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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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It’s hard for even the most optimistic to glean anything positive from that.

If the process was explained and properly expressed from the beginning we may not be filled with such frustration. The challenges are not being explained and we were not prepared to understand each other's perspective on these negotiations. Anyone that believed it was going to be a quick and easy process didn't really understand the challenges of such a process.

Sometimes the leadership needs to tell everyone what they need to hear rather than placate and tell people what they want to hear.

The apologists will certainly try to divert the conversation and explain away the latest malaise.
I thought weez said his new bff GP claimed a deal this week?
The ole seniority TA again?

Good Grief!

Now we are back to woeful proposals and huddling up to figure out counter proposals. Dont worry, we have "Top" people working on this according to weez and 700 2.0
July 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of July 17th, in Washington D.C. On the afternoon of July 19th, American Airlines presented their initial proposal covering the remaining articles to your Executive Committee. Upon initial review, the company’s proposal is inadequate and falls far short in providing the contract you deserve. After a year and a half of negotiations with the Company, we are extremely disappointed."

August 2017: "In an internal communication to TWU-IAM Association members at American Airlines, Kerry Philipovitch and David Seymour—American executives who have not attended one negotiating session—claim the Association is dragging its feet in responding to American’s “comprehensive” proposal. FALSE! Association executive level negotiators told American negotiators that their comprehensive proposal belongs in the garbage. It is an insult to the membership and doesn’t deserve any further response."

"Accurate information is important. The company’s “comprehensive” proposal does the following:"
  • "Outsources work and eliminates jobs"
  • "Maintains legacy American’s high cost health care"
  • "Includes insulting wage rates that are not industry-leading"
  • "Eliminates pensions and shifts risk to workers"
December 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our work and jobs in the new contract. These discussions are in preparation for a counter proposal for all Association classifications to the company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."
Key word is "Discussions". They refuse to use the word 'negotiate". They aren't even negotiating, they are discussing things, presumably processes, etc. At any rate, they have been formulating and 'redoubling' their efforts on their preparations for future discussions on the inadequate proposal of about 6 months ago.

I'd almost forgive Weez for declaring a TA this year in his angst against you, but I'd settle if he just stopped using the word 'negotiate' when the executive council doesn't even use that term.
It's hard for the rest of us to understand because we are tired from being busy working as we don't have rich wives supporting us so we can only work a couple of days a week.
That is something that 700 2.0 would agree with you on. The inescapable truth and inconvenient for weez and the IAM pollyannas, is that there haven't been any negotiations for fleet since August. I notified everyone, even specifically what was in the AIP and claimed that nothing really remains to be negotiated. Since then, i.e., the last 5 months, that's exactly the sorta thing that has happened. They have however offered up some excuses like, "We are waiting on the mechanics to catch up" REALLY? Not so. And the less well known 'bait and switch' which focuses on the wicked July proposal. Notice, nothing ever said about anything post July. NOTHING. Look, IAM politics is at play. I know you will deny that, you always do. The TWU and Weez they don't get it. Alex is prolly buying Sito's word that my tickets won't get through the nomination process. I can assure you and everyone. democracy will prevail on the GL and District level.

And weez may not know but the LUS election is in June. So, the GP, and Alex will just have to wait before they strip LUS fleet of health care and part time caps. Sito will do it in a heartbeat after elections if he can. But I seriously doubt he tosses anyone overboard by hammering us LUS guys prior to elections. Just remember, Sito thought he sailed through his elections and announced that there would be "Executive fast tracked negotiaiotns" and we were TAing 2 articles every week. Then I dropped the "Hammer" on him by C blocking him on the district and INTL insomuch that the elections were fake elections and we now have the real ones. Sorry Sito. One good thing if Sito gets the boot is that we will finally have a LUS Fleet member in the exeucitve negotiations, instead of 2 mechanics. I'm EXTREMELY uncomfortable having 2 mechanics negotiating for us. And our negotiating committee has nobody with balls to stand up. I'll give GP credit, he stood up and got put in. But he has shown he is a novice on politics. Weez meets him at the MIA rally and believes every word out of his mouth. Silly Weez.
That is something that 700 2.0 would agree with you on. The inescapable truth and inconvenient for weez and the IAM pollyannas, is that there haven't been any negotiations for fleet since August. I notified everyone, even specifically what was in the AIP and claimed that nothing really remains to be negotiated. Since then, i.e., the last 5 months, that's exactly the sorta thing that has happened. They have however offered up some excuses like, "We are waiting on the mechanics to catch up" REALLY? Not so. And the less well known 'bait and switch' which focuses on the wicked July proposal. Notice, nothing ever said about anything post July. NOTHING. Look, IAM politics is at play. I know you will deny that, you always do. The TWU and Weez they don't get it. Alex is prolly buying Sito's word that my tickets won't get through the nomination process. I can assure you and everyone. democracy will prevail on the GL and District level.

And weez may not know but the LUS election is in June. So, the GP, and Alex will just have to wait before they strip LUS fleet of health care and part time caps. Sito will do it in a heartbeat after elections if he can. But I seriously doubt he tosses anyone overboard by hammering us LUS guys prior to elections. Just remember, Sito thought he sailed through his elections and announced that there would be "Executive fast tracked negotiaiotns" and we were TAing 2 articles every week. Then I dropped the "Hammer" on him by C blocking him on the district and INTL insomuch that the elections were fake elections and we now have the real ones. Sorry Sito. One good thing if Sito gets the boot is that we will finally have a LUS Fleet member in the exeucitve negotiations, instead of 2 mechanics. I'm EXTREMELY uncomfortable having 2 mechanics negotiating for us. And our negotiating committee has nobody with balls to stand up. I'll give GP credit, he stood up and got put in. But he has shown he is a novice on politics. Weez meets him at the MIA rally and believes every word out of his mouth. Silly Weez.

I believe Tom Talbert if that’s who you were referring to has been removed from Forums? I don’t see his Profile any longer?

I think I might leave too? Forums is becoming much more aggravating than enriching anyway.

Once Al left it was really downhill from there.

Happy Holidays.
I believe Tom Talbert if that’s who you were referring to has been removed from Forums? I don’t see his Profile any longer?

I think I might leave too? Forums is becoming much more aggravating than enriching anyway.

Once Al left it was really downhill from there.

Happy Holidays.
Just stop being so darn gullible. You listen to dopes. Most reasonable persons knew GP wasn't going to deliver the Christmas TA for ya. No big deal, cheer up, it happens to the best of us.
Just stop being so darn gullible. You listen to dopes. Most reasonable persons knew GP wasn't going to deliver the Christmas TA for ya. No big deal, cheer up, it happens to the best of us.

Doubted they would come through actually. I think I said that about a week ago here.

Getting tired of the BS here. And I’m not so sure I like Dictatorships either. In Dictatorships is where Journalists disappear, or on here too maybe.

I could be easily next.

Forums is dead anyway. All we do here is bash each other now.
Key word is "Discussions". They refuse to use the word 'negotiate". They aren't even negotiating, they are discussing things, presumably processes, etc. At any rate, they have been formulating and 'redoubling' their efforts on their preparations for future discussions on the inadequate proposal of about 6 months ago.

I'd almost forgive Weez for declaring a TA this year in his angst against you, but I'd settle if he just stopped using the word 'negotiate' when the executive council doesn't even use that term.
Just like everyone else W, you make this a good

No excuse for this...period! This is exactly where a moderator is needed. Has nothing to do with anything and is extremely personal about ones family.
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