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Islam at the DNC Convention

I guessed I missed the part of the Constitution that allows only people of certain religions, cultures, lifestyles, etc. to be a part of the process

Bad case of "I'm scared because they don't look/think/act/dress/pray like me" we got going on here...

Hey AMOZ, I missed the part in the constitution where tax payers pay to install foot washing stations at airports so Muslims can practice their religious beliefs.
Plenty of original thought

I read, and study

Also nor afraid to leave the bumper sticker slogan based policy behind and go a little deeper to find the truth, or to make use of the words of those who know more than i do... Not my job to write lessons, when the info is already out there

Be afraid, be very afraid

Btw, just a regular white middle class working guy, with a low threshold for simpleminded bs
Hey AMOZ, I missed the part in the constitution where tax payers pay to install foot washing stations at airports so Muslims can practice their religious beliefs.

Right next to the part where the taxpayers pay to build airports, the chapel facilities in most of them, maintain ATC facilities, and thousands of other susidies of private businesses..., and just a cuiple of paragraphs from the part that allows the federal government to maintain a large standing army, and/or use that force to invade a soverign country becuse the leader of that country doesn't (any longer....) do what some unelected "policy makers" want him to do.

Be afraid
Impressed, no

Informed, hopeful... But, sadly, not very hopeful...

The usual non-argument.

Rather than deal with the truth that some religous fanatics use (and have throughout history...) distorted interpretations of thier own to justify heinous actions, and that some use distorted interpretations of others' faiths to justify fear, intolerance and hate, you resort to a straw man argument unrelated to anything I posted.

You enjoy living in fear, and spreading fear, hate and intolerance

Maybe some readers get it

Who's up for dealing with some "distorted interpretations of thier own to justify heinous actions"?

"spreading fear, hate and intolerance"

"spreading fear, hate and intolerance"

I await your next copy and paste
I didn't say any particular religion, sect or group was free of individuals who use distorted views of religion to justify fear, hate, or intolerance.

I said some do. Probably some in every group.

Both by distorting the teachings of thier own religion, and by distorting the teachings of other's religions.

Your links prove my point. Thanks.

They were however, unbalanced. Already forgotten the genius who couldn't tell a sikh from a muslim?

Or was he just motivated by a fear of people who are different?

Is that fear fed by the simplistic, inaccurate definition of an entire religion, culture, or people by the actions of its misfits? Are all middle class white people sikh-murderers? Are all southern white protestants KKK members? Are all muslims terrorists?
Right next to the part where the taxpayers pay to build airports, the chapel facilities in most of them, maintain ATC facilities, and thousands of other susidies of private businesses..., and just a cuiple of paragraphs from the part that allows the federal government to maintain a large standing army, and/or use that force to invade a soverign country becuse the leader of that country doesn't (any longer....) do what some unelected "policy makers" want him to do.

Be afraid
Really? Where in the constitution does it state that the tax payers are responsible for installing foot washing stations for the exclusive use of Muslins (unless you can show me what other special facilities are built, at taxpayer expense, to satisfy a specific religious belief)? Chapel facilities at airports are non-denominational, airports and ATC facilities benefit of all citizens, not just Muslims.

If you have a problem with your tax dollars maintaining a large standing army and invading sovereign countries then don’t let the door hit you in the arse.

If you think, for one second, that I’m intimidated by your intolerance and hatred of this Christian nation, you’re in for a big surprise!

Are you the smartest representitive of the "religion of peace' they could come up with?
I am not a muslim, or thier representative, just a white, suburban, middle class, Navy veteran from a decidedly red state, who was raised on a small farm and in suburbs in the midwest andhas worked since the day I turned sixteen, with a wife, kids, grandkids, and a dog named Toby.

I am not intolerant of, nor do i hate this nation

To the contrary, I love my country, warts and all

I just am honest enough, and love it, and its people, enough to recognize that she has some.

Religous, cultural and ideological fanaticism is a big one. So is ignorance, of the world, and its cultures and peoples.

I love and cherish the diversity, acceptance, and understanding that make this great country what it is.

I abhor narrow-minded intolerance, especially that born of ignorance, and fertilized by fanatical, simple-minded, sound-byte proclamations by fear-mongering scaredycats.

