Wow, you really are self centered Aerosmith...
"Hollow Victory" is right. Listen up.
If Airways goes under tomm, then the only ones that will really lose anything will be the employees genius.
All of the creditors are covered (more or less) by cash on hand, or assets pledged as collateral... No loss
Management will move on too. Count on that. They have a far better chance of recovering what they make now, and moving onto something better than most of the employees, including you.... No loss.
ENTIRE AIRLINE INDUSTRY...! Please 🙄 That is just code for "My pay".
If anything, Airways going under would only accelerate the demise of work rules and pay scales. Do you really think that United or Delta Unions and Employees would follow your (proposed) example (and play hardball)..., after seeing what it got the Airways Employees...?
Do you think that Airways folding will "scare" other airline's investors and management into giving labor what they want. Or would they be more apt to cut their losses as early as possible, and get what they can out what remains. Do you think the other airlines would be given the one last chance we have at this very moment (or be cut up and sold off to the highest bidder)
If anything, Eastern's example has the majority of people here willing to be more cooperative, not less. EAL's example SURE has had the Unions willing to be more concessionary so far, NOT LESS...
It is easy to think just of yourself, and when you see no options decide that everyone should follow your lead and set yourself aflame to make a point...
Like I said, self centered. <_<
But if your reasoning is to make a point to management it will never EVER happen. Because you need to realize, to you it is personal, but to them...
It is just business.
Thus if you think of all this as business (and stop treating it like some sort of soap opera). Then you might try to salvage what you can, plan for the future, and fix this place... Or write it off and move onto new opportunities like a business person would.
Since Those who own/run this company will not really be out anything if we fold (other than a lost opportunity to turn this place around), your "Lesson" will only scare the remainder of airline workers into not following your mistake. Is that the "Hollow Victory" you want...?