Deleted member 14439
Rate of Pay is finally updated in jetnet. Smh...
I was about fifteen feet from that guy and we still couldn't hear all of what he said. When I watched the video on Jetnet I was appalled to say the least. I could not believe this moron was calling for shutting down stations. I wonder how he'd feel if he had been at AFW? Thankfully this idiot is in the vast minority. I'm sure he is hearing it from his coworkers and rightfully so. There is always someone who has to make us all look stupid in Tulsa. On behalf of all of us responsible people in Tulsa I would like to apologize for this idiot. Please do not think we are all that selfish or stupid in Tulsa.
I hope some of those stupid question types are in the minority. These guys are worried about passing on their wealth of knowledge? Really? That's their biggest concern? Not once, but twice. Not Tulsa's finest hour.
Oh my,, how would AA ever make it if Tulsa doesn't pass on it's knowledge? Oh yeah, hire some young mech that does the exact same job at AAR.
Arrogance is the only explantation.
I wonder how many times the guys in that hgr bay have said, "if you don't like it move to tulsa" thank God they're not in the majority any longer.
I wonder what real tired and his co workers think of that Tulsa mech and his clapping friends ?
Wish there was more mechs like old guy there.
No might be anymore. Is the next Pres...welll it looks like doug paker gave us a raise and trump might be president....
Negative on the 2X over here at LUS. Next holiday is Thurs&Friday of Thanksgiving. Checking the ASSociation update this week not much different other than scheduling negotiations into 2017. Not much else is know as we have not had a visit by the IAM AGC for 2.5 months.....Today I believe that our brothers at US AIR are getting double time and we get NOTHING!!!!!!!! It's not their fault more power to them. It's just another kick in the nads by the ASSociation. No update on negotiations from the ASSociation. We all know what it will say, BLAH,BLAH, BLAH. This holiday season the ASSociation will be home with their families while we work for half time, PERFECT!!!