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Its Been A Blast

Jetmech -

Please be safe and take care. When you get over there, please tell all that you see that we stand behind you! All of you 100%! You and your brothers-in-arms provide me the opportunity to have a voice of free of persecusion. THANK YOU!!

God Bless.

Godspeed, jetmech. You and all of our brave service men and women are in my prayers.
jetmech...God Speed, God Bless and THANK YOU!!!!! As cltvff stated all who serve this great country will be in my thoughts and prayers.
UAL_TECH said:
View attachment 2126

Take Care and watch your back!!!

View attachment 2127

Oh I know I will get blasted for this but my wicked sense of humor can't resist...Oh well, what the hell..

It's not your back you need to watch, it's your head!! 😛 :huh: 😛h34r:

Seriously, thanks and all the best. I agree with alot of what WT and others have said.
jetmech01890 said:
just wanted to say thank for the memories been called up to go fight for oil again
did the same in 91 and 13 yrs later a 43yr old man got to back to a combat unit again gone by dec 6 good luck to all 700uw sorry man but it was nice to fire you up at times hopefully in one yr Iwill be back unless the army kicks me to the curb
god bless america
Good luck jetmech :up: Thanks for serving!!! Watch your back, and keep your head down!! Be safe
Go get em!

From one military home to another, HooYah!!

Stay safe, Stay well, don't get too damned burned and kick @ss there..

Return safely to us..
For the Rest, FREEDOM is NOT FREE>>
Heinrich said:
oh really? Then why aren't we in Africa fighting for women who get castrated?

Because it wouldn't make any corporations rich.
Be safe JetMech and look out for your US Airways family who are already there...

Best to you, be safe, protect your comrades, finish the mission, and get the hell out of there...

Trust, we will still be here waiting for you... :up:

Prayers are with you for a speedy and safe return. If it's possible, could you let us know what the troopers need, supply-wise? I've heard some stories of there being shortages of gloves that mechanics need to do their jobs and other incidentals. I know there's a non-profit group set up to forward such things to those troopers in need. I'll see if I can find the web-site and post it.

Thank you and all the brave men and women who are overseas, away from loved ones, doing a job no one really wants.

If by chance, you may be a ranger, delta, or seal, may the Night Stalkers bring you on time and on target. Remember that death waits in the dark. Also remember that Night Stalkers DON'T QUIT!

Brothers of the Creed

In dreams at night
I remember flight
With brothers of the creed.

Through blackest night

All-weather flight

The bravest of the breed.

Pilots, crewchiefs,

With warrior's beliefs;

As one we gave our all.

After endless briefs

Oh, what relief,

To finally get the call.

Into the night

We carry the fight

Wherever the Nation's need.

Our friend the night

Will cover our flight

With stealth we do the deed.

At dawns first light

I awake from the night

With a void, a pressing need.

To remember the flights

Through the darkest of nights

With my Brothers of the Creed.


Anthony (Tony) Bizzell, retired Hooter Bro, 1993 - 96.

God's speed my man and God bless you and yours. You and your brothers and sisters in all branches of service are the best of the best. You take on the task no one else wants nor is willing to sacrifice for. I will pray for you and those you stand beside daily and pray fervently for a safe return. I come from a military family myself and know how difficult it can be to be the one left behind or the one leaving. There are many people praying for you and your loved ones.

For the rest...........shame on anyone who tries to turn this into a political debate. Support your troops - plain and simple. Keep the poltical debate in another thread or forum. This is a man who has sacrificed more than most of us are willing to contemplate and you have the audacity to slime this thread with political BS. You have no idea what this does or can do to someone who is going into combat and until you do ....... keep your mouth shut and keep it at three simple sentences..........

Come home safe. Your in my thoughts or prayers. I support and appreciate the brave individual you are.

As a former active duty Marine, all the best to you. You will definantly be in many of our thoughts and prayers. In the overall scheme of things, what we're going thru here at USair is just a minor speed bump in the road of life. I still carry a small prayer in my wallet I've had for years. It's gotten me thru some rough times in life. Maybe it will help you also when things look darkest. Here's a portion

"I am that which others do not want to be. I go where others fear to go. I do what others fail to do. I ask nothing from those who give nothing. I accept the thought of eternal lonliness should I not succeed. I have seen the face of terror. I have felt the cold of fear. I long for my comrads serving in the far corners of the world. I have cried, pained, and hoped. But most of all, I have lived times others would say were best forgotten. At least I will be able to say that I am pround that I am a United States Marine."

