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It’s Out Of Our Control


Aug 28, 2002
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I thought I would write a few words. I realize a lot of U employees are on the edge and have been there for too long.

Nothing anyone can say will make the realities we all face any easier to swallow. Pointing fingers and yelling is fruitless and only raises your blood pressure to dangerous levels.

The difficult thing is to accept the fact we have no control. Some people with an agenda will say will do if we only vote to give even more, but the ones saying this can’t really guarantee you positive results, if they could then this situation would be indeed in our control, but it’s not and we all know the realities.

The unknown is a scary thing and why people tend to resist change and avoid leaving that safe place called our comfort zone.

The world is changing like it always does but we just happen to be the ones where change is occurring at a rapid breath taking pace, we are now the victims instead of the observers looking on saying, those poor bastards.

My only advice is to not act like a victim but to act like a person who is lucky because we are being forced out of what we perceive as our comfort zone when otherwise we would probably just die right where we are now.

Look at this as a challenge and an adventure even if you are no longer young, I sure as hell am not young anymore and that’s the way I am looking at it.

Why torture yourself when it’s not really necessary, our life didn’t start at U and surely it wasn’t to end at U either.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and look at this mess as a forced adventure that will work out for the better.

We are only given this one life don’t let this industry tear it down or destroy it, it’s only a job.

You will survive with or without U and that is even if you are earning way less and not driving that giant SUV that looks cool.

Remember this is only a job, not your very heart beat.

God Speed to Everyone
Right on Cavalier. I feel exactly the same way. We have had 2 plus years to prepare for the possible failure of U.
I for one have made use of that time and have a degree in Accounting and am looking forward to moving on.
It has been a good ride for the most part for 25 years but the thought of a new adventure really excites me.
I hope all the others have plans in place and can also look forward to a bright future.

I agree. The two of us and many others that work for U have been dealt some pretty nasty blows. Everything that has come my way has forced me down a different path and I have grown with each twist and turn.

With everything unfolding, I have come to realize (long exausted sigh) that my life is about to take yet another turn and head me down a different path. I am thankful for this one and have been in worse situations - emotionally and financially. Therefore, I know that without a doubt things will eventually work out. I wish I could ensure everyone that everything will be alright regardless of what happens.

Trust me, friends. It all works out in the end. It takes a strong person to make the best of a bad situation. You just have to have faith. This company is full of strong, good people and we will survive.