It is, by design and in fact, not a christian nation, however... Check the constitution... It is a representative republic whose constitution specifically allows everyone to practice thier chosen faith, (mostly... Human sacrifice, polygamy, and a few other exceptions come to mind...)

You brought up federal spending... And the constitution. Simple fact is that taxpayer dollars are spent on thousands of things that benefit only some of the taxpayers. Smoking lounges, handicapped facilities, playgrounds, stadiums, etc., etc., etc. You point out one that may benefit some people that you have decided not to like. BTW... Are non-muslims prohibited from using the facilities? Might be nice on a long day at the old salt mine. BTW, the chapels are of little use to citizens who happen to atheists or agnostics, and are used for actual services conducted by clergy of various religions. Does the constitution provide for taxpayer funding of worship facilities, or not? Or, only for those of who you approve?

The constitution is clear that the federal government may request the states to supply armies in the event of invasion, insurrection, or rebellion.... Not a single mention of invading countries on other continents that not only don't, but can't, threaten the U.S. Also not so much as a suggestion of policing the world, xcpt a specific provision for a Navy to protect U.S. trade, or maintaining 700ish military bases in 140 countries around the world.

Have you ever read it?

I would suggest the Heritage Foundation Guide to the Constitution as a place to start.

Knowledge is power, understanding is strength
I am not a muslim, or thier representative, just a white, suburban, middle class, Navy veteran from a decidedly red state, who was raised on a small farm and in suburbs in the midwest andhas worked since the day I turned sixteen, with a wife, kids, grandkids, and a dog named Toby.

I am not intolerant of, nor do i hate this nation

To the contrary, I love my country, warts and all

I just am honest enough, and love it, and its people, enough to recognize that she has some.

Religous, cultural and ideological fanaticism is a big one. So is ignorance, of the world, and its cultures and peoples.

I love and cherish the diversity, acceptance, and understanding that make this great country what it is.

I abhor narrow-minded intolerance, especially that born of ignorance, and fertilized by fanatical, simple-minded, sound-byte proclamations by fear-mongering scaredycats.

It is, by design and in fact, not a christian nation, however... Check the constitution... It is a representative republic whose constitution specifically allows everyone to practice thier chosen faith, (mostly... Human sacrifice, polygamy, and a few other exceptions come to mind...)

You brought up federal spending... And the constitution. Simple fact is that taxpayer dollars are spent on thousands of things that benefit only some of the taxpayers. Smoking lounges, handicapped facilities, playgrounds, stadiums, etc., etc., etc. You point out one that may benefit some people that you have decided not to like. BTW... Are non-muslims prohibited from using the facilities? Might be nice on a long day at the old salt mine. BTW, the chapels are of little use to citizens who happen to atheists or agnostics, and are used for actual services conducted by clergy of various religions. Does the constitution provide for taxpayer funding of worship facilities, or not? Or, only for those of who you approve?

The constitution is clear that the federal government may request the states to supply armies in the event of invasion, insurrection, or rebellion.... Not a single mention of invading countries on other continents that not only don't, but can't, threaten the U.S. Also not so much as a suggestion of policing the world, xcpt a specific provision for a Navy to protect U.S. trade, or maintaining 700ish military bases in 140 countries around the world.

Have you ever read it?

I would suggest the Heritage Foundation Guide to the Constitution as a place to start.

Knowledge is power, understanding is strength

You have a very distorted and dishonest understanding of the US constitution. Tax dollars are not spent on smoking lounges; handicapped facilities are defined and supported by tax payer under the directive of federal ADA laws for the benefit of all handicapped citizens. Tax payers in local communities pay for playgrounds for use by all citizens and stadiums that are used by all citizens are often funded (not always) in part by state and local tax payers. Non-Muslims are not prohibited from using any of these facilities. If Muslims want foot washing station at their disposal, for the exclusive purpose of satisfying their religious beliefs, let them pay for them, and put them on private property just like every other religious organization.

Tax payers fund chapels at airports because they can be used by all citizens of all religious denominations. Don’t you get that? Atheist and Agonistic citizens have the right not to use the facilities and are under no constitutional obligation to use them. Tax dollars are spent on worship facilities at airports and other public location as long as they provide access to all religious denominations. What’s so hard to understand about that? As far as our constituation is concerned, where does it state that Muslims are exempt from following our constitution?

