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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA AMTS

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I would also like to ask if anyone else
OldGuy thank you very much. It was a pleasure reading your response and I'd like to say I hope you had a Great Christmas and New Year and I hope that the rest of the year is great for all of us.

I hope that you get the contract that you expect that is one extremely deserving of the sacrifice you have for many years now gave. I hope it's one that recognizes and respects what you and all you work with have provided and continue to provide to this now hopefully new Airline.

You take care of yourself Sir. It's my belief that you're both a pleasure to know and work with.
Thank you WeAAsles. I hope your holidays were also enjoyable and you got some quality time with your family. I think we can both agree that neither of us will be happy unless ALL groups inside the TWU get their benefits restored and we ALL receive the contracts we so badly deserve.
When JCBA negotiations started, I thought a contract would happen reasonably quick. "The company is dragging its feet!" "The union is dragging its feet!" The blame game.
But once Javits issued his recommendations on seniority, I realized this is probably going to drag on and on. I believe further delay is going to be because of the ASSociation. Even though he issued the seniority lists and his rationale, where do we go from here? These are only recommendations. What if they are not accepted by the TWU and the IAM? Which method wii be used for future premium crew chiefs and inspectors? What will happen to tech crew chiefs? Instructors? How will layoffs be done? What bumping method will be used? What will happen if they can't agree on other issues?

We have all been told that the company is dragging their feet, but WHAT will happen when the TWU and the IAM CANNOT agree on issues like these? Will it go BACK to arbitration which most likely will be binding?
Did they secretly agree to these issued BEFORE going into negotiations or are they going to wait until those articles get discussed?
I think we are going to be in for a much longer ride and it won't be because of the company.
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When JCBA negotiations started, I thought a contract would happen reasonably quick. "The company is dragging its feet!" "The union is dragging its feet!" The blame game.
But once Javits issued his recommendations on seniority, I realized this is probably going to drag on and on. I believe further delay is going to be because of the ASSociation. Even though he issued the seniority lists and his rationale, where do we go from here? These are only recommendations. What if they are not accepted by the TWU and the IAM? Which method wii be used for future premium crew chiefs and inspectors? What will happen to tech crew chiefs? Instructors? How will layoffs be done? What bumping method will be used? What will happen if they can't agree on other issues?

We have all been told that the company is dragging their feet, but WHAT will happen when the TWU and the IAM CANNOT agree on issues like these? Will it go BACK to arbitration which most likely will be binding?
Did they secretly agree to these issued BEFORE going into negotiations or are they going to wait until those articles get discussed?
I think we are going to be in for a much longer ride and it won't be because of the company.

I tried explaining that from day one of the asso announcement. Now you can see that I was right on with the TWU/IAM in fighting over different ways the 2 unions run things. It will only get worse. Each time the other union takes control of the union they will try to revert everything back to their way of doing things. Or they will just continue to bump heads over decisions that the membership should be making and throw it out to a 3rd party to rule on and it will never effect him. This BS will continue for as long as you guys keep this pathetic asso as your union representative...
  • Association Leadership to Expedite Outstanding Joint Contract Economic Issues

    Janaury 13, 2017

    Association Leadership to Expedite Outstanding Joint Contract Economic Issues

    Top level TWU/IAM Association leadership will be joining ongoing joint contract negotiations with American Airlines to expedite outstanding economic issues.

    “The time is now for Association members to achieve the fair contract they deserve,” said Association Chair and Vice Chair Sito Pantoja and Harry Lombardo, respectively. “Association Negotiating Committees have been bargaining hard for over a year now and the membership has already enjoyed some of the benefits of their hard work. We have more work to do and we are committed to directing all the Association’s resources, including our direct involvement, to bring these negotiations to conclusion.” The TWU-IAM Association began joint contract negotiations with American Airlines in November, 2015. In August of last year, Association Negotiating Committees reached agreement on an interim wage agreement, which provided wage hikes of approximately 25 percent.

    Negotiations will follow the previously announced January schedule. Specific dates for the leadership to enter the discussions have not yet been determined.