Semper Fidelis my man......
youngblood said:

God's speed my man and God bless you and yours. You and your brothers and sisters in all branches of service are the best of the best. You take on the task no one else wants nor is willing to sacrifice for. I will pray for you and those you stand beside daily and pray fervently for a safe return. I come from a military family myself and know how difficult it can be to be the one left behind or the one leaving. There are many people praying for you and your loved ones.

For the rest...........shame on anyone who tries to turn this into a political debate. Support your troops - plain and simple. Keep the poltical debate in another thread or forum. This is a man who has sacrificed more than most of us are willing to contemplate and you have the audacity to slime this thread with political BS. You have no idea what this does or can do to someone who is going into combat and until you do ....... keep your mouth shut and keep it at three simple sentences..........

Come home safe. Your in my thoughts or prayers. I support and appreciate the brave individual you are.

And remember..."Yer eider fer us or agin us"...G.W. Bush and keep in touch on the INTERNETS...another W fav.

Hey youngblood, I disagree with our policy in Iraq, but I treat our troops with royalty when on the airplane. These young men are smart, articulate and have opinions...and not are all pro-Bush. They are either upgraded, given a free headset , or free drink if old enough. I sit down and listen to what they have to say. I am old enough to be most of their fathers and they are very respectful. One gave me an old Iraqi bill worth $100 us now. They were so happy to share their experiences and pics. How many of our employees get to do that? 🙂 Now your logic would dictate that I would ignore them and spit in their drink. We carry alot of military kids, so bringing politcs into this thread IS appropriate and will leave it to the moderators as opposed to your shut up and leave Amurica mentality if you don't agree. :down:

Youngblood, what do you do at US Airways? If not a f/a who gets to interact with our fine men and women in uniform, let's hope you remember if you adore our military kids and really support our troops :up: :up: that you may want to help run our company positively in whatever capacity you have considering all the bad attitudes that are causing hell to our customers. Now you wouldn't want our fine men and women in uniform who sacrifice for YOUR freedom MY freedoms to NOT get home in time for Thanksgiving or Christmas? 🙁 Or does patriotism only relate when your wallet isn't affected? :shock: Just something to think think about here on the "internets". 😉

Your argument that we should all shut up and not bring politics into this is tired. You will always have your opinions and feelings, and I respect that, but please cut the shut up crap. That's nothing but inflammatory. :down: :down:

Good luck , JetMechanic. I hope you have a chance to get to know some of the beautiful people of Iraq who follow a peaceful Islam. 🙂

Let's get one thing straight. I said cut the crap because it was a moment not to involve politics, but one to say good luck and safe return to a fellow employee. If there was someone who disagrees with the policy in Iraq, fine but leave this thread for expressions of good luck, prayers, and a safe return. Opinions are fine, but can distract from something that and SHOULD BE heartfelt and sincere. I was simply stating that if you want to discuss the politics behind Iraq and your opinions on them start a new thread and leave this one for what it should be. I don't necessarily agree with it all either but there is a time and place for everything. But this man is leaving his family and going to war. The one NICE thing people could have done without getting into a debate should have been left alone.

I WILL NOT GET INTO A PISSING MATCH WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!! My position in the company is customer service and being in that position has allowed me the opportunity to get military men and women home when company policy would have dictated otherwise. I have given buddy passes to military dependents to see their loved ones when they came home injured and could not afford the airfare. I have spoken to military moms and shared my experiences and consoled them when needed. I have actively supported troops in my area with letters, emails, and packages. I have helped spouses, mothers, and fathers of troops. I have actively involved my children in the support of our military members. I have a brother who has been to Iraq and back again......along with neighbors and friends. I have known some who have lost their lives or families of those who have lost their lives. I have cleaned out my wallet in support of our troops at times. So............. before you attempt to imply that I am a shallow person that supports any one in anything only when my wallet isn't hit or when it is convenient for me, learn who the person is behind the post. I simply am a person who knows that at certain times your opinion doesn't matter and setting aside any differences is important. Such as this one essential moment when we all have the opportunity to set aside our views, opinions, or political background to say thanks to someone who is willing to lay his life on the line for someone else's freedom. He is to me the definition of a hero and has the fortitude and balls to do what most of us are not willing to do.

Unfortunately, I have the distinct impression that you took my post way out of context. Yes, I may have been abrasive and I apologize for that lapse in my judgement. I am sorry if you were offended, but I take greater offense at your implications toward my character. I take great pride in our voluntary forces and exude it because my family has been military from the first generation that stepped foot in this country. I have been affected in one form or another by war and its consequences from the time I was a child until now. I recognize the sacrifices made and take every opportunity to say thank you, thank you, thank you regardless of how I feel about any military action. AND I refuse to involve any personal opinions or otherwise while saying thank you.

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