What is the LUS holiday pay?LUS has 10 holidays. They negotiated it in their current contract. No one gets double time on a holiday!
Really? So only 4 hours extra pay for working the holiday? That's not what we were led to believe on the LAA side. Doesn't sound right. Can you post a link to LUS CBA?Time and a half
I gotta kinda disagree with you just a tad, to say a new hire at AAR can do what those guys do is an overstatement. Those boys up there in T town can do some stuff, they know it, the company and everyone else has been telling them that for years. I don't take issue with that, hooray for them!! What I do take issue with is the belief that the world is flat and you fall off the edge at Tulsa city limits. The belief that because of your superior overhaul talents you can just discount everyone else in the system is wrong has gone on for far to long. The problem is that belief isn't going to change, we can only hope that it's the minority up there and that the balance of power has shifted to the line where the thought that common sense and duty to all prevail.
Also, guys like that getting on the internet and saying stuff like that for all to see is gonna leave a burr in the shoes of the Legacy US guys in overhaul, to bad for that.
Really? So only 4 hours extra pay for working the holiday? That's not what we were led to believe on the LAA side. Doesn't sound right. Can you post a link to LUS CBA?
Does anyone who currently works on the US side know that when you get rifed you don't have recall rights when you exercise your seniority to bump?What is amazing is that Oct 28th they announced that they had a T/A on RIF language. Which by the way is the iam way of layoffs (seniority based bumping with no recall rights back to the station that you were RIFed out of) and the juniority pool is gone. Today they announce that they had an agreement to do away with the article that had to do with one station agreements. The bottom line is that when they agreed to seniority based bumping the article containing one station agreements was done away with. Now this week they are putting this in as something that was agreed upon. What a bunch of crap this is nothing more than the internationals putting in a bunch FLUFF to make the internationals look like they accomplished something this week. Two loser unions does not make a winner it just makes one big loser union and the membership pays the price. On a different note whenever we do get a T/A I hope everyone realizes that the raise that we received was not given because the ass negotiated it for us but was offered and given by the company because the company needed the flexibility to work each others metal.
What is amazing is that Oct 28th they announced that they had a T/A on RIF language. Which by the way is the iam way of layoffs (seniority based bumping with no recall rights back to the station that you were RIFed out of) and the juniority pool is gone. Today they announce that they had an agreement to do away with the article that had to do with one station agreements. The bottom line is that when they agreed to seniority based bumping the article containing one station agreements was done away with. Now this week they are putting this in as something that was agreed upon. What a bunch of crap this is nothing more than the internationals putting in a bunch FLUFF to make the internationals look like they accomplished something this week. Two loser unions does not make a winner it just makes one big loser union and the membership pays the price. On a different note whenever we do get a T/A I hope everyone realizes that the raise that we received was not given because the ass negotiated it for us but was offered and given by the company because the company needed the flexibility to work each others metal.
Try to explain in an example.
The holiday: Christmas December 25th.
I'm scheduled to work: I get my regular 8 hours, PLUS, 8 hours holiday pay.
My scheduled day off: I get 8 hours pay.
Also: About a week before the holiday, paperwork is posted on the company board where you can choose to COMP the holiday. In other words, if I choose to COMP the holiday, and I am scheduled to work, I get just my regular 8 hours pay, and no extra 8 hours holiday pay, but I do get an extra day off to use as a COMP day. Also, if I'm scheduled off, and I choose to COMP the holiday, I do not get paid for the day off, but I get an extra COMP day to use as an extra vacation day, when the needs of service permit.
In other words, if I COMP all 10 holidays, I essentially get 2 extra weeks vacation per year.
The company cannot force you to take the comp option, it's your choice. You are however not always guaranteed to be able to use you banks comp day when wanted, depends on vacation ratio and needs of service. You may bank a maximum of 10 comp days and they carry over year to year.Thanks RT, I figured it was something like that. I was unaware of the COMP option. I don`t know if I like that or not. Guess I will have to think on it. Can the company force you to use the COMP option? Thanks for the information. It is important for both sides to communicate and understand each others CBA. We are rolling into Thanksgiving and the are forcing guys to work at DWH. We only get Thanksgiving day as the holiday and if worked , only 4 hours of extra pay.