Foot washing stations were placed in public funded airports for the sole benefit of one religious denomination, Muslims. Yes, as a non-Muslim citizen I have the right to use those facilities to wash my feet, nothing more! If I were ever to use those facilities for something other than foot washing, I could be charged with a hate crime!

[font=Arial']Nice little bumper sticker catch phrase you got there, you need to applies those words of wisdom to your life before you start lecturing me about mine. [/font]
[font=Arial'] [/font]
I am not a muslim, or thier representative, just a white, suburban, middle class, Navy veteran from a decidedly red state, who was raised on a small farm and in suburbs in the midwest andhas worked since the day I turned sixteen, with a wife, kids, grandkids, and a dog named Toby.

I am not intolerant of, nor do i hate this nation

To the contrary, I love my country, warts and all

I just am honest enough, and love it, and its people, enough to recognize that she has some.

Religous, cultural and ideological fanaticism is a big one. So is ignorance, of the world, and its cultures and peoples.

I love and cherish the diversity, acceptance, and understanding that make this great country what it is.

I abhor narrow-minded intolerance, especially that born of ignorance, and fertilized by fanatical, simple-minded, sound-byte proclamations by fear-mongering scaredycats.

It is, by design and in fact, not a christian nation, however... Check the constitution... It is a representative republic whose constitution specifically allows everyone to practice thier chosen faith, (mostly... Human sacrifice, polygamy, and a few other exceptions come to mind...)

You brought up federal spending... And the constitution. Simple fact is that taxpayer dollars are spent on thousands of things that benefit only some of the taxpayers. Smoking lounges, handicapped facilities, playgrounds, stadiums, etc., etc., etc. You point out one that may benefit some people that you have decided not to like. BTW... Are non-muslims prohibited from using the facilities? Might be nice on a long day at the old salt mine. BTW, the chapels are of little use to citizens who happen to atheists or agnostics, and are used for actual services conducted by clergy of various religions. Does the constitution provide for taxpayer funding of worship facilities, or not? Or, only for those of who you approve?

The constitution is clear that the federal government may request the states to supply armies in the event of invasion, insurrection, or rebellion.... Not a single mention of invading countries on other continents that not only don't, but can't, threaten the U.S. Also not so much as a suggestion of policing the world, xcpt a specific provision for a Navy to protect U.S. trade, or maintaining 700ish military bases in 140 countries around the world.

Have you ever read it?

I would suggest the Heritage Foundation Guide to the Constitution as a place to start.

Knowledge is power, understanding is strength

But you and others continually overlook the goal of Islam.
Hey AMOZ, I missed the part in the constitution where tax payers pay to install foot washing stations at airports so Muslims can practice their religious beliefs.

The same place in the COTUS that says the city or state or Fed can erect other religious displays on public land using public funds. Welcome to a slippery slope. Your hypocritical indignation is duly noted.
You have a very distorted and dishonest understanding of the US constitution. (I would say that you do. Really, have you ever read it.?) Tax dollars are not spent on smoking lounges; Yes, they are... handicapped facilities are defined and supported by tax payer under the directive of federal ADA laws for the benefit of all handicapped citizens. Is that in teh Constitution? Tax payers in local communities pay for playgrounds for use by all citizens Often with large amounts of federal funding, 90% in one local case and stadiums that are used by all ctizens I, and many others don't... are often funded (not always) in part by state and local tax payers. Non-Muslims are not prohibited from using any of these facilities. What's that got to do with it? If the Muslims want a foot washing station at their disposal, for the exclusive purpose of satisfying their religious beliefs, let them pay for them, and put them on private property just like every other religious organization. Wrong again... Rememeber those airport chapels?

