Cheap money, $1 trillion in annual average new debt, and QE and go figure the market surged.
Okay Michelle, your husband still did a lousy job... his announced policies as Candidate Obama tanked the market (later the GOP Congress kept his policies in check), but you instead solely focus on his official first year in office and better yet, give him credit for the market recovery. The Fed drove down CD rates to 1/4% to prop-up BHO's failing economy leaving savers few options and you give him "credit" for a long bull market. Cheap money, $1 trillion in annual average new debt, and QE and go figure the market surged.

From Reagan to Obama percentage increase to debt went to Reagan then Bush2, market winner Clinton then Obama. Statistics don't lie.
From Reagan to Obama percentage increase to debt went to Reagan then Bush2, market winner Clinton then Obama. Statistics don't lie.

You are correct thanks for the reminders. Numbers don't lie unlike, well nevermind.

I tried to ask CB if the powerstows are being brought up in SCOPE talks and never got an answer. I worry about losing jobs if we are not given a minimum of 2 clerks or at least the option at IAM TWU discretion. Do you think SCOPE will wrap up anytime soon and what are your latest thoughts on how long it will take? I remember last summer you were very frank about the timeline for a deal. I appreciate your answers. Thank you.
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Tim the IAM Truth Squad has been fired up and is out to get ya again. Look what they wrote about you and this Atkinson cat.

“””””“We Must Choose Wisely

It’s election time once again and perennial losers Tim Nelson and Dave Atkinson are back and pose a great risk to our union. While we believe that 95% of IAM locals didn’t even bother to nominate Nelson and his slate of inexperienced, incompetent and corrupt candidates there will likely be a few run-offs on Saturday, 2-10-18. We must beat Nelson, Atkinson and their hand-picked inexperienced and incompetent slates for IAM Executive Council and District Lodge 141 Executive Board.

If you had the chance to elect people to lead the company you work for, would you choose folks who were totally inexperienced, incompetent, who have worked diligently to undermine the success of your employer and who stole your company’s assets and were fired for doing so? Probably not.

So, why would we choose those kinds of people to lead the IAM, an organization that is equally important to us and our families? Through the IAM, we negotiate our terms of employment so that we fairly share in our companys’ success. Through the IAM, we have the right to call out management if they are being unfair. Through the IAM, we have the right to a fair appeal process if we are unjustly disciplined or terminated. Through the IAM, we have security, dignity and fairness. And, it’s really important who leads our union, so we can maintain that fairness, dignity, respect and security that our union offers us. If we choose the wrong people, it will fall apart.

Tim Nelson and Dave Atkinson and the people that they have chosen to run for IAM Executive Council and District 141 Executive Board positions, are either totally inexperienced, incompetent, have diligently worked to undermine our union or have lost their positions due to stealing our dues dollars. That’s the truth that they don’t want us to know.

We will offer biographies of Nelson, Atkinson and the rest of their hand-picked candidates, but here we will focus a bit on Nelson and Atkinson.

Tim Nelson, candidate for IAM International President, the person who leads an organization of more than 600,000 active and retired members—is the most inexperienced, corrupt and incompetent person to ever seek that critical office. Nelson was fired as an IAM District 141 staff member in 2011 due to his repeated violations of the IAM’s financial policies and advocating that workers under IAM contracts not pay dues. Nelson tried to decertify the IAM at US Airways (now American) with a union of his own creation, which he appointed himself president of, the Allied Ground Workers (AGW). Nelson has relentlessly interfered with IAM organizing drives, discouraging workers that seek to join the IAM from doing so. Nelson has never negotiated a contract; nor has he ever been part of a negotiating committee. But that hasn’t stopped him from continuously denigrating the work of IAM negotiating committees—who are IAM rank-n-file members—who continually produce solid agreements in good times and bad. Nelson has never represented any of his brothers and sisters in an arbitration case and has never saved a job. Nelson was removed as a local shop steward at US Airways in Chicago for incompetence, where he represented less than 50 workers. Nelson’s history of corruption, inexperience and sheer incompetence is a real danger to our union. His alliance with disgraced former IAM District 141 Secretary Treasurer, Dave Atkinson, is evidence of his poor judgement and of that danger.

Atkinson—who was Nelson’s first choice for IAM General Secretary Treasurer and running mate until he realized Atkinson was banned for life for being convicted of stealing IAM member’s dues money—is equally as dangerous to our union as Nelson. Atkinson is the perfect example of a corrupt union boss. He is running Nelson’s campaign, is the husband of Nelson’s second choice for running mate, Tracey Wagstaff, and will certainly have full access to our dues dollars in any Nelson administration. Atkinson is the type of corrupt union boss that union busters constantly point to to undermine the entire labor movement and place us all in a bad light. Nelson even brought Atkinson up on charges of incompetence and corruption and sought his removal from office.

