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It's Time For All Unions To Stick Together

I'm reminded of the great anti union song by Frank Zappa "Stick Together"

Oh well, the union goons still get paid...
airbiiguy said:
message for union workers:
go back to school!! u arnt gonna find a job in this industry. I know most of you are mid to late 40s +. No one will hire you, they will see US Air on the resume and say we dont want these bandits!I knwo McDonalds is always hiring shift supervisors.
Don't be such a fool PAL. I am 53 years old and was hired on the spot and they were pleased to get me, so much for your crap!


cavalier 😛h34r:
PineyBob said:
You have marketable skills Cav! The ones that don't the poster is spot on.
Ok I'll back track, A LITTLE considering that "maybe" he was addressing others besides mechanics. The mechanics I know at U can build their own home, fix or even build their own car, build an aircraft from the ground up and fly in too, I know one who is a river boat captain working weekends steering BIG tugs up and down the rivers, I know several who race semi professional fuel dragsters and stock cars, build them themselves too, a few who create wood crafts that command tons of money, on and on. They are very talented and a lot have their own businesses or can find work in a blink of the eye. Now utility, and stores, I bet there is some latent talent there as well. To say that without U people will die and therefore must kiss their a-z-z- is silly stupid and arrogant.
So it's their fault that they followed the handbook? Why didn't you take the time (what? 2 minutes?) to point out how it is in "the real world?" Your company had already invested some time/money in them; why not try to capitalize on that?
PineyBob said:

Unless the job market has changed significantly since the '80's those with marginal skills that got the axe from Bethlehem Steel NEVER recovered financially, Beth Steel had there own print shop back then. All USWA, making big dollars, we hired about 3 of them. They were to a person Clueless No idea of the "Real World" and how it worked.

Case in point. When you get a 4 color Heidleberg offset "up to Color" you don't shut it down for 15 minutes for "Coffee Break". Your "helper" goes and gets coffee and you drink it while the press runs. NOT THESE GUYS! They pulled out the company handbook that says "A 15 minute coffee break will be provided at 10Am and 2:30PM". One guy lasted a full month, the other 2 for 2 weeks. I was sad, no work ethic, no concept of how to make money for the company.

one guy got a job in the trade the other 2 were doing security work and such. That's the fate that will await many at US.

Let me tell you something. There is a TON of work out there and what there isn’t, is skilled labor and why I was able to land a good job. The young people don't want to get dirty, work in a noisy environment, or even report to work everyday drug free. The workers in this country are now old the young people are lazy raised by God knows what. Skilled labor is scarce in this country for many reasons one being a generation of lazy glazed eye punks who think the world owe them a living. The only ones that are half decent went to the militarily which became the parents they didn't have.

My Father’s generation “WWIIâ€￾ would roll over in their graves knowing what we have become.

And this has nothing to do with unions, so it isn’t all unions fault, it’s us as a nation. Gee, wonder if things in Japan are the same, duh.
PineyBob said:
YES! Shuting down a half a million dollar piece of equipment for 15 minutes twice a day cost the company about a $1,000 per shift in lost productivity. ......
PS: We pointed it out! Gently, nicelt, sternly, meanly and to no avail. So they got exactly what they deserved! The BOOT!
This is exactly what I meant with having the company's time/money invested. As for your "PS," if they couldn't get even after their fellow union brothers pointed it out, then it was probably more a case of stupidity than union intransigence (sp?), and they deserved to be let go. I'm sure whoever hired this trio probably learned their lesson as well.
Ever hear the phrase "It is my lie and I'll tell it how I want"?

I am just teasing you. Also note my house is well on it's way for being paid off and I can cover the balance. I read the tea leaves here long ago and my family and I will be fine. Actually I think the future is looking very good at this point for us.
DCD said:
GadgetFreak said:
"A digression. This is really weird, when I quote PitBull it shows some additional text that isnt there when I look at it without quoting. Hmmm.
In any case, labor will lower the bar or everyone will lose their jobs." Will you be crying the same blues if a Walmart is forced out of business because its employees are forcing pay increases? What's to worry, those who are willing to work for nothing will always be given another opportunity.

Im not crying the blues. I have very little to lose here but I do feel really badly for the many U employees in this situation. I have been at a company that is in a dodgy position and been laid off even though I was performance rated in the top 10% of employees. They wiped out my whole division, ratings dont matter then although since I was rated so high they offered to try to find me a job doing something else. Fortunately I declined and am much happier now. But I dont have anything to lose here that I would lose much sleep over. I had been saving frequent flyer miles to get my in-laws from PIT a nice vacation with my wife and I for their 50th anniversary. Unfortunately they couldnt go this fall and we had to postpone until spring. Ive ticketed on UA but Im pretty concerned I will lose those miles. But Ill do it another way. I just dont have much to lose here compared to the employees, and I know that.

Oh, and I dont shop at WalMart because of the way they treat their employees. Even when I visit my dad and take him shopping, he used to shop at WalMart but I take him other places and since Im paying I pay more to do it. I dont do business with them. Period.
PineyBob said:
PS: We pointed it out! Gently, nicelt, sternly, meanly and to no avail. So they got exactly what they deserved! The BOOT!

But did you change the frigging HANDBOOK to reflect the reality of how you expected your employees to handle the situation?
us0004us said:
just can not believe some one is making strike signs that state "we won"

like some say ,find another job if you are unhappy...

good luck
I didn't say we won the point is as I said the job isn't worth anything less than we are earning now. Yes it will be hollow victory, but this is were I stand. Enough is enough with this corporate greed. Time to put up or shut up!!
aerosmith said:
...the job isn't worth anything less than we are earning now.
To you. And so you should go get a job that is worth what they are paying. That's supposed to be the point.

Enough is enough with this corporate greed.
Why is it "corporate greed" to be disinterested in paying more than one has to?
My predition:

If the company forces its way on the empoyees, it will be Chapter 7 time between now and Christmas...
:shock: Why do the worms always say "find another job" as their mantra!!!! Don't bring down an ENTIRE AIRLINE INDUSTRY for your needs...... MAYBE, and I mean MAYBE, there will be a recovery in our industry..... FIND another job mentality, really p*ss** me off!!! Why don't YOU find another job that pays LESS to satisfy your need and or want to receive LESS pay!!!!! :shock:

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