Tax payers fund chapels at airports because they can be used by all citizens of all religious denominations. The point is. does teh Constitution authorize uing taxpayer $$ to build or maintain any worship facilities... regardless of who may or may not use tehm for what or what not? Don’t you get that? Don't you...? Atheist and Agonistic citizens have the right not to use the facilities and are under no constitutional obligation to use them. Finally, a true statement... but not on point. That would be like me saying that Christians and Jews are under no obligation to use the foot washers. Tax dollars are spent on worship facilities at airports and other public location as long as they provide access to all religious denominations. Again... does teh Constitutuion provide for that? You brought the Constitution into this, not me... What’s so hard to understand about that? Good question? Why are yo having so much trouble with it?As far as our constituation is concerned, where does it state that Muslims are exempt from following our constitution? It doesn't, and they aren't. If you are talking about some minor allowances in state and local laws made for worship practices, others, American Indians for example, are allowed those also. Usually after or based on Supreme Court decisions. Agree or disagree, that process is in the Constitution.

Foot washing stations were placed in public funded airports for the sole benefit of one religious denomination, Muslims. Yes, as a non-Muslim citizen I have the right to use those facilities to wash my feet, nothing more! If I were ever to use those facilities for something other than foot washing, I could be charged with a hate crime! What do you want to use them for? I suspect that if I went in the airport chapel and and started a bonfire to roast marshmallows, I would be charged with a hate crime also... same difference.

Nice little bumper sticker catch phrase you got there, Thanks... is expresses a thought. It does not attempt to be a policy on a complicated matter, nor does it inaccurately sum up the whole of an entire religion/people/culture. There is a difference. you need to applies those words of wisdom to your life I do.. I read. I study. I can even spell constituation Constitution. I am not a constitutional scholar, but I have read it enough, and studied it enough, to have a pretty good idea what is in it. I am humble enough to go back and look it up, from several sources if necessary. before you start lecturing me about mine. I am not lecturing you about your life. I am calling you out on your use of the Constitution as argument for your statements on this topic..

Point is, the Constitution does not provide for a lot of things that "we" accept as "normal". Taxpayer funding for about a gazillion things that we have become used to, the maintenance of a large standing armed force, other than the Navy, most provisions of the so-called "Patriot Act". etc. There are plenty of others. That is mostly a different discussion, until you brought it up here.


Get the book...


Not all of it is easy, it's a difficult subject, but it is worthwhile.

No, the Heritage foundation is not some elitist liberal whatever. In fact, it is a very conservative organization, and one of the original supporters of the Individual Mandate to purchase health insurance. Romney got that idea from them.

I hope it is ok with you that I copy and pasted that link...
Regarding smoking lounges. DFW is a city owned and run airport. As a result any facilities on DFW property are/were tax supported. So, do you want to try again on who/what paid for the building/maintenance of the smoking lounges in DFW airport?
The fundamental goals of Islam are:
  1. Preservation of the religion of Islam.
  2. Preservation of life.
  3. Preservation of wealth.
  4. Preservation of mind.
  5. Preservation of the lineage.
  6. Preservation of honor.
Terrorists have said that the goal of Islam is "world domination", "kill al infidels", etc. Those terrorists do not define all of Islam. They learned from men with distorted intrepretations fo thier own faith. Just as the Nazis and the KKK did, and teh white supremacists and other fringe groups do still. They, and thier distorted view, do nt represent the whole, in either case. That's why we call them "fringe" groups, "radical", etc.

What is the goal for True Christians?


Please remember that the only reliable source for information about Christians' future is the Holy Bible. God inspired the Bible, and its prophecies are absolutely working out, even today! Ideas about "floating off to heaven" are simply not taught by your Bible! Those ideas give a false picture of what Jesus Christ preached, and a false picture of the genuine Christian "calling"—and of the entire purpose of Christianity! For Jesus Christ came preaching "the Gospel of the Kingdom of God" (Mark 1:14). Matthew's gospel sometimes calls this the "Kingdom of heaven"—not the Kingdom "in" heaven. The Bank of Morgan is not "in" Mr. Morgan! Rather, the word of indicates the one who owns or controls it. Heaven is the place of God's throne, from which He rules His Kingdom!
The early Christians all understood this very clearly—as we see from dozens of statements in the gospels about preparing for the coming Kingdom of God. We also see this in the book of Acts and the writings of the Apostle Paul. Although—as many scholars recognize—many of the first Christians were expecting Jesus Christ to kick out the Roman occupiers and set up His "Kingdom," or government, right then, Jesus showed that it was not to be done at that time. Yet He never said that His Kingdom was not to be a literal Kingdom—or government—here on earth.

Pardon teh copy/paste... I thought I would let eth folks speak for themselves...

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