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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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I truly don't believe the mighty IAM will deliver anything better in contract talks. Hell..they were just in section 6 negotiations last round when profits were skyrocketing and brought forth that laughing stock contract to vote on. My opinion is that the IAM doesn't want a joint contract in place as that would mean their representation will be bye bye in the near future.
That was only a bridge agreement till you get a JCBA.

The company didn’t even want to give you that.
Yep another IAM excuse..don't worry we will get em next time I keep hearing for decades. Yep section 6, all the leverage, ect. blah blah blah and that's what they deliver. There is always a "next time" with the IAM. They have a giant barrel full of excuses, they just pull one out whenever they need see fit.
Yep another IAM excuse..don't worry we will get em next time I keep hearing for decades. Yep section 6, all the leverage, ect. blah blah blah and that's what they deliver. There is always a "next time" with the IAM. They have a giant barrel full of excuses, they just pull one out whenever they need see fit.

Hey Putzo. Yea that IAM has really sucked for you the last 4 years. You got a great deal in 2014 keeping your cheap ass Medical (Cheaper than anyone I know is paying in and out of the Airlines) Then they get you a $6.00 an hour raise in 2016 and another raise this September bringing you up to over $67,000 a year in just base wages.

Those chitty bastards really suc.

I’m sure without the IAM and your High School Diploma in tow you could have done so much better somewhere else huh?
What was that??? Who gave us the last and current raise? You get 3 choice Weaasles...the IAM, the TWU, or the Company.
What was that??? Who gave us the last and current raise? You get 3 choice Weaasles...the IAM, the TWU, or the Company.

Yea I always hear this stupidity from people like you. Take all the Unions out of the Airline industry for Baggage Handlers and you tell me how much you think you’d be making?

Go around and look at all the jobs out there that are no skill, no education needed without a Union and you tell me how many of those workers are making over $30 for basically simple back breaking hard work?

You believe what you want to believe though Putzo.
Here you go Putzo.

Union Representation

In 2017, 16.4 million wage and salary workers were represented by a union. This
group includes both union members (14.8 million) and workers who report no union
affiliation but whose jobs are covered by a union contract (1.6 million). (See
table 1.)


Among full-time wage and salary workers, union members had median usual weekly
earnings of $1,041 in 2017, while those who were not union members had median
weekly earnings of $829. In addition to coverage by a collective bargaining agreement,
this earnings difference reflects a variety of influences, including variations in
the distributions of union members and nonunion employees by occupation, industry,
age, firm size, or geographic region. (See tables 2 and 4.)

Blah blah same ol from the Weezer. You let me know when the mighty Ass delivers a contract that Delta can't beat! All eyes with be watching
Blah blah same ol from the Weezer. You let me know when the mighty Ass delivers a contract that Delta can't beat! All eyes with be watching

And you let me know when you quit working under the thumb of the Ass (Or with yours up your ass) and put in your application to go work for the almighty Delta if you think they got it so good.

Your probably prime Ready Reserve material.
Yea I always hear this stupidity from people like you. Take all the Unions out of the Airline industry for Baggage Handlers and you tell me how much you think you’d be making?

Go around and look at all the jobs out there that are no skill, no education needed without a Union and you tell me how many of those workers are making over $30 for basically simple back breaking hard work?

You believe what you want to believe though Putzo.
Go away jackoff. The company gave us the following last year
1. $350 in triple play
2. 2 confirmed tickets
3. $1000 bonus
4. $1,500 avg profit sharing
5. Big pay raises.

The only item that the iam had anything to do with is the big raise because the company wanted cross utilization.

Therefore the reality is that black magic is correct. Besides you arent iam so you dont know anything.
Go away
Yea I always hear this stupidity from people like you. Take all the Unions out of the Airline industry for Baggage Handlers and you tell me how much you think you’d be making?

Go around and look at all the jobs out there that are no skill, no education needed without a Union and you tell me how many of those workers are making over $30 for basically simple back breaking hard work?

You believe what you want to believe though Putzo.
Tons of jobs. In this industry alone, the non union airline leads the pack. Thats how bad the iam is.
40% Ready Reseve, no raises, $15 an hour, no benefits.

Laid off after reaching 1,400 hours, 20% chance of becoming benefitted employee.

Regular employees no raises in a year, highest cost of insurance in the industry.

Major cuts to orthodontic coverage

Social Security Offset (Delta takes out of their retirement the dollar amount you get from social security from their retirement checks from their frozen pension.

But they don’t do that to PMNW who were unionized.

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Go away jackoff. The company gave us the following last year
1. $350 in triple play
2. 2 confirmed tickets
3. $1000 bonus
4. $1,500 avg profit sharing
5. Big pay raises.

The only item that the iam had anything to do with is the big raise because the company wanted cross utilization.

Therefore the reality is that black magic is correct. Besides you arent iam so you dont know anything.
Go away

Well would you look at the guy who ran to actually try and win the Presidency of the IAM throwing them completely under the bus AGAIN. (770 to 20)

I don’t care about ANY of that quick fix garbage they gave out last year. Give me a signable Contract and then I’ll begin to care.

Oh and you were so quiet yesterday. Not a peep. Oh that’s right it was Good Friday and you’re a highly Religious individual.

You Company kissass schilll.
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