Atkinson was found guilty of stealing over $13,000 of IAM members dues money. As IAM District 141 Secretary Treasurer, Atkinson lived in San Francisco. He was supposed to be domiciled in Chicago, IL. Atkinson, however, spent all his time in San Francisco, CA with his bride to be, Wagstaff. Atkinson lived at one of the most expensive hotels by San Francisco International Airport, the Hyatt (upwards of $300 a night). Atkinson, with Wagstaff right by his side, charged IAM members for his illegal Hyatt stays and charged IAM members per diem for multiple years. Both Atkinson and Wagstaff pulled down about $250,000 per year while employed by District 141, but were arrogant and deceitful enough to rip off IAM members further. No wonder IAM District 141 was almost bankrupt under Atkinson’s reign of corruption and incompetence. Wagstaff was right alongside him, living the highlife at the Hyatt, holding court at nightly wine and cheese parties.

We will post more information here regarding the Nelson-Atkinson slates and much documentation in the coming days. Please come back, share widely!

For those IAM locals that have endorsement votes, remember to Choose Wisely on February 10th by endorsing IP Martinez, GVP Pantoja and their IAM Executive Board colleagues and the entire District 141 Executive Board.””””””
Oh good grief! Nobody post over there because they have no support. Period. Well, I see you post but I don't blame you since you want us to lose our IAM health care. I'll be representing IAM members first and that means that I will have absolutely no interest in giving any concessions as the company makes billions. Sorry weez but blame your own union for all of your concessions because we aren't going to give any concessions at LUS after Sito gets tossed out. And the slate that is running for the District really had a great day yesterday. Of course there was one dope agc who was violating member rights but things will resolve over that issue. Sorry
Im learning that weez just wants a pay raise and wants to get rid of our health care. So he claimed i only had support for GL election of 7 locals. I guess nobody can stop him from destroying his own local and destroying their equity by being the "frontman of deceit".
Im learning that weez just wants a pay raise and wants to get rid of our health care. So he claimed i only had support for GL election of 7 locals. I guess nobody can stop him from destroying his own local and destroying their equity by being the "frontman of deceit".

Hey man I didn’t write that, WTF? I just thought it was funny. Wow they called you inexperienced, corrupt and incompetent a lot of times. Incompetent ouch.

“Where’s Atkinson, Bueler, Bueler, Bueler”

Carry on.
Okay Michelle, your husband still did a lousy job... his announced policies as Candidate Obama tanked the market (later the GOP Congress kept his policies in check), but you instead solely focus on his official first year in office and better yet, give him credit for the market recovery. The Fed drove down CD rates to 1/4% to prop-up BHO's failing economy leaving savers few options and you give him "credit" for a long bull market. Cheap money, $1 trillion in annual average new debt, and QE and go figure the market surged.

You have to do better than that Jester.

The entire planet knows the Great Recession was due to the failed policies and the deregulation of the banking sector under the Bush Administration.

"The financial crisis that began 13 months ago (August, 2007) has entered a new, far more serious phase."

"Lingering hopes that the damage could be contained to a handful of financial institutions that made bad bets on mortgages have evaporated. New fault lines are emerging beyond the original problem -- troubled subprime mortgages -- in areas like credit-default swaps, the credit insurance contracts sold by American International Group Inc. and others."

"Fed and Treasury officials have identified the disease. It's called deleveraging, or the unwinding of debt. During the credit boom, financial institutions and American households took on too much debt. Between 2002 and 2006, household borrowing grew at an average annual rate of 11%, far outpacing overall economic growth. Borrowing by financial institutions grew by a 10% annualized rate. Now many of those borrowers can't pay back the loans, a problem that is exacerbated by the collapse in housing prices. They need to reduce their dependence on borrowed money, a painful and drawn-out process that can choke off credit and economic growth." ---Wall Street Journal, Sept. 18, 2008; "Worst Crisis Since '30's, With No End in Sight"
Hey man I didn’t write that, WTF? I just thought it was funny. Wow they called you inexperienced, corrupt and incompetent a lot of times. Incompetent ouch.

“Where’s Atkinson, Bueler, Bueler, Bueler”

Carry on.
It is funny though. Ill give them that. Forest.
It is funny though. Ill give them that. Forest.

Hey I hit you again on that page. I keep calling you a kook and I mentioned how you threw me off your FB page too. Lol.

Hey stop in today. I can have some fun and whack you around a little?
Hey I hit you again on that page. I keep calling you a kook and I mentioned how you threw me off your FB page too. Lol.

Hey stop in today. I can have some fun and whack you around a little?
You are a twu guy who wants our health care to be taken so you get a pay raise. I understand you trying to steal our healthcare but im iam and im not goin to ever cough it up like you want or how sito has done.
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