Unless the job market has changed significantly since the '80's those with marginal skills that got the axe from Bethlehem Steel NEVER recovered financially, Beth Steel had there own print shop back then. All USWA, making big dollars, we hired about 3 of them. They were to a person Clueless No idea of the "Real World" and how it worked.
Case in point. When you get a 4 color Heidleberg offset "up to Color" you don't shut it down for 15 minutes for "Coffee Break". Your "helper" goes and gets coffee and you drink it while the press runs. NOT THESE GUYS! They pulled out the company handbook that says "A 15 minute coffee break will be provided at 10Am and 2:30PM". One guy lasted a full month, the other 2 for 2 weeks. I was sad, no work ethic, no concept of how to make money for the company.
one guy got a job in the trade the other 2 were doing security work and such. That's the fate that will await many at US.