    TWU-IAM Association Bulletin.pdf

  • thank goodness they finally decided to get involved....oh wait their schedule has not been determined yet. the time to "expedite" was a year ago.
You don't think Sito and Harry are going to negotiate for weeks on end do you? LOL. They're going to come in and in 1 or 2 days done. Your gonna vote on and take what ever they decided and thats that. Way to go for the rest of the committee, they couldn't get it done.

My guess is they've already decided what the final outcome will be before they made the announcement to meet.

This makes Harry and Sito appear like "Knights in Shining Armor" to the crowd not paying attention.

Thank goodness for the Ass!!!
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You don't think Sito and Harry are going to negotiate for weeks on end do you? LOL. They're going to come in and in 1 or 2 days done. Your gonna vote on and take what ever they decided and thats that. Way to go for the rest of the committee, they couldn't get it done.

My guess is they've already decided what the final outcome will be before they made the announcement to meet.

This makes Harry and Sito appear like "Knights in Shining Armor" to the crowd not paying attention.

Thank goodness for the Ass!!!
Just hope they don't compromise for the sake of getting a contract done, we've already come this far
Just hope they don't compromise for the sake of getting a contract done, we've already come this far
Oh, don't worry they won't be compromising. They will aim low from the get-go for the sake of getting it done.
You don't think Sito and Harry are going to negotiate for weeks on end do you? LOL. They're going to come in and in 1 or 2 days done. Your gonna vote on and take what ever they decided and thats that. Way to go for the rest of the committee, they couldn't get it done.

My guess is they've already decided what the final outcome will be before they made the announcement to meet.

This makes Harry and Sito appear like "Knights in Shining Armor" to the crowd not paying attention.

Here's the rub, it was always going to end this way,
So why did they wait until they were a year into talks?
This could have been done a year ago.
You don't think Sito and Harry are going to negotiate for weeks on end do you? LOL. They're going to come in and in 1 or 2 days done. Your gonna vote on and take what ever they decided and thats that. Way to go for the rest of the committee, they couldn't get it done.

My guess is they've already decided what the final outcome will be before they made the announcement to meet.

This makes Harry and Sito appear like "Knights in Shining Armor" to the crowd not paying attention.

Thank goodness for the Ass!!!

More than likely a while ago. Just waiting for the new year.
The difference in mechanic per aircraft and the outsourcing language will have to be paid for. According to a TWU officer, UAL runs about 9000 per aircraft and 50% outsourcing to AA with 15,000 per aircraft and a contractual 35% outsourcing? I cannot come up with 15,000 here at AA unless that is every TWU member?
From my past experiences the longer it takes the less will get. The unions will come to the realization that it is costing too much to house and feed the negotiating team. They will throw a contract at us and say this is the best will get. I still believe the company has their contract and we have ours, just playing the game for the members sake! IMO
The difference in mechanic per aircraft and the outsourcing language will have to be paid for. According to a TWU officer, UAL runs about 9000 per aircraft and 50% outsourcing to AA with 15,000 per aircraft and a contractual 35% outsourcing? I cannot come up with 15,000 here at AA unless that is every TWU member?

Why should you have to pay for that? Why shouldn't you set the trend for bringing work back in House?

I mean on this one honestly. I think you guys over the years sacrificed enough in pay and benefits that you should not expect to have to give up anything now.

ALL the N American airlines are earning Billions in profit per year and they're RASM'S are growing and they've begun to be able to raise fares to make up for their rising Labor costs.

You don't need and AA especially doesn't need to outsource any more work anymore. If there was ever a time it's NOW your time.

From my past experiences the longer it takes the less will get. The unions will come to the realization that it is costing too much to house and feed the negotiating team. They will throw a contract at us and say this is the best will get. I still believe the company has their contract and we have ours, just playing the game for the members sake! IMO

In the TWU the organization doesn't pay for Hotels and meals. That cost comes from the individual Locals of each negotiator. The Company is the one who has been setting up the meeting locations and are also the ones paying for the conference rooms to have those meetings.

And with the raises we just got there is more money going in to those Local coffers to make any burdens on the small Locals much easier (Fleet)

Since your maintenance locals consolidated (smart move) the overall cost burden is much less.
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