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B.S. (bluestreaking),

Surely someone with your room temperature IQ isn't qualified to fly an airplane???

Get your dictionary, you will find scab between hypocrite and zealot. While no Freedom pilot has crossed a picket line, the other two words fit you quite well.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/23/2003 5:43:42 PM Cisco wrote:
[P]B.S. (bluestreaking),[BR][BR]Surely someone with your room temperature IQ isn't qualified to fly an airplane??? [BR][BR]Get your dictionary, you will find scab between hypocrite and zealot. While no Freedom pilot has crossed a picket line, the other two words fit you quite well.[BR] [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]Crisco,[BR][BR]You knew full and well that when you took a job at Freedumb that it was a shady move with possible repercussions. How does it feal to see your name posted on a list on the internet, or denied a jumpseat? You may have not crossed a picket line, but you did take a job at a carrier designed to break another (Mesa). Why do you think the entire industry looks down on you guys? Maybe you don't fit the textbook definition of Scab, but the next step-up isn't much better "Scum."[BR][BR][BR]Get Over it Allready,[BR][BR]They may let them into ALPA, but there is going to be a definite stigma for the original pilot group.
Crisco,[BR][BR]You knew full and well that when you took a job at Freedumb that it was a shady move with possible repercussions. How does it feal to see your name posted on a list on the internet, or denied a jumpseat? You may have not crossed a picket line, but you did take a job at a carrier designed to break another (Mesa). Why do you think the entire industry looks down on you guys? Maybe you don't fit the textbook definition of Scab, but the next step-up isn't much better "Scum."[BR][BR][BR]Get Over it Allready,[BR][BR]They may let them into ALPA, but there is going to be a definite stigma for the original pilot group[BR][BR][BR]Kinda like US' Pilots in 92 when they made a scab deal with US to keep flying and any pilot who did not fly because of the grounding of the douglas' and fokkers would still be getting paid.

They may let them into ALPA, but there is going to be a definite stigma for the original pilot group.

Only from their "fellow" zealots (trade unionists, whatever).

I called you ignorant and you have just proven me correct! You have not one single clue how Freedom came to be.

Maybe you should find and read a little gem called "LOA #79" in the U pilots working agreement and then consider the Mesa position.

Then if you check into it, you will find that the Mesa Pilots were going to be flying the Freedom -700's and -900's but our beloved U MEC filed a grievance against the Mesa pilots to prevent the same seniority list which flew the U-Express routes for Mesa Airlines from flying on another certificate an aircraft which the U scope prohibited. In short the U MEC was trying to prevent Mesa pilots from operating on a separate certificate an aircraft for America West Airlines which would violate thier scope language as it pertained to Mesa Airlines.

Then, after Freedom was not only going to be non-union and not be a dues donating entity and also that Freedom has the market cornered on the CRJ-700 and -900 aircraft panic set in.

You go do your homework and come back to class when you can speak from a level of knowlege beyond breakroom gossip.

As for the jumpseats, they are not as far and few between as you all would believe. Hardly anyone east of the missouri river has heard of Mesa much less Freedom Airlines.
Cisco is quite correct. Them woulda been union jobs had ALPA been able to seen the forest thru them thar trees...

Mesa created Freedom only because ALPA insisted that Mesa's providing 70 seat lift to HP was a violation of the scope clause for US. That probably ranks as one of the most screwed up interpretations of a scope clause ever known to man, but nevertheless, after failing to obtain a waiver, Ornstein honored the contract to the letter.

That was followed by Duane Woerth comparing Ornstein to either Frank Lorenzo or the Anti-Christ (I don't recall which, but either way, it was not intended as a compliment!).

Had ALPA admitted that what Mesa did for HP didn't impact the flying done on behalf of US Airways, Freedom Air probably wouldn't exist.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/24/2003 1:35:25 PM Cisco wrote:
[P]BS,[BR][BR]I called you ignorant and you have just proven me correct! You have not one single clue how Freedom came to be. [BR][BR]Maybe you should find and read a little gem called "LOA #79" in the U pilots working agreement and then consider the Mesa position.[BR][BR]Then if you check into it, you will find that the Mesa Pilots were going to be flying the Freedom -700's and -900's but our beloved U MEC filed a grievance against the Mesa pilots to prevent the same seniority list which flew the U-Express routes for Mesa Airlines from flying on another certificate an aircraft which the U scope prohibited. In short the U MEC was trying to prevent Mesa pilots from operating on a separate certificate an aircraft for America West Airlines which would violate thier scope language as it pertained to Mesa Airlines.[BR][BR]Then, after Freedom was not only going to be non-union and not be a dues donating entity and also that Freedom has the market cornered on the CRJ-700 and -900 aircraft panic set in.[BR][BR]You go do your homework and come back to class when you can speak from a level of knowlege beyond breakroom gossip.[BR][BR]As for the jumpseats, they are not as far and few between as you all would believe. Hardly anyone east of the missouri river has heard of Mesa much less Freedom Airlines.[BR][BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][BR]Crisco,[BR][BR]You've obviously talked yourself into believing that what you've done is the right thing. Too bad the rest of the industry doesn't feel the same way. I'm done wasting my time with you.[BR][BR]Later,[BR][BR]Bluestreaking[/P]
On 1/23/2003 6:20:55 PM Biffeman wrote:

Kinda like US' Pilots in 92 when they made a scab deal with US to keep flying and any pilot who did not fly because of the grounding of the douglas' and fokkers would still be getting paid.

You really like refering to the strike of 92. ALPA agreed to concessions as usual, and you wanted us to turn around and strike for the IAM. I remember the thugs that destroyed aircraft during that strike. Was it only ALPA that crossed the so called "line"? You had no support at all from any group. You are just one of the many that has this thing about pilots. How much support are you going to give us.
>>You really like refering to the strike of 92. ALPA agreed to concessions as usual, and you wanted us to turn around and strike for the IAM. I remember the thugs that destroyed aircraft during that strike

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