The fundamental goals of Islam are:
- Preservation of the religion of Islam.
- Preservation of life.
- Preservation of wealth.
- Preservation of mind.
- Preservation of the lineage.
- Preservation of honor.
Terrorists have said that the goal of Islam is "world domination", "kill al infidels", etc. Those terrorists do not define all of Islam. They learned from men with distorted intrepretations fo thier own faith. Just as the Nazis and the KKK did, and teh white supremacists and other fringe groups do still. They, and thier distorted view, do nt represent the whole, in either case. That's why we call them "fringe" groups, "radical", etc.
What is the goal for True Christians?
Please remember that the only reliable source for information about Christians' future is the Holy Bible. God inspired the Bible, and its prophecies are absolutely working out, even today! Ideas about "floating off to heaven" are simply not taught by your Bible! Those ideas give a false picture of what Jesus Christ preached, and a false picture of the genuine Christian "calling"—and of the entire purpose of Christianity! For Jesus Christ came preaching "the Gospel of the Kingdom of God" (Mark 1:14). Matthew's gospel sometimes calls this the "Kingdom of heaven"—not the Kingdom "in" heaven. The Bank of Morgan is not "in" Mr. Morgan! Rather, the word of indicates the one who owns or controls it. Heaven is the place of God's throne, from which He rules His Kingdom!
The early Christians all understood this very clearly—as we see from dozens of statements in the gospels about preparing for the coming Kingdom of God. We also see this in the book of Acts and the writings of the Apostle Paul. Although—as many scholars recognize—many of the first Christians were expecting Jesus Christ to kick out the Roman occupiers and set up His "Kingdom," or government, right then, Jesus showed that it was not to be done at that time. Yet He never said that His Kingdom was not to be a literal Kingdom—or government—here on earth.
Pardon teh copy/paste... I thought I would let eth folks speak for themselves...