July 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of July 17th, in Washington D.C. On the afternoon of July 19th, American Airlines presented their initial proposal covering the remaining articles to your Executive Committee. Upon initial review, the company’s proposal is inadequate and falls far short in providing the contract you deserve. After a year and a half of negotiations with the Company, we are extremely disappointed."
August 2017: "In an internal communication to TWU-IAM Association members at American Airlines, Kerry Philipovitch and David Seymour—American executives who have not attended one negotiating session—claim the Association is dragging its feet in responding to American’s “comprehensive” proposal. FALSE! Association executive level negotiators told American negotiators that their comprehensive proposal belongs in the garbage. It is an insult to the membership and doesn’t deserve any further response."
"Accurate information
is important. The company’s “comprehensive” proposal does the following:"
- "Outsources work and eliminates jobs"
- "Maintains legacy American’s high cost health care"
- "Includes insulting wage rates that are not industry-leading"
- "Eliminates pensions and shifts risk to workers"
December 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our work and jobs in the new contract. These discussions are in preparation for a counter proposal for all Association classifications to the company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."