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It's Time For All Unions To Stick Together

Baja4U said:
:shock: Why do the worms always say "find another job" as their mantra!!!! Don't bring down an ENTIRE AIRLINE INDUSTRY for your needs...... MAYBE, and I mean MAYBE, there will be a recovery in our industry..... FIND another job mentality, really p*ss** me off!!! Why don't YOU find another job that pays LESS to satisfy your need and or want to receive LESS pay!!!!! :shock:

Unless you hold a masters degree, or are a licensed plumber with 5 years experience or some other trade skill or working on that doctorate degree, you WILL make less, unless you want to move to where it cost 5 times more to live and so you can say you make the same or more. Want to REALY make more, start a business and stop thinking other people and THIER business owe you squat.
Are YOU trying to tell me that you have never moved with an airline job??? Give me a break????? As someone else already posted......Wal-Mart is always looking for a few good men..... 😉 Masters degrees are only worth the paper they are printed on in today's world. GOOD LUCK!
cavalier said:
Unless you hold a masters degree, or are a licensed plumber with 5 years experience or some other trade skill or working on that doctorate degree, you WILL make less, unless you want to move to where it cost 5 times more to live and so you can say you make the same or more. Want to REALY make more, start a business and stop thinking other people and THIER business owe you squat.
Remember that when you come back for another swig from corporate mothers tiat, or has that been replaced by the Libretarian chalice of Kool-aide?
Wow, you really are self centered Aerosmith...

"Hollow Victory" is right. Listen up.

If Airways goes under tomm, then the only ones that will really lose anything will be the employees genius.

All of the creditors are covered (more or less) by cash on hand, or assets pledged as collateral... No loss

Management will move on too. Count on that. They have a far better chance of recovering what they make now, and moving onto something better than most of the employees, including you.... No loss.

ENTIRE AIRLINE INDUSTRY...! Please 🙄 That is just code for "My pay".

If anything, Airways going under would only accelerate the demise of work rules and pay scales. Do you really think that United or Delta Unions and Employees would follow your (proposed) example (and play hardball)..., after seeing what it got the Airways Employees...?

Do you think that Airways folding will "scare" other airline's investors and management into giving labor what they want. Or would they be more apt to cut their losses as early as possible, and get what they can out what remains. Do you think the other airlines would be given the one last chance we have at this very moment (or be cut up and sold off to the highest bidder)

If anything, Eastern's example has the majority of people here willing to be more cooperative, not less. EAL's example SURE has had the Unions willing to be more concessionary so far, NOT LESS...

It is easy to think just of yourself, and when you see no options decide that everyone should follow your lead and set yourself aflame to make a point...

Like I said, self centered. <_<

But if your reasoning is to make a point to management it will never EVER happen. Because you need to realize, to you it is personal, but to them...

It is just business.

Thus if you think of all this as business (and stop treating it like some sort of soap opera). Then you might try to salvage what you can, plan for the future, and fix this place... Or write it off and move onto new opportunities like a business person would.

Since Those who own/run this company will not really be out anything if we fold (other than a lost opportunity to turn this place around), your "Lesson" will only scare the remainder of airline workers into not following your mistake. Is that the "Hollow Victory" you want...?
Rico said:
your mistake.
To think we should allow Usairways to pimp ourselves so cheaply in the course of our jobs, you must have allowed yourself to make some real embarrissing and life altering compromises. I pity you.
I don't have to remember it, I live it pal....

U was a good paying job, U was a good place to work, was the place to be, now that times have changed and the house of cards came a tumbling down, no amount of brotherhood, sisterhood, union this union that is going to matter. If you can go out and do better than you are a fool for sticking around and waiting for the waters to reach your head when you don't have a snorkel. That $25 plus dollar an hour job you think is around the corner is a mirage, nothing but you imagination unless you make it happen by doing exactly what I always stated.

PS: I am gone NEVER to return---Que Sera, Sera
Baja4U said:
Are YOU trying to tell me that you have never moved with an airline job??? Give me a break????? As someone else already posted......Wal-Mart is always looking for a few good men..... 😉 Masters degrees are only worth the paper they are printed on in today's world. GOOD LUCK!
Must be a lot of fools out there wasting good money getting those degrees, oh I forgot, EXCEPT you, Mr. Wisdom.
I did not "have" to do anything.

This is a job.

To me, it is just business. It is more worthwhile to me to help fix, and stay than to leave. My situation, my choice, my life...


I am betting it is far less worthwhile for you for Airways to be "fixed". <_<

Probably because if you are not part of the solution, then you must be part of the problem... I "pity" you

Different situation, different life, but same choice.

It is just a job... Not jail. <points to door>
Do you share a certain captains definition of "fix it"? ie. we give up pay so that co. can sqaunder it. If that is the only choice then my "business" will be to see that Usairways is replaced by another co. that does not need fixing. After all, why have an airline at my airport that is not worth having as an employer?
US Airways is being replaced by another company. Either by the competition who can do what we do, but cheaper. Or by a new Airways, that can do what we do, but cheaper.

Why is that so hard for you to accept. It is inevitable.

I am not asking you to do anything. You either deal with the situation, or you do not. Crying to me will not help.

Either be willing to work within the lower cost structure, or back up your bravado and beat feet. Like I said, this is not jail. Airways will not come after you with bloodhounds to track you down and return you to work. 🙄

Stop making such a big deal outta all of this. Your decision, your choice, your life.

Stay, deal, and fix... Or do not. But stop expecting life to conform to your expectation of "fairness", nor your desire to prevent change. Life moves on, and so will US Airways... With or without you.
Rico said:
But stop expecting life to conform to your expectation of "fairness", nor your desire to prevent change. Life moves on, and so will US Airways... With or without you.
Did the U employees get the shaft twice and now going for broke, absolutely!

Do the U employees have the right to be pissed, absolutely.

Now for some perspective. Did the recent flood victims. "many" of which are my neighbors and friends get the shaft, absolutely!

Do these victims have the right to be pissed, absolutely.

Guess what: Most of these victims are happy to be alive and say so while looking upon everything they own in this world which is trashed, this is NOT from shock, just an honest personal assessment of their tragedies.

Put your life in perspective and realize U is not your beginning or ending.

Reading some of these posts from a removed position shows people who lost everything and are helpless victims which simply is not true, like I said, get some perspective for God's sake.
Rico, I havent seen the situation described more accurately than in your last couple of posts. The amount of personalization I see here for people who are acting only out of business motives is astonishing. Bronner didnt risk a quarter of a billion dollars by declaring Ch11 so that he could break the unions. He did it because if he didnt declare Ch11 it was gone for sure. These guys may not be good at what they do, but they arent that stupid, and it isnt personal to them. They are trying to save their money and their jobs as well.

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