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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Now weez, you can do better than that, I do get enjoyment from others pain, especially self inflicted pain, people in DFW are clinging to false hope, that maybe some day, all the stations will reopen and everything will be right as rain. Cruel? no just blunt honesty.

No I’m bluntly honest, you’re cruel. Besides many times you don’t know what you’re talking about because you’re only speculating your hope for people's continuing misery is all.

Read what Jester wrote BTW.
"Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʀɔɪ̯də]) is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is taken from German and literally means 'harm-joy.' It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune. It is also borrowed by some other languages."

Sometimes I think that people who self-describe themselves as being "brutally honest" are just being mean-spirited. Just sayin'....
Yes you are correct.
Yes you are correct.

I save that level of vitriol only for my ex-wife, some PHX managers, and Deney Terrio from "Dance Fever". I am not saying that any of were actually Satan, but I cannot say that I saw them at the same time with The Prince of Darkness either.
It has been awhile since the AW/US JCBA which lead to the subcontracting of dozens of AW stations, so I only recall one for which AW/US handled, as did AA previously, and that was SNA. I know there were former SNA agents who want to go back home, and probably some AA guys in the same position. Maybe there are others where both airlines once handled ramp operations in-house but do not presently? SJC? MKE? DTW?

And that's my problem with the "snap shot" approach as it covers only those current stations, but it will not re-open former stations, even if the combined total mainline flights exceed the minimum number. Depending on the JCBA's flight requirements, it would make available to TWU agents in places like DEN and MSP (as IAM works the ramp), but it won't help those people furloughed from SNA, SJC, HNL, ELP, IAH, etc., because neither IAM or TWU handles the ramp presently.

i don't argue any of that, but i believe that will be tough to get; without giving the company back something. since i work in a hub, my personal interest is getting back more aa mainline flights/get aa to eagle work back/work regional jets (ala ua in ord).

my station went from apprx. 2,000 FT (ramp/freight & mail/cabin/bus driving) in 2000-2001 to today's 850+ FT (ramp and freight). eagle this, eagle that.
"The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our work and jobs in the new contract. These discussions are in preparation for a counter proposal for all Association classifications to the company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."

"Discussions continued on GSE/Facilities filling of vacancies; M&R and MLS ASAP MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) including the Just Culture philosophy, MLS seniority and MLS/M&R overtime opportunity distribution procedures."

"Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on:"

"Union Security and Dues Check Off- All Groups"



"The future negotiating calendar is as follows:"

"January 8-DCA"
"January 22-DCA"
"February 12-DCA"
"February 19-DCA"
Yep, some of you have no clue how to interpret GP. As NYer stated, GP had a fall back and he knew it when he made that comment about by the end of the month. Panned out exactly how Gary figured it would.
"company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."
Those who didn't see that coming...WOW!
"The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our work and jobs in the new contract. These discussions are in preparation for a counter proposal for all Association classifications to the company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."

"Discussions continued on GSE/Facilities filling of vacancies; M&R and MLS ASAP MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) including the Just Culture philosophy, MLS seniority and MLS/M&R overtime opportunity distribution procedures."

"Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on:"

"Union Security and Dues Check Off- All Groups"



"The future negotiating calendar is as follows:"

"January 8-DCA"
"January 22-DCA"
"February 12-DCA"
"February 19-DCA"
I thought weez said his new bff GP claimed a deal this week?
The ole seniority TA again?

Good Grief!

Now we are back to woeful proposals and huddling up to figure out counter proposals. Dont worry, we have "Top" people working on this according to weez and 700 2.0
Yep, some of you have no clue how to interpret GP. As NYer stated, GP had a fall back and he knew it when he made that comment about by the end of the month. Panned out exactly how Gary figured it would.
"company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."
Those who didn't see that coming...WOW!

If you read it carefully, you'll notice they are getting prepared to submit a counter-proposal (for Scope) to the "company's woefully inadequate proposal."

They seem to be referring to be the Comprehensive Proposal from July.
So he said “They will” have a deal before the end of the year?

From now on I’m going with other people’s interpretation because I guess I don’t read these absolutes everywhere.

But yes I think GP gave false hopes just with the allusion of a conclusion which obviously isn’t coming this year now.
I thought weez said his new bff GP claimed a deal this week?
The ole seniority TA again?

Good Grief!

Now we are back to woeful proposals and huddling up to figure out counter proposals. Dont worry, we have "Top" people working on this according to weez and 700 2.0

July 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of July 17th, in Washington D.C. On the afternoon of July 19th, American Airlines presented their initial proposal covering the remaining articles to your Executive Committee. Upon initial review, the company’s proposal is inadequate and falls far short in providing the contract you deserve. After a year and a half of negotiations with the Company, we are extremely disappointed."

August 2017: "In an internal communication to TWU-IAM Association members at American Airlines, Kerry Philipovitch and David Seymour—American executives who have not attended one negotiating session—claim the Association is dragging its feet in responding to American’s “comprehensive” proposal. FALSE! Association executive level negotiators told American negotiators that their comprehensive proposal belongs in the garbage. It is an insult to the membership and doesn’t deserve any further response."

"Accurate information is important. The company’s “comprehensive” proposal does the following:"
  • "Outsources work and eliminates jobs"
  • "Maintains legacy American’s high cost health care"
  • "Includes insulting wage rates that are not industry-leading"
  • "Eliminates pensions and shifts risk to workers"
December 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our work and jobs in the new contract. These discussions are in preparation for a counter proposal for all Association classifications to the company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."
July 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of July 17th, in Washington D.C. On the afternoon of July 19th, American Airlines presented their initial proposal covering the remaining articles to your Executive Committee. Upon initial review, the company’s proposal is inadequate and falls far short in providing the contract you deserve. After a year and a half of negotiations with the Company, we are extremely disappointed."

August 2017: "In an internal communication to TWU-IAM Association members at American Airlines, Kerry Philipovitch and David Seymour—American executives who have not attended one negotiating session—claim the Association is dragging its feet in responding to American’s “comprehensive” proposal. FALSE! Association executive level negotiators told American negotiators that their comprehensive proposal belongs in the garbage. It is an insult to the membership and doesn’t deserve any further response."

"Accurate information is important. The company’s “comprehensive” proposal does the following:"
  • "Outsources work and eliminates jobs"
  • "Maintains legacy American’s high cost health care"
  • "Includes insulting wage rates that are not industry-leading"
  • "Eliminates pensions and shifts risk to workers"
December 2017: "The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our work and jobs in the new contract. These discussions are in preparation for a counter proposal for all Association classifications to the company’s woefully inadequate proposal on that important article in all our JCBA’s."

You’re salivating in your glee.
It’s hard for even the most optimistic to glean anything positive from that.
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